I'm trying to execute a raw query like this:
"WITH RECURSIVE recursetree(id, parent_id) AS (\n" +
"SELECT id, parent_g_id FROM group WHERE parent_g_id = 2\n" +
"UNION\n" +
" SELECT t.id, t.parent_g_id\n" +
" FROM group t\n" +
" JOIN recursetree rt ON rt.id = t.parent_g_id\n" +
" )\n" +
"SELECT * FROM recursetree;").getResultList();
On the Postgres side (via PGAdmin) it works fine, but from Java it get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
What do I do wrong? How to execute a really raw query on Postgres from a Java EE environment?
My native query -
interface PodcastRepository: JpaRepository<Podcast, Long> {
#Query(value = "SELECT new com.krtkush.sample.modules.podcast.models.PodcastDTO" +
"(p.id, p.author, p.title, p.description c.name, c2.name) " +
"AS sub_category_name FROM podcasts p " +
"LEFT JOIN categories c ON p.podcast_category_id = c.category_id " +
"LEFT JOIN categories c2 ON p.podcast_subcategory_id = c2.category_id " +
"WHERE p.podcast_owner = :ownerId", nativeQuery = true)
fun getPodcastsByOwner(#Param("ownerId")owner: Long): List<PodcastDTO>
However, when I execute the function I get the following error -
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near "." Position: 15
position 15 is . after SELECT new com
I'm following this tutorial - https://smarterco.de/spring-data-jpa-query-result-to-dto/
The difference is that I'm using SQL rather than JPQL.
I have the following Postgres SQL query, in order to get alerts with the latest date:
SELECT latest_alerts.subject_id,
FROM (SELECT subject_id,
Max(date) AS maxdate
FROM alert
WHERE subject_id IN ( 'da157532-8de5-4c0c-8608-d924e670d5db', '63b99886-77c8-4784-b8f0-7ff5310f1272' )
AND alertconfiguration_id_id IN (
GROUP BY subject_id,
alert_level) AS latest_alerts
ON alert.date = latest_alerts.maxdate
AND alert.subject_id = latest_alerts.subject_id
AND alert.alertconfiguration_id_id =
AND alert.alert_level IN ( 'WARNING' )
ORDER BY latest_alerts.maxdate DESC;
This runs well on the postgres database generated by Hibernate. Note the odd id_id construction is because of an embedded key.
But I'm struggling to transform this into a JPA/JPQL query that I can use in a Spring Boot application. So far I have this:
#Query("SELECT" +
" latest_alerts.subject," +
" latest_alerts.alertConfiguration," +
" latest_alerts.alertLevel," +
" latest_alerts.max_date" +
"FROM" +
" (SELECT" +
" subject," +
" alertConfiguration," +
" alertLevel," +
" MAX(date) AS max_date" +
" FROM" +
" alert" +
" WHERE" +
" subject.id IN (:subjectIds) AND alertConfiguration.id.id IN (:alertConfigurationIds)" +
" subject, alertConfiguration, alertLevel) AS latest_alerts" +
" alert" +
" ON" +
" alert.date = latest_alerts.max_date" +
" AND alert.subject = latest_alerts.subject" +
" AND alert.alertConfiguration = latest_alerts.alertConfiguration" +
" AND alert.alertlevel IN (:alertLevels)" +
" ORDER BY latest_alerts.date DESC")
Page<Alert> findLatest(#Param("subjectIds") List<UUID> subjectIds,
#Param("alertConfigurationIds") List<UUID> alertConfigurationIds,
#Param("alertLevels") List<AlertLevel> alertLevels,
Pageable pageable);
But Hibernate doesn't understand what to do with this to the point where it actually throws a nullpointer while parsing this query.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Validation failed for query for method public abstract org.springframework.data.domain.Page ournamespace.sense.repository.AlertRepository.findLatest(java.util.List,java.util.List,java.util.List,org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable)!
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.SimpleJpaQuery.validateQuery(SimpleJpaQuery.java:93)
at org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.query.SimpleJpaQuery.<init>(SimpleJpaQuery.java:63)
... many more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlBaseParser.identPrimary(HqlBaseParser.java:4355)
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlBaseParser.primaryExpression(HqlBaseParser.java:993)
at org.hibernate.hql.internal.antlr.HqlBaseParser.atom(HqlBaseParser.java:3549)
Any idea if this kind of query is even possible? With a nullpointer thrown by Hibernate it's a bit hard to see what part of the query is the problem.
Cannot do it with Hibernate. From the documentation:
Note that HQL subqueries can occur only in the select or where
But you can use native query:
value = "SELECT latest_alerts.subject_id,
latest_alerts.maxdate ...
FROM ...",
nativeQuery = true)
Page<Alert> findLatest(#Param("subjectIds") List<UUID> subjectIds,
#Param("alertConfigurationIds") List<UUID> alertConfigurationIds,
#Param("alertLevels") List<AlertLevel> alertLevels,
Pageable pageable);
I am facing strange issue with raw SQLs, and I need some help to figure out the best way to fix it. I could, of course, add the columnMappings, but I want to make sure it's not because I am doing something wrong.
Play Framework APP
Ebeans ORM
Postgresql 9.,4
Executing the following RawSQL against a Postgresql database fails if I don't define columnMappings, although I have an alias defined:
String sql
= " Select date_trunc('day', end_time) as theDate, "
+ " count(*) as value "
+ " From ebay_item "
+ " group by date_trunc('day', end_time) ";
RawSql rawSql =
016-03-25 12:05:15,303 ERROR m.c.a.e.s.p.SimpleDBPromiseService - Error executing named query
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: Property [dateTrunc('day'] not found on models.com.abiesolano.ebay.sqlpojos.RangedDateCounter
If I switch to an H2 database:
String sql
= " SELECT trunc(end_time) as theDate, "
+ " count(*) as value "
+ " From ebay_item "
+ " Group by trunc(end_time)";
RawSql rawSql =
it works no problems.
Any suggestion would be really appreciated.
I don't think mysql likes to group or order by functions, you should use your alias "theDate" instead.
Note that if you're mapping to a bean object, the alias must be a #Transient property of your bean to be mapped by Ebean (otherwise, you'll get an unknown property error).
I'm getting an exception error saying missing operators can anyone help
string sql = "Select SalesPerson.Name, Item.Description, Orders.Quantity, Orders.OrderDate"
+ "From([Orders]"
+ "Inner Join[SalesPerson] On Orders.SalesPersonID=SalesPerson.SalesPersonID)"
+ "Inner Join[Item] On Orders.ItemNumber=Item.ItemNumber"
+ "Where Orders.CustomerID=#customer Order by Orders.OrderDate DESC";
You need to add some spaces at the end of each of your lines of SQL!
string sql = "SELECT SalesPerson.Name, Item.Description, Orders.Quantity, Orders.OrderDate "
+ "FROM [Orders] "
+ "INNER JOIN [SalesPerson] ON Orders.SalesPersonID = SalesPerson.SalesPersonID "
+ "INNER JOIN [Item] ON Orders.ItemNumber = Item.ItemNumber "
+ "WHERE Orders.CustomerID = #customer "
+ "ORDER BY Orders.OrderDate DESC";
Otherwise, your SQL ends up being
Select ..... Orders.OrderDateFROM([Orders]Inner Join[SalesPerson] .....
and so on - and that's just not valid SQL.
I also removed some unnecessary parenthesis around the JOIN operators - those are only needed for MS Access, but since you're saying you're using ADO.NET, I assume this is not for MS Access and therefore, those parenthesis are not needed
I have the following query which works nice when running directly against DB2:
String sql =
"select slutt_dato + 1 day as tDato from klv80201 " +
"union " +
"select fra_dato as tDato from klv12101 where avtalenr = :avtalenr and kundenr = :kundenr " +
"union " +
"select fra_dato as tDato from klv12401 where avtalenr = :avtalenr and kundenr = :kundenr and MEDLEMSTATU < '32' " +
"order by tDato desc fetch first 1 rows only;";
But when I run it through a test with H2 as database with the following configuration:
I get the following error message:
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "SLUTT_DATO" not found; SQL
statement: select slutt_dato + 1 day as tDato from klv80201 union
select fra_dato as tDato from klv12101 where avtalenr = ? and kundenr
= ? union select fra_dato as tDato from klv12401 where avtalenr = ? and kundenr = ? and MEDLEMSTATU < '32' order by tDato desc fetch first
1 rows only; [42122-149]
If I remove the "+1 day" the query works nice in H2. The error message from the H2 JDBC driver is wrong, column "SLUTT_DATO" does exist and works nice when removing "+1 day".
Any good suggestions why H2 acts like it does? Is it a bug or is it me that misunderstands something?
Thanks in advance
H2 doesn't understand + 1 day and gets confused here. This will work however:
"select slutt_dato + 1 as tDato from klv80201 "
But I'm afraid this will no work for IBM DB2... I don't think there is an easy solution to this problem that works on both IBM DB2 and H2.