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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm wondering if there's any service which I can use to convert crypto to fiat and make a withdrawal, e.g. someone puts USDT in a wallet that I create and automatically I convert it to USD and make a withdrawal to a bank account X, something like BinanceUS or Coinbase that you can do the Withdraw in USD.
I think I didn’t explain myself well, what I mean is, for example, you as a client want to pay a business with cryptocurrency but said business doesn’t accept that type of payments, so I as an intermediary accept the payment in cryptocurrency, I convert it to USD and I pay the merchant in USD, that is, it’s not for me personally to make the withdrawal.
Binance provides such services through their withdrawal service. You can access it by going to wallet > fiat and spot > withdraw. Read more about it here. You can put your funds to a Binance wallet and withdraw. This can be used to withdraw the money to a business’s bank account and the process could be automated with the withdrawal api of Binance.
There are also crypto exchange offices all over the world. You can search if there are crypto exchanges near by and pull of your transaction there. Note that these exchanges usually take commission which could be large but it varies from place to place.
An alternative way would be to use crypto ATMs which let you to convert your crypto to fiat in place. You can check for near by ATMs using
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I always used to in-app virtual goods or subscriptions, but my client wants to sell real products as toy art. Someone could tell me how it works?
I sell real products through my application? How would I do this using in-app or pay pal? The apple approve.
In app purchase is just for the content in the app, bonus levels, virtual coins and subscribes. Of course you can sell real world items in your app, Apple accepts this kind of app, but remember you can not use Apple's in app purchase to charge users. Your must turn to other payment method, like Paypal or credit card.
Because it is something related sensitivity data (for money, you know). So maybe you have to supply your own use term and assurance to make your users trust you.
If you plan to use Paypal to implement the payment, you might want to see the Paypal's iOS SDK.
Apple doesn't allow selling real-world products by in-app purchases.
Here you have guide from Apple. Check pages 3 and 6.
If it comes to the second part of the question, you can redirect a user to prepared site to finish transaction as long as it's not stuff for the app. More about this you can find here.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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My site which have premium content should grant access to privileged users. These users should be assigned into privileged group only when they send sms to some number. How can I collect money from these user sms on my paypal account.
I have premium content and paypal account. Already spend too much time looking for decent explanation of this approach, but I didnt find any useful tutorial.
So, please share some links or thoughts which explains what steps I should complete in order to set this like explained above.
SMS transactions are suitable if you offer services or content at a very low price, bellow dolar and up to 10$, otherwise it makes no sense. You should consider to remove user membership based on this payment, mainly for reason that this method of payment is used for anonymous users.
Google is your friend, some better investigation and right keywords and you should find answers.
Hope this helps, good luck.
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Closed 12 years ago.
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As we are developing an iPhone app for a customer and he wants to charge for that app, we are wondering if it is possible to have multiple bank accounts in iTunes connect to have the revenues directly on the customers bank account. Whats the best practise for that?
Many thanks in advance
It sounds like you want to distribute the app yourself on the store, rather than having the customer do it. As someone who does this kind of work himself, I can tell you that this is just silliness. Your customer should be sending you the certificates for you to sign the app, you send him the app for submission, etc. Never put this up under your account, really.
EDIT: You should tell your customer that he needs his own developer account, then guide him through getting you the certificates you need.
You need to set up another developer account in that case.
I'm not sure if you mean multiple accounts for the customer to be charged at or multiple accounts for your developer to receive their payments at.
If it is the former that sounds impossible to me (your payment is through Apple as a mediator, you should have no knowledge of customer payment methods).
If it is the latter, couldn't you either a) make a different account per app or b) talk to Apple support about this as it is a billing question?
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Most of my clients require donation and shopping cart integration into their websites. I have always used PayPal to run the transactions, but PayPal is a nightmare to work with. I'm looking for an alternative company to handle the credit card processing.
I had looked into Amazon FPS, then realized that it requires an Amazon account in order to process the transaction, which I cannot do. Seems like my only option is Google Checkout. Is it solid? I've read some horror stories of random account closures.
Your thoughts would be helpful as I make this decision. I am looking for ease of API integration, no requirements for the users other than valid credit-card information, and low transaction fees.
I've written modules to work with point Link Point and is far superior in consistency, logical response values, and had much better documentation.
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Closed 10 years ago.
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My current online shop use PayPal express checkout (for credit card too) to charge users.
Our surveys (and A/B testing) showed that they are willing to make am order in a fewer step and without going to Paypal website.
We are based in Hong Kong so Website Payment Pro with DirectPayment can't be used.
Do you any other solution that could fit (i.e same level of pricing) our needs.
Small transactions (< 100 USD), need to fully integrate the solution within our shop for credit card (no redirection to another website)?
We will probably keep paypal as a backup solution for customers without credit cards.
Since PayPal indeed does not offer WPP in Hong Kong, I see just three options:
Open a business in US/UK/Canada where WPP is available;
Use a standard credit card payment provider, not PayPal;
Keep using WPS.
I'm afraid that none of these are the same level of pricing and benefits though. :(
I wonder if you have the same problems with Google Checkout.
Take a look on: