HUAWEI Push - Error - No permission to send message to these tmIDs - huawei-mobile-services

I have sent push notification through php code, sometimes the response is success and sometime fail as follow:
{"code":"80300002","msg":"No permission to send message to these
any help for that , to know what is the problem ?

If HMS Core Push SDK 2.0 is integrated, remove the backslash () from the escape character in the access token and then encode the token using UrlEncode.
Check whether the token of the user is the same as that of the app.
Check the value of msg type.
a) If the value is 1 or 3, the message can be sent.
b) If the value is 2, the message can be sent.
Check whether there are errors in the body of the message sent.
Test the message push function in AppGallery Connect. If the test is successful, an error occurs when you call the API.
In the multi-sender scenario, check the API prototype.


Huawei push API throws error saying token count is wrong in postman

Using push API continuously returns token count should within 1 and 1,000. Please find the API error in the screenshot.
The possible causes of this problem is, you have placed the “token” attribute in wrong place.
Please keep your “token” attribute within the “message” object,.
enter image description here
For details, check the following documents:
Your token is outside the message body, "token", "android" should be within the message body.
Please check the sample code here
Also, if you want to use more tokens (>1000), the best method is to invoke the API using App server and send messages in batches.

return null notificationId in NotificationHub

I use Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs in VS2017. when I try to send a notification by SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync method this doesn't return notificationId, this is null. I have the Standard pricing for Notification Hub
enter image description here
Are you using Test Send by any chance? Please note that NotificationId is returned NULL while doing a test send. This is because you can get the result of Send operation in the output of Send* method itself. NotificationOutcome.Results property will have list of registrations this Send* was sent to. (Note that test sends are only meant for troubleshooting purposes and they target a maximum of 10 devices. Read through the above post for more info).
I worked with REST API I did a simple test and it worked correctly Send an APNS Native Notification, azure-notificationhubs here I found everything necessary for my problem

Twilio Recording Ongoing call

I have to achieve below functionality using twilio recording and gathering API. I am struggling to achieve the exact goal can any one please help.
Steps :
1 - Agent will be on an existing call with customer.
2 - Agent dial twilio number for recording twilio should ask verification code.
3 - Agent will merge the existing call with twilio call.
4 - Agent will enter verification code.
5 - Twilio should accept call if verification code is valid and start recording existing merge call.
6 - Agent will stop call as soon as agent stops/disconnects call recording will be received by callback from twilio.
I am trying to initiate call using twilio call forward with security code when there is ongoing call between two cells.. e.g. I am dialing +91976693XXXX from my cell +91866835XXXX and we both on call.. Then we are dialing the twilio number "+1 813-501-XXXX " added webhook which returning the response Twiml :
<Gather action='' numDigits='4'>
<Say>Please enter valid pin.</Say>
</Response> on Action page if pin is correct i am sending response Twiml to initiate call : <Response>
<Dial record='record-from-ringing-dual' recordingStatusCallback=''><Number>+91976693XXXX</Number></Dial>
All is working fine if i enter pin and then merge the call. But if i merge call first and then trying to enter pin then is not forwarding pin to action page. Please help to resolve the issue. Thank you

how to use setwebhook in telegram?

Hello I'm creating a bot in telegram. I send a http request:
and I receive this:
{"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"}
but It doesn't work.I mean telegram doesn't send updates to the server.
Is this because I didn't upload my certificate?how should I do that then?
Check the status of your updates here:
It will tell you about any errors. Should you not see any problems here the issue is to be found somewhere in your script. Make sure to handle incoming updates correctly.
It might be a problem with self-signed certificate. It needs to be uploaded via setWebhook method first as described here. Or try a more extensive guide here.
It's means what your public key incorrect.
You may check it by url{token}/getWebhookInfo
after setting
When i sent incorrect public key - i receive
but if i sent correct public key, i receive:
{"ok":true,"result":{"url":"","has_custom_certificate":true,"pending_update_count":6,"last_error_date":1506772578,"last_error_message":"SSL error {337047686, error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed}","max_connections":40}}
I changed the setwebhook url to a and it seems that it doesn't work with a wabepage url. ' (the WebMethod)
BotFather -> Bot list -> API Token -> Revoke current token token)/setWebhook?url=https://myweb...

Login and Registration error 3840

I'm following along on this tutorial and got to the part where you implement the login and registration through Objective-c. Every time I press register or login I receive an error saying "The operation couldn't be completed. (cocoa error 3840). Also I'm not getting an error back in xcode. Help please
I just checked the mysql database and it inserts a user id but no text into username and password field
This error can occur when the program encounters invalid JSON in the response. To determine if the JSON response is valid, use a tool like HTTPSnoop to examine the output of the PHP script.