how to use setwebhook in telegram? - certificate

Hello I'm creating a bot in telegram. I send a http request:
and I receive this:
{"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"}
but It doesn't work.I mean telegram doesn't send updates to the server.
Is this because I didn't upload my certificate?how should I do that then?

Check the status of your updates here:
It will tell you about any errors. Should you not see any problems here the issue is to be found somewhere in your script. Make sure to handle incoming updates correctly.
It might be a problem with self-signed certificate. It needs to be uploaded via setWebhook method first as described here. Or try a more extensive guide here.

It's means what your public key incorrect.
You may check it by url{token}/getWebhookInfo
after setting
When i sent incorrect public key - i receive
but if i sent correct public key, i receive:
{"ok":true,"result":{"url":"","has_custom_certificate":true,"pending_update_count":6,"last_error_date":1506772578,"last_error_message":"SSL error {337047686, error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed}","max_connections":40}}

I changed the setwebhook url to a and it seems that it doesn't work with a wabepage url. ' (the WebMethod)

BotFather -> Bot list -> API Token -> Revoke current token token)/setWebhook?url=https://myweb...


Huawei push API throws error saying token count is wrong in postman

Using push API continuously returns token count should within 1 and 1,000. Please find the API error in the screenshot.
The possible causes of this problem is, you have placed the “token” attribute in wrong place.
Please keep your “token” attribute within the “message” object,.
enter image description here
For details, check the following documents:
Your token is outside the message body, "token", "android" should be within the message body.
Please check the sample code here
Also, if you want to use more tokens (>1000), the best method is to invoke the API using App server and send messages in batches.

flask-jwt-extended - Catch raise RevokedTokenError('Token has been revoked')

I already tried reading the documents as well try out the changing default behaviors to handle the error (the link shows how to handle expired token) and search around in google everything in every keyword combination i could do but seems no one has example about this.
I tried using #jwt.revoked_token_loader to handle the RevokedTokenError but it seems it doesn't work as I applied it like this
def revoked_token_response(revoked_token):
jwtkn = revoked_token['jti']
return jsonsify({
'msg': 'token {} already been revoked!'.format(jwtkn)
)}, 401
actually, i don't know exactly how does the example on the link to handle expired tokens had parameter of 'expired_token', is that self-declaration like what I did above on the 'revoked_token'?? as far as I know, 'jti' is like a default value in the flask-jwt-extended package as I see error whenever I don't use this (in my db, it is different but there is no problem at all.
I tried following this tutorial and it works out fine on my side (as well his original code source) but I see that this one doesn't have a catch exception also on Revoke Tokens
I use postman and if based on the tutorial link, here's how i get this
i do login
i use the access token generated to access protected routes ('/secrets')
i do logout
i use again the access token generated to access protected routes
after the last one, i get this error on my server side (ide):
....flask_jwt_extended\", line 216, in verify_token_not_blacklisted
raise RevokedTokenError('Token has been revoked')
flask_jwt_extended.exceptions.RevokedTokenError: Token has been revoked -- [02/Jul/2019 22:25:26] "GET /secrets HTTP/1.1" 500 -
in postman, this is what I get:
'message': 'Internal Server Error'
my target is to send out a custom json response instead of 'Internal Server Error'
I am no wiz on programming or such, a beginner that wanted to practice out python about secured web development. I don't yet quite understand still how decorator works out in terms of application, etc. so i don't know if others tweaks out the flask-jwt-extended package to work such things out.
Getting back a 500 error normally occurs because of a bug in other flask extensions and how that interact with native flask errorhandlers. You can find a bunch of discussions about it here (, but the tl;dr version is you might need to set app.config['PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS'] = True if using something like Flask-Restul, or use a hack like this if using flask-restplus:
jwt = JWTManager(app)
api = Api()
If those don't help you, please take a look through that linked github issue, and if nothing in there helps make a reply in that issue detailing your setup.

return null notificationId in NotificationHub

I use Microsoft.Azure.NotificationHubs in VS2017. when I try to send a notification by SendAppleNativeNotificationAsync method this doesn't return notificationId, this is null. I have the Standard pricing for Notification Hub
enter image description here
Are you using Test Send by any chance? Please note that NotificationId is returned NULL while doing a test send. This is because you can get the result of Send operation in the output of Send* method itself. NotificationOutcome.Results property will have list of registrations this Send* was sent to. (Note that test sends are only meant for troubleshooting purposes and they target a maximum of 10 devices. Read through the above post for more info).
I worked with REST API I did a simple test and it worked correctly Send an APNS Native Notification, azure-notificationhubs here I found everything necessary for my problem

error: Failed to run the post merge process

I'm trying to generate documents using conga composer 8 from apex code but its failing with error Failed to run the post-merge process. I have looked into url and its same as the one I used initially in another salesforce org. I couldn't find any help online or on conga-composer form.
Here is my conga endpoint URL: sessionId=00D41000000dorw!ARQAQKbinH5TXMR_70s3XCShQh5GuSVdrFcq0Fg9OidZLo9MLxzWSby8QY1B4xM8e72DPawVziclnXBjTzpG41RiCAPKQqOt
&ESRecipient3=003410000078zVhAAI, Method=GET]
Any insight what might be causing this issue.
I had the same problem and was able to solve it using permissions. In this case make sure the user id whose sessionID is passing to Conga has the correct CRUD access to the primary object in your conga call (id=a1J410000012BwS). My guess is that this is something to do with Conga not being able to write the attachment back to salesforce.
Apart from what Greg has mentioned, there are 2 more observations for this error:
Under Email Administration -> Deliverability -> Access to Send Email (All Email Services) should be set to All email.
In case you are using the EmailTemplateId parameter then the classic email template must be available for use.
Also mostly this error is also because of some discrepancy in the URL.

Real-time updates Facebook app subscription issue

I have been trying to subscribe to real-time updates for the past week and I have been unsuccessful.
When I do the HTTP post (using rest-client) to URL:<app-id>/subscriptions
...I get this error message as response:
{"error":{"message":"(#100) The parameter object is required","type":"OAuthException"}}
My header parameters were as follows:
verify_token=(app secret key)
I'm not able to find where I'm going wrong.
Somebody please kindly guide/help me figure my mistake.
The below link was used as a reference.
Thanks you for your time in advance.
You need to send your request to and not - although that might be an error in your question and not your code!
EDIT: I just checked the markup for your question and you do have appid in the URL, it just wasn't displaying properly
How are you getting the access token? You must use an application access token and not a user access token, i.e. retrieve the access token from<APP_ID>&client_secret=<APP_SECRET>&grant_type=client_credentials is the official documentation, that might be more up to date than the link you've been using.