How to pull ad insights in bulk using Facebook Graph API? - rest

I am trying to do what I thought would be a very simple task which is to use the Facebook API to retrieve insights about ads, but I'm having so much trouble. I know how to use multiple API calls to retrieve the list of ads, and then retrieve the insights for each ads using an API call for each one.
However, I'm limited at 200 API calls per hour, so this is no good if I wanted to pull all ads from all-time. There is a way to batch call the ad insights using an endpoint like:
act_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ads?fields=insights{cpc, impressions}
But then I am unable to specify the timeframe so it only grabs stats from the past month. Usually I would specify the timeframe with a field of
(or whatever I want the date_preset to be), but in this case if I add it as another field it does not affect the the insights (I presume since they are using those brackets as a special way to pull the bulk insights).
I swear to god if I figure this out I'm releasing it publicly and loudly for free because I think it's ridiculous that this is so roundabout.

Do this: act_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/ads?fields=insights.date_preset(maximum){cpc, impressions} This is called a nested query.


Testing Pagination of Facebook Graph API

I need to test that I can fetch subsequent pages of reviews from facebooks graph API.
The issue I have is that an account can only review a page once, and pagination doesn't kick in til there are over 100 reviews.
Do I really need to create 101 user accounts and have each one of them manually submit a review, just so I can be sure that when real companies use the software I'll be able to fetch the paginated results correctly?
Is there an alternative?
The issue I have is that an account can only review a page once, and pagination doesn't kick in til there are over 100 reviews.
That’s just the default limit for that endpoint - but you can specify a different limit in your initial query (simply via the parameter of the same name, /page/ratings?limit=3)
The prev/next links generated by the API then also use that limit value.
That way, you should be able to test pagination on smaller datasets as well.

How can I search for taggable_friends (FB API) form within my app without using a limit on my request?

I am currently using Facebook's OpenGraph to obtain taggable_friends. By default and as of FB API > 2.1 the request only returns 25 objects. You can add a limit and increase your data response but you have no parameters you can pass. It just doesn't feel right to increase the limit with a hard coded number. So, one of the features of that app is that you can search for taggable_friends and select them. If you return a large limit to obtain (in most cases) all of your friends can take a while. Let's say you only get the first 25 and you search for a person that is in a batch - you don't know where. Since you have no parameters to pass to your request, a searchTerm for your your API call is out of the question.
Has anyone ever done a batch call? Facebook allows for multiple requests using some sort of batch calls. How would that look like in JS code?
I can use my users information to obtain the amount of friends he/she has and set a reasonable limit. That helps in the majority of cases but doesn't solve the problem.
Did someone ever encounter that problem and solved it?

Read all ad campaign from Facebook Marketing API

I'm using Facebook Marketing API to get ad campaingn from Facebook. I'm getting the data, but the problem is, they are sending the data with pagination. I have the url for the next set of data, so I need to call the Facebook API multiple times. I can set the data limit in the request to a huge number so that I can get all the data at a time.
Is there any other option to get all the data?
I tried with until & since parameter and sending the timestamp of current time & 0, but it didn't worked.
So is there any other way out?
Paging through the data is the way to go. There is no alternative.
There are indeed different ways to use paging, one of which would be to use the next/previous links provided in a response. Another way is to use so-called Cursor-Based Pagination, where you construct your own next/previous links using a provided cursor tokens. This is documented here.
Please not that you can indeed change the requested limit to some huge number, but Facebook's API may silently reduce that number to whatever it thinks is sensible, or it may return an error saying that you requested too much data. Summarized, this means you will need to use paging.

Facebook GraphAPI Reduce amount of data with limit

So I'm struggling to find where this is documented (if at all), but I'm getting the following error message when requesting data from the FB GraphAPI.
"Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request"
The call I'm making is:
If I change it to:
It returns 100 items.
Why would it work for one user, and not the other?
Both requests are authenticated via an access token (not belonging to either user) and I get the same error whether running it from my code, or the Facebook Graph API console of
The response from CBroe is correct. Facebook returns this error if it finds that too many internal resources are needed to respond to your request.
Therefore you have to do what the response says: limit it.
This can be done in (afaik) 2 ways:
Use the limit parameter and reduce the amount of responses you expect from the API
Provide a timeframe (using since and / or until) to fetch only data (posts / videos) for a specific timeframe.
We had the same issue as you, but with retrieving videos from a page. Unfortunately using the limit parameter did not work, even when I set it to limit=1. But by using the since / until parameters we finally got results.
Therefore I suggest to implement a timeframe in order to reduce the amount of data, or alternatively, split the amount of requests you make. e.g. if you want all posts from the past 3 months and run into the mentioned error: split your requests in half using since and until. If that still does not work: keep splitting...
=> Divide and conquer ;)
Hope it helps,
KR, ebbmo
Recent bug filed on FB talks about the same error. They seem to accept that this could be a bug, but not much other information forthcoming.
There are both app-level and user-level rate limits that are enforced on Graph API calls. In your case, it could be that you've made a large number of calls in a short time with user1.
You can check out this page for more about Facebook's rate limits: (even though the URL refers to the Marketing API, the information also applies to the Graph API.)

Migrating Ads call from Legacy REST API to Graph API

In the past, I was using the legacy REST ads.getAdsGroup call which allowed filtering on an accountId, campaignIds, and adGroupIds all in a single call.
I've been staring at the Graph API documentation for the Ad group object and don't see an equivalent call to achieve all of the filtering in a single call.
Am I missing something obvious or do I need to figure out how to make multiple calls to the Graph API to achieve the same goal?
In short no, but here are the calls you'd use for each type of filtering (not sure if you already have discovered this or not, but here goes anyway.)
You can get multiple adgroups by id using the syntax:<adgroup_id1, adgroup_id2, ...>
You can get adgroups by campaign by using the syntax:<campaign_id>/adgroups
You can get adgroups by ad account by using the syntax:<ad_account_id>/adgroups