Read all ad campaign from Facebook Marketing API - facebook

I'm using Facebook Marketing API to get ad campaingn from Facebook. I'm getting the data, but the problem is, they are sending the data with pagination. I have the url for the next set of data, so I need to call the Facebook API multiple times. I can set the data limit in the request to a huge number so that I can get all the data at a time.
Is there any other option to get all the data?
I tried with until & since parameter and sending the timestamp of current time & 0, but it didn't worked.
So is there any other way out?

Paging through the data is the way to go. There is no alternative.
There are indeed different ways to use paging, one of which would be to use the next/previous links provided in a response. Another way is to use so-called Cursor-Based Pagination, where you construct your own next/previous links using a provided cursor tokens. This is documented here.
Please not that you can indeed change the requested limit to some huge number, but Facebook's API may silently reduce that number to whatever it thinks is sensible, or it may return an error saying that you requested too much data. Summarized, this means you will need to use paging.


How can I search for taggable_friends (FB API) form within my app without using a limit on my request?

I am currently using Facebook's OpenGraph to obtain taggable_friends. By default and as of FB API > 2.1 the request only returns 25 objects. You can add a limit and increase your data response but you have no parameters you can pass. It just doesn't feel right to increase the limit with a hard coded number. So, one of the features of that app is that you can search for taggable_friends and select them. If you return a large limit to obtain (in most cases) all of your friends can take a while. Let's say you only get the first 25 and you search for a person that is in a batch - you don't know where. Since you have no parameters to pass to your request, a searchTerm for your your API call is out of the question.
Has anyone ever done a batch call? Facebook allows for multiple requests using some sort of batch calls. How would that look like in JS code?
I can use my users information to obtain the amount of friends he/she has and set a reasonable limit. That helps in the majority of cases but doesn't solve the problem.
Did someone ever encounter that problem and solved it?

How to see if a post on a FB page is updated

I am using the graph api to get data about pages and the posts in the pages.
When a post is published, it gets liked, commented upon and shared over time. When I read the data next time how can I get the posts that have those changes alone?
the best way is really to set up a server to receive real time updates. Any other way would mean polling facebook endpoints. At a certain point, a single user access token would be rate limited, and would block you from making a call for a certain amount of time. Also, there would be more work to compare each post to the one you stored to see if anything has changed.
Really the most efficient way is to use real time updates in which you set up an endpoint on your server to receive messages from facebook whenever something on a page (or user) has changed. If cost of keeping a server running is your roadblock, I would recommend to setup a free account in which you can set up a server to handle Facebook's incoming requests and act on that.
I hope that makes sense! More information on realtime updates here:

Facebook GraphAPI Reduce amount of data with limit

So I'm struggling to find where this is documented (if at all), but I'm getting the following error message when requesting data from the FB GraphAPI.
"Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request"
The call I'm making is:
If I change it to:
It returns 100 items.
Why would it work for one user, and not the other?
Both requests are authenticated via an access token (not belonging to either user) and I get the same error whether running it from my code, or the Facebook Graph API console of
The response from CBroe is correct. Facebook returns this error if it finds that too many internal resources are needed to respond to your request.
Therefore you have to do what the response says: limit it.
This can be done in (afaik) 2 ways:
Use the limit parameter and reduce the amount of responses you expect from the API
Provide a timeframe (using since and / or until) to fetch only data (posts / videos) for a specific timeframe.
We had the same issue as you, but with retrieving videos from a page. Unfortunately using the limit parameter did not work, even when I set it to limit=1. But by using the since / until parameters we finally got results.
Therefore I suggest to implement a timeframe in order to reduce the amount of data, or alternatively, split the amount of requests you make. e.g. if you want all posts from the past 3 months and run into the mentioned error: split your requests in half using since and until. If that still does not work: keep splitting...
=> Divide and conquer ;)
Hope it helps,
KR, ebbmo
Recent bug filed on FB talks about the same error. They seem to accept that this could be a bug, but not much other information forthcoming.
There are both app-level and user-level rate limits that are enforced on Graph API calls. In your case, it could be that you've made a large number of calls in a short time with user1.
You can check out this page for more about Facebook's rate limits: (even though the URL refers to the Marketing API, the information also applies to the Graph API.)

Getting number of people who like a page on facebook by city

A question than has been floating around is how to get the list of IDs of people that like a page (here, or here, for instance). From previous answers (and reading the FB API docs...) I am convinced that to be impossible.
However, that is not what I'm after. I don't need the user_ids at all. I just need the number of likes of a page, per city (or some subdivision of a country). There is a field for a Page for the total number of likes, which obviously isn't enough. Insights should provide this, but while page_fans_country works ok as the info is public, page_fans_city returns no results, so I'd need a different way of getting the information.
Is there a query (or set of queries) that would work? Either Graph API or FQL would be fine, at this point.
As to your first statement, I have found that to be correct aswell. My current solution includes, as it has to, external storage.
On to your actual question, it is possible via the Insights API you've found yourself. Rather than moving on from page_fans_city (because it returns no results), you should find the issue. Most likely, you're using a User Access Token without the scope manage_pages, which prevents it from becoming a Page Access token. You should also include read_insights. Read more here. For further information about the object/insights go here.
Hope this helped.

When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them?

What's the difference when using GET or POST method? Which one is more secure? What are (dis)advantages of each of them?
(similar question)
It's not a matter of security. The HTTP protocol defines GET-type requests as being idempotent, while POSTs may have side effects. In plain English, that means that GET is used for viewing something, without changing it, while POST is used for changing something. For example, a search page should use GET, while a form that changes your password should use POST.
Also, note that PHP confuses the concepts a bit. A POST request gets input from the query string and through the request body. A GET request just gets input from the query string. So a POST request is a superset of a GET request; you can use $_GET in a POST request, and it may even make sense to have parameters with the same name in $_POST and $_GET that mean different things.
For example, let's say you have a form for editing an article. The article-id may be in the query string (and, so, available through $_GET['id']), but let's say that you want to change the article-id. The new id may then be present in the request body ($_POST['id']). OK, perhaps that's not the best example, but I hope it illustrates the difference between the two.
When the user enters information in a form and clicks Submit , there are two ways the information can be sent from the browser to the server: in the URL, or within the body of the HTTP request.
The GET method, which was used in the example earlier, appends name/value pairs to the URL. Unfortunately, the length of a URL is limited, so this method only works if there are only a few parameters. The URL could be truncated if the form uses a large number of parameters, or if the parameters contain large amounts of data. Also, parameters passed on the URL are visible in the address field of the browser not the best place for a password to be displayed.
The alternative to the GET method is the POST method. This method packages the name/value pairs inside the body of the HTTP request, which makes for a cleaner URL and imposes no size limitations on the forms output. It is also more secure.
The best answer was the first one.
You are using:
GET when you want to retrieve data (GET DATA).
POST when you want to send data (POST DATA).
There are two common "security" implications to using GET. Since data appears in the URL string its possible someone looking over your shoulder at Address Bar/URL may be able to view something they should not be privy to such as a session cookie that could potentially be used to hijack your session. Keep in mind everyone has camera phones.
The other security implication of GET has to do with GET variables being logged to most web servers access log as part of the requesting URL. Depending on the situation, regulatory climate and general sensitivity of the data this can potentially raise concerns.
Some clients/firewalls/IDS systems may frown upon GET requests containing an excessive amount of data and may therefore provide unreliable results.
POST supports advanced functionality such as support for multi-part binary input used for file uploads to web servers.
POST requires a content-length header which may increase the complexity of an application specific client implementation as the size of data submitted must be known in advance preventing a client request from being formed in an exclusively single-pass incremental mode. Perhaps a minor issue for those choosing to abuse HTTP by using it as an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) transport.
Others have already done a good job in covering the semantic differences and the "when" part of this question.
I use GET when I'm retrieving information from a URL and POST when I'm sending information to a URL.
You should use POST if there is a lot of data, or sort-of sensitive information (really sensitive stuff needs a secure connection as well).
Use GET if you want people to be able to bookmark your page, because all the data is included with the bookmark.
Just be careful of people hitting REFRESH with the GET method, because the data will be sent again every time without warning the user (POST sometimes warns the user about resending data).
This W3C document explains the use of HTTP GET and POST.
I think it is an authoritative source.
The summary is (section 1.3 of the document):
Use GET if the interaction is more like a question (i.e., it is a safe operation such as a query, read operation, or lookup).
Use POST if:
The interaction is more like an order, or
The interaction changes the state of the resource in a way that the
user would perceive (e.g., a subscription to a service), or
The user be held accountable for the results of the interaction.
Get and Post methods have nothing to do with the server technology you are using, it works the same in php, or ruby. GET and POST are part of HTTP protocol.
As mark noted, POST is more secure. POST forms are also not cached by the browser.
POST is also used to transfer large quantities of data.
The reason for using POST when making changes to data:
A web accelerator like Google Web Accelerator will click all (GET) links on a page and cache them. This is very bad if the links make changes to things.
A browser caches GET requests so even if the user clicks the link it may not send a request to the server to execute the change.
To protect your site/application against CSRF you must use POST. To completely secure your app you must then also generate a unique identifier on the server and send that along in the request.
Also, don't put sensitive information in the query string (only option with GET) because it shows up in the address bar, bookmarks and server logs.
Hopefully this explains why people say POST is 'secure'. If you are transmitting sensitive data you must use SSL.
GET and POST are HTTP methods which can achieve similar goals
GET is basically for just getting (retrieving) data, A GET should not have a body, so aside from cookies, the only place to pass info is in the URL and URLs are limited in length , GET is less secure compared to POST because data sent is part of the URL
Never use GET when sending passwords, credit card or other sensitive information!, Data is visible to everyone in the URL, Can be cached data .
GET is harmless when we are reloading or calling back button, it will be book marked, parameters remain in browser history, only ASCII characters allowed.
POST may involve anything, like storing or updating data, or ordering a product, or sending e-mail. POST method has a body.
POST method is secured for passing sensitive and confidential information to server it will not visible in query parameters in URL and parameters are not saved in browser history. There are no restrictions on data length. When we are reloading the browser should alert the user that the data are about to be re-submitted. POST method cannot be bookmarked
All or perhaps most of the answers in this question and in other questions on SO relating to GET and POST are misguided. They are technically correct and they explain the standards correctly, but in practice it's completely different. Let me explain:
GET is considered to be idempotent, but it doesn't have to be. You can pass parameters in a GET to a server script that makes permanent changes to data. Conversely, POST is considered not idempotent, but you can POST to a script that makes no changes to the server. So this is a false dichotomy and irrelevant in practice.
Further, it is a mistake to say that GET cannot harm anything if reloaded - of course it can if the script it calls and the parameters it passes are making a permanent change (like deleting data for example). And so can POST!
Now, we know that POST is (by far) more secure because it doesn't expose the parameters being passed, and it is not cached. Plus you can pass more data with POST and it also gives you a clean, non-confusing URL. And it does everything that GET can do. So it is simply better. At least in production.
So in practice, when should you use GET vs. POST? I use GET during development so I can see and tweak the parameters I am passing. I use it to quickly try different values (to test conditions for example) or even different parameters. I can do that without having to build a form and having to modify it if I need a different set of parameters. I simply edit the URL in my browser as needed.
Once development is done, or at least stable, I switch everything to POST.
If you can think of any technical reason that this is incorrect, I would be very happy to learn.
GET method is use to send the less sensitive data whereas POST method is use to send the sensitive data.
Using the POST method you can send large amount of data compared to GET method.
Data sent by GET method is visible in browser header bar whereas data send by POST method is invisible.
Use GET method if you want to retrieve the resources from URL. You could always see the last page if you hit the back button of your browser, and it could be bookmarked, so it is not as secure as POST method.
Use POST method if you want to 'submit' something to the URL. For example you want to create a google account and you may need to fill in all the detailed information, then you hit 'submit' button (POST method is called here), once you submit successfully, and try to hit back button of your browser, you will get error or a new blank form, instead of last page with filled form.
I find this list pretty helpful
GET requests can be cached
GET requests remain in the browser history
GET requests can be bookmarked
GET requests should (almost) never be used when dealing with sensitive data
GET requests have length restrictions
GET requests should be used only to retrieve data
POST requests are not cached
POST requests do not remain in the browser history
POST requests cannot be bookmarked
POST requests have no restrictions on data length
The GET method:
It is used only for sending 256 character date
When using this method, the information can be seen on the browser
It is the default method used by forms
It is not so secured.
The POST method:
It is used for sending unlimited data.
With this method, the information cannot be seen on the browser
You can explicitly mention the POST method
It is more secured than the GET method
It provides more advanced features