Azure Pipelines maintaining multiple countries / environments - azure-devops

We are planning to implement CI/CD for our project. In summary, our setup is the following:
Code Repository (contains solution and project files)
Config Repository (contains .config files for different countries)
Aside from having multiple environments, we also have instances in multiple countries. Sample below:
Country 1
Country 2
I understand that Azure Release Pipelines can have multiple Stages (Dev, QA, Prod) and Variables that can be used for deployment. Then we can have a 1 Release Pipeline for each country.
What I am having difficulty is the Config Repository. Sometimes, developers may need to update a specific config file for a Country for a specific environment.
The only solution I can think of is trigger a release pipeline with this again, but just to replace the Web.config on IIS in the VM.
However, this is not good, because if developers only update Code Repository, any changes from Config Repository will be overwritten.
Any suggestions on how to automate multiple countries / environments with pipelines?
Thank you

Hi you can use Azure DevOps Environments to target environment strategy (in your case country and Dev/QA/Prod)
Normal practice shouldn't using repository for .config and any settings files.
you can also consider using Secure files for Azure Pipeline or inline script (within your environment deplyonce)
you can start exploring that Azure Pipeline Environment to understand it and YAML and how can it apply to you Multi-Stage YAML.


Azure DevOps single pipeline for multiple projects without multiple azure-pipelines.yml files

We have an Azure DevOps Pipeline defined as a template in a .yml file, and would like to use this to build 100+ projects.
There is zero parameterization to do, and the template essentially just runs against the project repo as-is.
Normally, we would just go into each of those project repos and create an azure-pipelines.yml file and reference the template pipeline, easy.
However, I would like to know if we can avoid creating these azure-pipelines.yml in each of the 100+ project repos. Is there some way to just run the template against 100+ repos, but as separate pipelines?
YAML pipelines are based upon the YAML being stored in the application's repo, as code, alongside the application code. You can pull in templates from other repos, but you can't have one pipeline that is automatically valid for any repo.
Trying to use one template to build 100+ applications without the possibility of pinning the template to a specific version on an application by application basis is setting yourself up for a nightmare at some point in the future, when the template changes in such a way that it's no longer valid for a subset of your 100 applications.

Azure DevOps pipeline deploying to any of selected environments

I have a pipeline that deploys the application. And I have multiple environments where it might be deployed. These deployments are not subsequent. Rather there is several development or test environments where features in development are tested in parallel, and potentially several production environments for different customers with different feature sets. So the advice from Azure DevOps multi-stage pipeline deployment to specific environment to create multi-stage pipeline is not appropriate, as the environments are unrelated.
Obviously, the deployment to any of the environments is exactly the same except for a handful of parameters that can either be derived from the name (like URL) or read from the environment itself.
Also the environments will be created over time, co the fewer steps it takes, the easier – creating a new environment means just creating a Kubernetes namespace, a database and a handful Azure resources, which can all be automated, so I would prefer to have to declare it in as few places as possible.

confusion on Azure DevOps pipelines

I've recently been working on switching from On premise TFS to Azure DevOps, and trying to learn more about the different pipelines and I think I may have had my Build pipeline do too much.
Currently I have my Build Pipeline do
Get Source code from Repo
Run database scripts/deploy dacpacs
Copy files over to virtual machines that have web application set up already
Run unit/integration tests
Publish the test results
I repeat these steps closely multiple times, one for develop branch, one for current and previous release branch.
But if I want to take advantage of the Releases and Deployments areas what would that really get me?
It looks like it would be easier to say yes this code did make it out to this dev/beta environment.
I'm working with ColdFusion code that includes some .NET webservices within the repo, would I have to make an artifact that zips up the repo and then deploys it, or is there a better way to take advantage of the release pipeline?
It's not necessary to make an artifact that zips up the repo and then deploys it. There are several types of tools you might use in your application lifecycle process to produce or store artifacts. For example, you might use version control systems such as Git or TFVC to store your artifacts. You can configure Azure Pipelines to deploy artifacts from multiple sources. Check the following link for more details:

Is is possible to inherit a definition of Azure DevOps Pipeline?

I would like to know if there is a mechanisim in Azure DevOps to reuse a definition for Azure DevOps Pipelines.
In my scenario I defined two Azure DevOps (Build) Pipelines to generate the artifacts of my web app; one for staging the other for production. The build definiton is the same in both cases except for two things:
a variable that set the build configuration for the ASP .NET Core (Staging or Release)
the branch that triggers the build (staging or master)
My goal is to avoid duplicated build definition that should be updated in both whenever somehting is updated in the project.
The build definition are in classic mode (no YAML files).
With classic you can create task groups and reuse those. You can select existing build steps and convert them to a task group and then reuse the task group across builds.
This is covered in the following document.
With yaml files you can use templates.

Release management: How to secure?

I am new to VSTS. I am deploying Azure services using PowerShell using VSTS Release management. Now, On dev environment, everything goes well. I want to deploy to Clients Production Subscription. Client won't allow access to Production subscription to the dev team. In that Case, I have Cloned Dev environment pipeline and named it to Prod.
I am using the config file for each environment.
The client doesn't want to check-in Config file of Prod environment. My Question is How to populate Config file in Prod pipeline? First I thought of to copy Config file directly in Drop Folder ( in VSTS agent VM) but if Developer also has access to a private agent then the config is still in Developers' hand. We can't use multiple agents somehow.
Is there any specific way or VSTS security where we set some access permission?
Is there any location where we can put the file and use it in VSTS?
If somebody doesn't understand question Please ask me I will explain in detail.
We have a similar situation where Developers are not allowed to access prod. To solve the problem, we've created a Dev and Prod project. Developers setup the production project initially, but are denied access entirely now using Azure DevOps security groups. Only our Ops group has access to prod, including the repo that the config files are stored in.
To get things from Dev to Prod, we have a third project for our build engineering team that has scripts to promote artifacts from Dev to Prod. This team is neither Dev nor Ops and the promotion pipelines that we use to promote artifacts require approvals.
Looks like all you need is to create a new git repo and add the file that you would like to use. After that, just add the git repo in any release where you want to use it by adding a new artifact, selecting the git option under "Source type", and selecting the name of your repo in the "Source (repository)" dropdown.
You can use Secure files to manage the config file.