confusion on Azure DevOps pipelines - azure-devops

I've recently been working on switching from On premise TFS to Azure DevOps, and trying to learn more about the different pipelines and I think I may have had my Build pipeline do too much.
Currently I have my Build Pipeline do
Get Source code from Repo
Run database scripts/deploy dacpacs
Copy files over to virtual machines that have web application set up already
Run unit/integration tests
Publish the test results
I repeat these steps closely multiple times, one for develop branch, one for current and previous release branch.
But if I want to take advantage of the Releases and Deployments areas what would that really get me?
It looks like it would be easier to say yes this code did make it out to this dev/beta environment.
I'm working with ColdFusion code that includes some .NET webservices within the repo, would I have to make an artifact that zips up the repo and then deploys it, or is there a better way to take advantage of the release pipeline?

It's not necessary to make an artifact that zips up the repo and then deploys it. There are several types of tools you might use in your application lifecycle process to produce or store artifacts. For example, you might use version control systems such as Git or TFVC to store your artifacts. You can configure Azure Pipelines to deploy artifacts from multiple sources. Check the following link for more details:


How to publish build artifacts to external organisation using Azure DevOps?

I have an ASP web application that I have building in an Azure DevOps Build Pipeline. That is all fine.
I want an external organisation to be able to define their own Azure DevOps Release Pipeline to consume the build artifacts produced by our Build Pipeline. I need the access of that external organisation to be restricted with some sort of credentials (i.e. I don't want the project to be public to everyone). The external organisation should be able to deploy the latest version.
I thought this would be a relatively simple process using only Azure tools (particularly with reference to Feeds), but have tried a number of different approaches based on the documentation but all have failed. I don't want to publish to GitHub - I just want to keep everything inside Azure. I have tried using Universal Packages with Feeds, but the Release Pipeline can only pull a specific version from the feed rather than LATEST.
Does anyone have any recommended approaches I should take?
There is Latest option in the feed of your Release Pipeline:

SonarQube + Azure DevOps + Pipeline as Code - Is it possible?

The company I work on recently purchased SonarQube Enterprise to improve code quality throughout all repositories. I found out that there is a feature that enables SonarQube to comment automatically on PRs targeting a specific branch, and I successfully managed to try that out.
Thing is:
That configuration is not scalable: I would need to manually configure every repo to follow that rule
That configuration needs a build pipeline to be defined "old school" on Azure DevOps to work, and we are moving into Pipeline as Code, starting of course with CI (where this takes place)
Anyone managed to get the PR commenting working in that scenario? Or, at least, solving the #1 problem?
You can use REST APIs to do whatever configuration you need to do across your repositories. Refer to the REST API documentation.
Shouldn't matter, although I haven't tested it. The SonarQube tasks aren't aware of whether the build source is YAML or visual designer/classic/JSON builds. The underlying tasks and job running architecture is the same. As long as the build is hooked up to a branch policy, it should still work.

Is it possible to realease a full set of potentially dependant artifacts (microservices) at once?

Traditionally we have to deliver our applications on the test and pre-production platforms one by one (usually by hand using setups). Applications like the front end javascript SPA UI are linked to backend services and their delivery sometimes goes together.
Each service and each application has its own git repository. (we are using on premise TFS 2018 for now )
Then when it is necessary to go into production, we deliver all of the front end services and applications at once that have been validated at once.
We would like to automate our process but we don't know if Azure Devops is suitable.
From what I understand with Azure Devops, we can make an independent artifact for each microservice and each front end application. We can also deliver them independently.
It seems to me that Azure Devops by default allows you to manage the delivery cycle for a particular microservice but not for an assembly making up a complete system, right?
But is it possible to deliver a set of projects each with a particular version? For that, must all of our projects be in the same solution or the same git repository?
Yes, you can use multiple artifacts from different sources (build artifacts, repositories, package feeds, github, docker hub, Azure Container Registry, ++) within a single pipeline or release definition. That's true for both the classic release definitions and the modern multi-stage pipeline implementation.
For example you can define a pipeline or release definition that consumes a front-end web app from a build artifact sourced from RepoA, a back-end service artifact consumed from a container registry originally from RepoB, and say a script library in the form of a Git artifact from RepoC. From there you could deploy each of those artifacts together, or in parallel stages, in sequence, partially, with approvals, conditionally, etc, all from the same pipeline.
The full configuration as code YAML multi-stage pipelines are still in preview, so there are some workflow orchestrations that are a little tougher to implement. But there is enough feature parity with the classic release definitions that I would default to using multi-stage for any net new needs.

Can I point an Azure Pipelines build at TFS?

We're in the process of moving to Git, but currently our main codebase is on TFS.
We have a small project that needs its own build, but also needs to share a bunch of code that our main codebase uses.
Creating a new CloudBuild queue seems too heavy for this project, so we'd like to create its build in Azure Pipelines, but we're unsure if Pipeline builds support going to TFS.
Is this supported, and what's the best way to set it up?
If you want Azure Pipelines take the code from your internal TFS server so no, is not supported. Azure Pipelines can take TFVC code only if the repository exist in Azure Repos.
Azure Pipelines can take external Git repository, so when you will move to Git you can build your code without any problem even is not stored in Azure Repos.

Automate multiple builds/ releases in Azure DevOps

We have dozens of code repositories in Azure DevOps, and we're working on a major release strategy.
We have a stable development branch called develop, where code has been tested and peer-reviewed, with features approved by QA. All of our service repositories have a similar structure.
We want to "click a button" and branch from develop across all our repositories to a release candidate branch, that QA can regression test as a complete system... basically a "snapshot" of what we expect is ready for release. We would then build from this code base, release to our QA environment from the corresponding builds, and when certified, deploy to production, then smoke test and merge the release candidate branch into master, then master back into develop.
It doesn't seem like there's an easy way to manage multiple builds or releases in Azure DevOps though. Atlassian's Bamboo supported this concept of "meta builds" but I don't see a way to do this in Azure DevOps. I can't seem to even create a build that is not implicitly linked to a single repository.
How can I automate this and get this workflow working in Azure DevOps?
You can use a Build Task from the Marketplace that queue a new build: the first two found are Trigger Build Task and Build Chain.
You defined an overarching build that queues the single ones and does any additional work.