PostgreSQL SELECT only values inside jsonb data - postgresql

I have a postgresql data with values (it is jsonb type column):
SELECT data FROM orders;
"food_id": "1",
"table": "A12",
"food_id": "2",
"table": "A14",
I can easily SELECT by providing data as it is, but how to convert it into simplified ?
My expected result:
SELECT ??? as food_tables FROM orders;
["A12", "A14"]
I personally still did not understand how jsonb_array_elements() works.

If you are using Postgres 12 or later, you can use jsonb_path_query_array()
select jsonb_path_query_array(data, '$[*].table') as food_tables
from orders

You could perform a lateral cross join with the unnested array elements and extract the attributes:
SELECT jsonb_agg(d.elem -> 'table')
FROM orders
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements( AS d(elem)
Use array_agg instead of jsonb_agg if you want a PostgreSQL array.
It is a mistake to model tabular data as a JSON array. Change your data model so that each array element becomes a row in a database table.


Search for string in jsonb values - PostgreSQL

For simplicity, a row of table looks like this:
key: "z06khw1bwi886r18k1m7d66bi67yqlns",
reference_keys: {
"KEY": "1x6t4y",
"CODE": "IT137-521e9204-ABC-TESTE"
"NAME": "A"
I have a jsonb object like this one {"KEY": "1x6t4y", "CODE": "IT137-521e9204-ABC-TESTE", "NAME": "A"} and I want to search for a query in the values of any key. If my query is something like '521e9204' I want it to return the row that reference_keys has '521e9204' in any value. Basicly the keys don't matter for this scenario.
Note: The column reference_keys and so the jsonb object, are always a 1 dimensional array.
I have tried a query like this:
LEFT JOIN jsonb_each_text(table.reference_keys) AS j(k, value) ON true
WHERE j.value LIKE '%521e9204%'
The problem is that it duplicates rows, for every key in the json and it messes up the returned items.
I have also thinked of doing something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT jsonb_object_keys(reference_keys) from table;
and then use a query like:
WHERE reference_keys->>'CODE' like '%521e9204%'
It seems like this would work but I really don't want to rely on this solution.
You can rewrite your JOIN to an EXISTS condition to avoid the duplicates:
FROM the_table t
WHERE EXISTS (select *
from jsonb_each_text(t.reference_keys) AS j(k, value)
WHERE j.value LIKE '%521e9204%');
If you are using Postgres 12 or later, you can also use a JSON path query:
where jsonb_path_exists(reference_keys, 'strict $.** ? (# like_regex "521e9204")')

Querying Postgres SQL JSON Column

I have a json column (json_col) in a postgres database with the following structure:
"event_type":"active with prior experience"
[example of table structure][1]
How can I make a select statement in postgres to return the start_date and end_date with a where statement where "event_type" like "active"?
Attempted Query:
select person_id, json_col#>>'START_DATE' as event_start, json_col#>>'END_DATE' as event_end
from data
where json_col->>'event_type' like '%active%';
Returns empty columns.
Expected Response:
It sounds like you want to unnest your json structure, ignoring the top level keys and just getting the top level values. You can do this with jsonb_each, looking at resulting column named 'value'. You would put the function call in the FROM list as a lateral join (but since it is a function call, you don't need to specify the LATERAL keyword, it is implicit)
select value->>'START_DATE' from data, jsonb_each(json_col)
where value->>'event_type' like '%active%';

How to filter data from postgresql which has jsonb nested field in the array field of jsonb?

i have a table with a jsonb column and documents are like these(simplified)
"a": 1,
"rg": [
"rti": 2
I want to filter all the rows which has 'rg' field and there is at least one 'rti'field in the array.
My current solution is
log->>'rg' ilike '%rti%'
Is there another approach, probably a faster solution exists.
Another approach would be applying jsonb_each to the jsonb object and then jsonb_array_elements_text to the extracted value from jsonb_each method :
select id, js_value2
select (js).value as js_value, jsonb_array_elements_text((js).value) as js_value2,id
select jsonb_each(log) as js, id
from tab
) q
where (js).key = 'rg'
) q2
where js_value2 like '%rti%';

Conditionally do jsonb_array_elements

I have a jsonb column called info that some type have the form of an object: { id: 2 }
and some other types it has the shape of an array: [{ id: 2 }]
I have a query that does this:
CROSS JOIN LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(
Now, if my data set has just arrays in the info column, there is no issue, but if there is one that is not an array, but rather an object, I get the error:
ERROR: cannot extract elements from an object
Is there a way in PostgreSQL for that CROSS JOIN LATERAL to ignore the rows that are not arrays in the info column?
Use the function jsonb_typeof() to eliminate rows with non-array jsonb column:
select *
from (
select *
from users
where jsonb_typeof(info) = 'array'
) s
cross join lateral jsonb_array_elements(info);
Working example in rextester.

PostgreSQL - jsonb_each

I have just started to play around with jsonb on postgres and finding examples hard to find online as it is a relatively new concept.I am trying to use jsonb_each_text to printout a table of keys and values but get a csv's in a single column.
I have the below json saved as as jsonb and using it to test my queries.
"lookup_id": "730fca0c-2984-4d5c-8fab-2a9aa2144534",
"service_type": "XXX",
"metadata": "sampledata2",
"matrix": [
"payment_selection": "type",
"offer_currencies": [
"currency_code": "EUR",
"value": 1220.42
I can gain access to offer_currencies array with
SELECT element -> 'offer_currencies' -> 0
FROM test t, jsonb_array_elements(t.json -> 'matrix') AS element
WHERE element ->> 'payment_selection' = 'type'
which gives a result of "{"value": 1220.42, "currency_code": "EUR"}", so if i run the below query I get (I have to change " for ')
select * from jsonb_each_text('{"value": 1220.42, "currency_code": "EUR"}')
Key | Value
"value" | "1220.42"
"currency_code"| "EUR"
So using the above theory I created this query
SELECT jsonb_each_text(data)
FROM (SELECT element -> 'offer_currencies' -> 0 AS data
FROM test t, jsonb_array_elements(t.json -> 'matrix') AS element
WHERE element ->> 'payment_selection' = 'type') AS dummy;
But this prints csv's in one column
The primary problem here, is that you select the whole row as a column (PostgreSQL allows that). You can fix that with SELECT (jsonb_each_text(data)).* ....
But: don't SELECT set-returning functions, that can often lead to errors (or unexpected results). Instead, use f.ex. LATERAL joins/sub-queries:
select first_currency.*
from test t
, jsonb_array_elements(t.json -> 'matrix') element
, jsonb_each_text(element -> 'offer_currencies' -> 0) first_currency
where element ->> 'payment_selection' = 'type'
Note: function calls in the FROM clause are implicit LATERAL joins (here: CROSS JOINs).
WITH testa AS(
select jsonb_array_elements
(t.json -> 'matrix') -> 'offer_currencies' -> 0 as jsonbcolumn from test t)
SELECT d.key, d.value FROM testa
join jsonb_each_text(testa.jsonbcolumn) d ON true
ORDER BY 1, 2;
tetsa get the temporal jsonb data. Then using lateral join to transform the jsonb data to table format.