How to show Git actions in VSCode Source Control window? - visual-studio-code

I have Git branch and status (pending commits to be pulled/pushed) listed in the top of the the Source Control window of VS Code:
I want to enable this on another PC, but can't figure out which extension or setting enabled this?
Note: The same informations is listed in the bottom blue status bar, but I find the top position more useful.
The VS Code documentation only describes the git status bar actions.
Ironically, the screenshot they post here has the feature set, while the next on posted here doesn't have it.


What does the workplace trust checkbox do in Github Copilot Extension for VS Code?

So I rightclicked on my github copilot on bottom right of my VS code IDE, and saw the Workspace Trust unchecked.
What does this do if checked? And is there any performance improvement expected if checked?
This confused me as well, but it's not a feature of Copilot. You get this menu from clicking on the status bar, and as you see, the GitHub Copilot (Extension) is just one of many items you can add to the status bar.
Activating it will show a lock symbol on the left of the status bar.

Explorer icon showing the git changes count in VS Code

As shown in the below image the Explore icon has the badge showing the count of my git changes.
I don't know how this happened some how unexpectedly I did something and this behaviour started.
How do I fix it and get the default behaviour of the git icon showing the changes count?
You accidentally moved the SOURCE CONTROL View to the Explorer bar.
Is this view not present in the SCM Bar?
I have tried to do it with the mouse but could not recreate. It created a new SCM icon in the Activity Bar with 1 view.
To move all the views to the default position execute command: View: Reset View locations
That Explorer icon badge is supposed to show the number of unsaved files with changes - it doesn't show the number of git changes except coincidentally.
I don't think the Explorer unsaved files count badge can be turned off. You can change its color or opacity but that would affect all badges (like the scm badge).
Thanks to this answer the GIF attached in answer was able to help me to fix the issue.
I just dragged the Source Control to the sidebar and it worked.

how to show vscode metadata footer

I used to have this row at the bottom of vscode that showed nice file metatdata and branch information.
either an update removed this or I did something to hide it, any idea how to get it back?
I must have disabled this you can enable it in the command pallet with
View:Toggle Status Bar Visibility

How to show the git remote origin on the status bar?

I want to know if there's a way to show the current git origin on the status bar.
It's really hard when working on a multi-project workspace, to know what's the current focused repository that shows on the status bar of VS Code editor.

VS Code Status Bar

Wondering if anyone can help and tell me what the icon is in the bottom left hand corner of the vs code window. I don't have it on mine and wondering if I need it.
Circled in red on the image.
It's a Git Status, next to the git branch indicator.
Right-click on the status-bar and ✓check the Source Control option (After right-clicking on status bar ) if want it on your status bar,
Uncheck if you don't want.
That's the Git logo which is a version control app. I don't have it either but my guess is that it's a VS extension (not sure which git extension it exactly is). If you don't need version control then it's fine.