Design : Azure Batch <-> Azure Function - azure-batch

I am working on implementing Azure function(message based triggered) as orchestrator , which will invoke Azure Batch tasks/jobs accordingly. The number of messages varies from 10-1000 messages at a time.
Need inputs on how to configure the Azure Batch Pool(like VM node size, no. of nodes, tasks per node allocation) based on number of messages to be processed at a given time. I understand we can take advantage of AutoScale feature, any guidance with examples.
For a single message, my application(c#) takes 2 mins to process the message and generate output files on StandardA2 2vCPU, 8 GB memory node.

There are example for how to autoscale based on the number of tasks in the official documentation.


How to estimate RAM and CPU per Kubernetes Pod for a Spring Batch processing job?

I'm trying to estimate hardware resources for a Kubernetes Cluster to be able to handle the following scenarios:
On a daily basis I need to read 46,3 Million XML messages 10KB each (approx.) from a queue and then insert them in a Spark instance and in a Sybase DB instance. I need to come out with an estimation of how many pods I will need to process this amount of data and how much RAM and how many vCPUs will be required per pod in order to determine the characteristics of the nodes of the cluster. The reason behind all this is that we have some budget restrictions and we need to have an idea of the sizing before starting the corresponding development.
The second scenario is the same as the one already described but 18,65 times bigger, i.e. 833,33 Million XML messages per day. This is expected to be the case within a couple of years.
So far we plan to use Spring Batch with partitioning steps. I need orientation on how to determine the ideal Spring Batch configuration, required RAM, and required CPU per POD, as well as the number of PODS.
I will greatly appreciate any comments from your side.
Thanks in advance.

Druid Cluster going into Restricted Mode

We have a Druid Cluster with the following specs
3X Coordinators & Overlords - m5.2xlarge
6X Middle Managers(Ingest nodes with 5 slots) - m5d.4xlarge
8X Historical - i3.4xlarge
2X Router & Broker - m5.2xlarge
Cluster often goes into Restricted mode
All the calls to the Cluster gets rejected with a 502 error.
Even with 30 available slots for the index-parallel tasks, cluster only runs 10 at time and the other tasks are going into waiting state.
Loader Task submission time has been increasing monotonically from 1s,2s,..,6s,..10s(We submit a job to load the data in S3), after
recycling the cluster submission time decreases and increases again
over a period of time
We submit around 100 jobs per minute but we need to scale it to 300 to catchup with our current incoming load
Cloud someone help us with our queries
Tune the specs of the cluster
What parameters to be optimized to run maximum number of tasks in parallel without increasing the load on the master nodes
Why is the loader task submission time increasing, what are the parameters to be monitored here
At 100 jobs per minute, this is probably why the overlord is being overloaded.
The overlord initiates a job by communicating with the middle managers across the cluster. It defines the tasks that each middle manager will need to complete and it monitors the task progress until completion. The startup of each job has some overhead, so that many jobs would likely keep the overlord busy and prevent it from processing the other jobs you are requesting. This might explain why the time for job submissions increases over time. You could increase the resources on the overlord, but this sounds like there may be a better way to ingest the data.
The recommendation would be to use a lot less jobs and have each job do more work.
If the flow of data is so continuous as you describe, perhaps a kafka queue would be the best target followed up with a Druid kafka ingestion job which is fully scalable.
If you need to do batch, perhaps a single index_parallel job that reads many files would be much more efficient than many jobs.
Also consider that each task in an ingestion job creates a set of segments. By running a lot of really small jobs, you create a lot of very small segments which is not ideal for query performance. Here some info around how to think about segment size optimization which I think might help.

Some Kubeflow related questions

I have some questions related to Kubeflow. Please take your time to answer these. Thanks.
Note: I am using a google cloud VM to run Kubernetes and Kubeflow.
For a pipeline with 5 images/functions, can I send it to different resources? -> Function 1 to CPU1, Function 2 to CPU2, Function 3-5 to GPU?
If there are more jobs / tasks than resources, what happens? Is there a queue?
How do I monitor the total resources used in Kubeflow? Provide some of the best dashboard names.

Kubernetes Orchestration depending upon number of rows/records/Input Files

Requirement is to orchestrate ETL containers depending upon the number of records present at the Source system (SQL/Google Analytics/SAAS/CSV files).
To explain take a Use Case:- ETL Job has to process 50K records present in SQL server, however, it takes good processing time to execute this job by one server/node as this server makes a connection with SQL, fetches the data and process the records.
Now the problem is how to orchestrate in Kubernetes this ETL Job so that it scales up/down the containers depending upon number of records/Input. Like the case discussed above if there are 50K records to process in parallel then it should scale up the containers process the records and scales down.
You would generally use a queue of some kind and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to watch the queue size and adjust the queue consumer replicas automatically. Specifics depend on the exact tools you use.

Mirth performance benchmark

We are using mirth connect for message transformation from hl7 to text and storing the transformed messages to azure sql database. Our current performance is 45000 messages per hour .
machine configuration is
8 GB RAM and 2 core CPU. Memory assigned to mirth is -XMS = 6122MB
We don't have any idea about what could be performance parameters for Mirth with above configurations. Anyone have idea about performance benchmarks for Mirth connect?
I'd recommend looking into the Max Processing Threads option in version 3.4 and above. It's configurable in the Source Settings (Source tab). By default it's set to 1, which means only one message can process through the channel's main processing thread at any given time. This is important for certain interfaces where order of messages is paramount, but obviously it limits throughput.
Note that whatever client is sending your channel messages also needs to be reconfigured to send multiple messages in parallel. For example if you have a single-threaded process that is sending your channel messages via TCP/MLLP one after another in sequence, increasing the max processing threads isn't necessarily going to help because the client is still single-threaded. But, for example, if you stand up 10 clients all sending to your channel simultaneously, then you'll definitely reap the benefits of increasing the max processing threads.
If your source connector is a polling type, like a File Reader, you can still benefit from this by turning the Source Queue on and increasing the Max Processing Threads. When the source queue is enabled and you have multiple processing threads, multiple queue consumers are started and all read and process from the source queue at the same time.
Another thing to look at is destination queuing. In the Advanced (wrench icon) queue settings, there is a similar option to increase the number of Destination Queue Threads. By default when you have destination queuing enabled, there's just a single queue thread that processes messages in a FIFO sequence. Again, good for message order but hampers throughput.
If you do need messages to be ordered and want to maximize parallel throughput (AKA have your cake and eat it too), you can use the Thread Assignment Variable in conjunction with multiple destination Queue Threads. This allows you to preserve order among messages with the same unique identifier, while messages pertaining to different identifiers can process simultaneously. A common use-case is to use the patient MRN for this, so that all messages for a given patient are guaranteed to process in the order they were received, but messages longitudinally across different patients can process simultaneously.
We are using an AWS EC2 4c.4xlarge instance to test a bare bone Proof of Concept performance limit. We got about 50 msgs/sec without obvious bottlenecks on cpu/memory/network/disk io/db io and etc. Want to push the limits higher. Please share your observations if any.
We run the same process. Mirth -> Azure SQL Database. We're running through performance testing right now and have been stuck at 12 - 15 messages/second (43000 - 54000 per hour).
We've run tests on each channel and found this:
1 channel source: file reader -> destination: Azure SQL DB was about 36k per hour
2 channel source: file reader -> destination: Azure SQL DB was about 59k per hour
3 channel source: file reader -> destination: Azure SQL DB was about 80k per hour
We've added multi-threading (2,4,8) to both the source and destination on 1 channel with no performance increase. Mirth is running on 8GB mem and 2 Cores with heap size set to 2048MB.
We are now going to run through a few tests with mirth running on similar "hardware" as a C4.4xlarge which in Azure is 16 cores and 32GB mem. There is 200gb of SSD available as well.
Our goal is 100k messages per hour per channel.