Some Kubeflow related questions - kubernetes

I have some questions related to Kubeflow. Please take your time to answer these. Thanks.
Note: I am using a google cloud VM to run Kubernetes and Kubeflow.
For a pipeline with 5 images/functions, can I send it to different resources? -> Function 1 to CPU1, Function 2 to CPU2, Function 3-5 to GPU?
If there are more jobs / tasks than resources, what happens? Is there a queue?
How do I monitor the total resources used in Kubeflow? Provide some of the best dashboard names.


How to estimate RAM and CPU per Kubernetes Pod for a Spring Batch processing job?

I'm trying to estimate hardware resources for a Kubernetes Cluster to be able to handle the following scenarios:
On a daily basis I need to read 46,3 Million XML messages 10KB each (approx.) from a queue and then insert them in a Spark instance and in a Sybase DB instance. I need to come out with an estimation of how many pods I will need to process this amount of data and how much RAM and how many vCPUs will be required per pod in order to determine the characteristics of the nodes of the cluster. The reason behind all this is that we have some budget restrictions and we need to have an idea of the sizing before starting the corresponding development.
The second scenario is the same as the one already described but 18,65 times bigger, i.e. 833,33 Million XML messages per day. This is expected to be the case within a couple of years.
So far we plan to use Spring Batch with partitioning steps. I need orientation on how to determine the ideal Spring Batch configuration, required RAM, and required CPU per POD, as well as the number of PODS.
I will greatly appreciate any comments from your side.
Thanks in advance.

Dynamic number of replicas in a Kubernetes cron-job

I've been looking for days for a way to set-up a cron-job with a dynamic number of jobs.
I've read all these solutions and it seems that, in order to initialise a dynamic number of jobs, I need to do it manually with a script and a job template, but I need it to be automatic.
A bit of context:
I have a database / message queue / whatever can store "items"
I would like to start a job (so a single replica of a container) every 5 minutes to process each item
So, let's say there is a Kafka topic / a db table / a folder containing 5 records / rows / files, I would like Kubernetes to start 5 replicas of the job (with the cron-job) automatically. After 5 minutes, there will be 2 items, so Kubernetes will just start 2 replicas.
The most feasible solution seems to be using a static number of pods and make them process multiple items, but I feel like there is a better way to accomplish my desire keeping it inside Kubernetes that I can't figure due to my lack of experience. 🤔
What would you do to solve this problem?
P.S. Sorry for my English.
There are two ways I can think of:
Using a CronJob that is parallelised (1 work-item/pod or 1+ work-items/pod). This is what you're trying to achieve. Somewhat.
Using a data processing application. This I believe is the recommended approach.
Why and Why Not CronJobs
For (1), there are a few things that I would like to mention. There is no upside to having multiple Job/CronJob items when you are trying to perform the same operation from all of them. You think you are getting parllelism, but not really, you are only increasing management overhead. If your workload grows too large (which it will) there will be too many Job objects in the cluster and the API server will be slowed down drastically.
Job and CronJob items are only for stand-alone work items that need to be performed regularly. They are house-keeping tasks. So, selecting CronJobs for data processing is a very bad idea. Even if you run a parallelized set of pods (as provided here and here in the docs like you mentioned), even then, it would be best suited to have a single Job that handles all the pods that are working on the same work-item. So, you should not be thinking of "scaling Jobs" in those terms. Instead, think of scaling Pods. So, if you really want to move ahead with utilizing the Job and CronJob mechanisms, go ahead, the MessageQueue based design is your best bet. And you will have to reinvent a lot of wheels to get it to work (read below why that is the case).
Recommended Solution
For (2), I only say this since I see you are trying to perform data processing and doing this with a one-off mechanism like a Job will not be a good idea (Jobs are basically stateless, since they perform an operation that can be repeated simply without any repercussions). Say you start a pod, it fails processing, how will other pods know that this item was not processed successfully? What if the pod dies, the Job cannot keep track of the items in your data store, since the Job is not aware of the nature of the work you're performing. Therefore, it is natural for you to pursue a solution where the system components are specifically designed for data processing.
You will want to look into a system that can understand the nature of your data, how to keep track of the processing queues that have been finished successfully, how to restart a new Pod with the same item as input, from the Pod that just crashed etc. This is a lot of application/use-case specific functionality that is best served through the means of an operator or a CustomResource and a controller. And obviously, since this is not a new problem, there is a ton of solutions out there that can perform this the best way for you.
The best course of action would be to have that system in place, deployed with the means of a Deployment pattern, where auto-scaling would be enabled and you will achieve real parallelism that will also be best suited for data processing batch jobs.
And remember, when we talk about scaling in Kubernetes, it is always the pods that scale, not containers, not deployments, not services. Always Pods. That is because at the bottom of the chain, there is always a Pod somewhere that is working on something be it a Job that owns it, or a Deployment or a Service a DaemonSet or whatever. And it is obviously a bad idea to have multiple application containers in a Pod due to so many reasons. (side-car and adapter patterns are just helpers, they don't run the application).
Perhaps this blog that discusses data processing in Kubernetes can help.

Design : Azure Batch <-> Azure Function

I am working on implementing Azure function(message based triggered) as orchestrator , which will invoke Azure Batch tasks/jobs accordingly. The number of messages varies from 10-1000 messages at a time.
Need inputs on how to configure the Azure Batch Pool(like VM node size, no. of nodes, tasks per node allocation) based on number of messages to be processed at a given time. I understand we can take advantage of AutoScale feature, any guidance with examples.
For a single message, my application(c#) takes 2 mins to process the message and generate output files on StandardA2 2vCPU, 8 GB memory node.
There are example for how to autoscale based on the number of tasks in the official documentation.

What is the maximum number of jobs that you can submit to a kubernetes cluster?

I have a Kubernetes cluster and I have tested submitting 1,000 jobs at a time and the cluster has no problem handling this. I am interested in submitting 50,000 to 100,000 jobs and was wondering if the cluster would be able to handle this?
Yes you can but only if only don't run out of resources or you don't exceed this criteria regarding building large clusters.
Usually you want to limit your jobs in some way in order to better handle memory and CPU or to adjust it in any other way according to your needs.
So the best practice in your case would be to:
set as many jobs as you want (bear in mind the building large clusters criteria)
observe the resource usage
if needed use for example Resource Quotas in order to limit resources used by the jobs
I hope you find this helpful.

Why do my results become un-reproducible when run from qsub?

I'm running matlab on a cluster. when i run my .m script from an interactive matlab session on the cluster my results are reproducible. but when i run the same script from a qsub command, as part of an array job away from my watchful eye, I get believable but unreproducible results. The .m files are doing exactly the same thing, including saving the results as .mat files.
Anyone know why run one way the scripts give reproducible results, and run the other way they become unreproducible?
Is this only a problem with reproducibility or is this indicative of inaccurate results?
Thanks to spuder for a helpful answer. Just in case anyone stumbles upon this and is interested here is some further information.
If you use more than one thread in Matlab jobs, this may result in stealing resources from other jobs which plays havoc with the results. So you have 2 options:
1. Select exclusive access to a node. The cluster I am using is not currently allowing parallel array jobs, so doing this for me was very wasteful - i took a whole node but used it in serial.
2. Ask matlab to run on a singleCompThread. This may make your script take longer to complete, but it gets jobs through the queue faster.
There are a lot of variables at play. Ruling out transient issues such as network performance, and load here are a couple of possible explanations:
You are getting assigned a different batch of nodes when you run an interactive job from when you use qsub.
I've seen some sites that assign a policy of 'exclusive' to the nodes that run interactive jobs and 'shared' to nodes that run queued 'qsub' jobs. If that is the case, then you will almost always see better performance on the exclusive nodes.
Another answer might be that the interactive jobs are assigned to nodes that have less network congestion.
Additionally, if you are requesting multiple nodes, and you happen to land on nodes that traverse multiple hops, then you could be seeing significant network slowdowns. The solution would be for the cluster administrator to setup nodesets.
Are you using multiple nodes for the job? How are you requesting the resources?