Flutter: How to create custom thumb for Slider widget? - flutter

I want to make the thumb of the Slider widget like the image below, which is taken from the TextField cursor. Is it possible to shape the slider thumb like this and also make it go under the track? If so, how?

Check the flutter_xlider package it should be able to recreate what you want and it seems pretty easy to use.


How to make this type of Animation in flutter?

Above the image to below the animation.
How to Extract the single part of the image element in flutter then make to below animation.
How to achieve this type of animation in flutter. It was done by CSS. I was working to make this type of animation but I need some Suggestions and Example. If you know please share your experience and knowledge for achieve this.
You must have the SVG file of each of the gears and use the Rotation Transition Widget and stack Widget for Rotation and use AnimatedContainer for wieght

Flutter how to know on which part from image was tapped

I have a car image and i want to make user enable to tap on apart of it then the tapped part name will be shown. How can i do it?
Like this image but i want to use car image not a map.
I think the way I'd do this, is use a Stack to overlay a GestureDetector on your image and see what the coordinates are. You could even use a CustomClipper with some custom shapes, or overlay multiple Positioned widgets with separate listeners on it, depending on your needs.

Custom circle shape reactive model

Trying to reach design from screenshot.
All elements in circle must be able to work with logic which include change color.
Gray and green'ish one elements are disabled and blue'ish is active.
Probably I should use some kind of canvas to get this done, but I am not sure.
Thanks for all response!
Very important part of logic. I want to dynamicaly change number of those circular elements.
You would need to use custom painter to achieve this.
You can check out Flutter shape maker! its a tool that can help with drawing this out.

How to animate Text Field in Flutter

I want to make this animation in flutter, it is for a calculator app. How do I change the text field present here?
This is the animation which I am talking about
Take a look at this answer How to animate the fontSize of a Text in Flutter? .
it will help you to animate size of the text. If you need further animation of offset on y axis and fade out you can use many approaches like animated builder, animated opacity but i bet it will be simpler to use simple_animations package.

Is there any way to make slider widget circular in shape?

I want to create a knob like slider so that i can increase the volume in my app. But the problem i am facing is it's by default linear in shape.
Instead of painting it, is there any work around.
I would recommend using sleek_circular_slider package from pub.dev. It is much easier than drawing and creating custom slider from scratch