How to animate Text Field in Flutter - flutter

I want to make this animation in flutter, it is for a calculator app. How do I change the text field present here?
This is the animation which I am talking about

Take a look at this answer How to animate the fontSize of a Text in Flutter? .
it will help you to animate size of the text. If you need further animation of offset on y axis and fade out you can use many approaches like animated builder, animated opacity but i bet it will be simpler to use simple_animations package.


Is flutter able to show svg that has animation?

I already have an svg that itself has animation,
but once I use it as any other svg the animation is not considered ...
I checked the svg and it has "animateTransform" to make the picture move, in special rotation and speed
do you think is there a solution to make it move ? I don't want any external animation but only the one that comes with the SVG itself ..

How to make this type of Animation in flutter?

Above the image to below the animation.
How to Extract the single part of the image element in flutter then make to below animation.
How to achieve this type of animation in flutter. It was done by CSS. I was working to make this type of animation but I need some Suggestions and Example. If you know please share your experience and knowledge for achieve this.
You must have the SVG file of each of the gears and use the Rotation Transition Widget and stack Widget for Rotation and use AnimatedContainer for wieght

How could I animate to another screen by using a Material-like circle expanding effect with Flutter?

Here is an example from a mockup I made of what I am trying to achieve.
Right now in code, these are 2 separate screens, but they are simply using a regular built-in animation between screens. Where would I even start to begin achieving an animation like the mockup example? Could I use a Stack that has a circle as a background with a hero tag, and then change its radius? How could I guarantee it would fill the size of any screen?
Thank you!
It's quite simple, you can do it in 1 page, follow this:
Layer a full page popup menu widget (let's say the widgets on pink)
on the page 1 with Stack, hide it at initial.
Scale animation to the top left circle when pressing it
Show the hidden menu widget after scale animation
Hide and reverse the scale animation when pressing closing or back button

How to implement stories progress view in flutter

I want to know to the best way in order to develop a widget/view which can work as instagram, snapchat stories which illustrated in image below. There are many depndencies for android, but can't find any for flutter.
I'm thinking to use carousal/viewpager to move between stories of different users, but I'm unable to get how to move backward and forward in between stories of single user(either image or video) with progress bar on top of it which will move automatically to next when progress bar completes.
Try to create a custom ViewPager perhaps using Stack + Transform and use GestureDetector to switch between pages/stories.
I know this question has been asked for a long time, but for those who still ask the same question, you can use this library: or look at it's source to implement the same thing.
Not sure if you also want to give the user a chance to manually switch to the next image.
Here are some basic ingredients you want to use for an animated "story":
AnimationController with duration depending on the number of images in the story. Start the animation to go through the images and to animate the progress bar. The animation controller usually has a range from 0.0 to 1.0. Let's say you have 5 images. You would display the first image from 0.0 to 0.2, the second image from 0.2 to 0.4...
AnimatedBuilder that listens to the animation controller. The content inside the animation builder will be rebuilt every frame while the animation runs. Inside of the builder, calculate which image must be shown.
CustomPaint to manually draw a progress bar with sections for the single image. Pass the current animation value and the number of images to your CustomPainter.
Image widget to draw the image.

Animated Loading Screen

I'd like to have a splash screen with some image animation.
The image is of the letter 'N' which needs to be filled with a single color in a fashion that makes each line (out of the 3) fill on its turn.
Is there a more elegant way than using UIImageAnimation?
Take this image for example:,1224026572,14/stock-photo-christmas-green-snowflake-capital-letter-n-18910459.jpg
Think of that green filling as what needs to be animatedly filled.
You could use a CAShapeLayer to animate the drawing of text. I could give you an example, but to be honest Ole Begemann has an awesome example: