ability to add a 3D Avatar that can be customised on a Flutter app? - flutter

I am designing an app where we would like to have a capability for users to edit their avatars style. like hair colour and body colour.
The app needs to be built on flutter, I checked out various libraries like Rive (Flare) but they do not seem to be working with 3D assets.
I came across this app called VOS which is doing something similar
Any leads will be much appreciated.


Integrate 3d game functionality in Native iOS through Flutter

I am currently trying to implement a 3d game, in which I also need nativeiOS functionality like good integration of the applePencil (like with pencilKit).
I thought about using SceneKit but as I found a lot of information that it is not that great (https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/117457) I went for Unity. I used the Unity as a library for SwiftUI (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UnityasaLibrary.html) which worked but one withdraw is that unity always has to be opened FullScreen and I felt uncomfortable just overlaying the unity window with SwiftUI UI elements. Furthermore as I realized that Unity as a library is not available for macOS I now have to come up with a different solution anyway.
(The background is Unity, the UI is SwiftUI)
I think about using Flutter or ReatNative and combine the modules from Unity and Native iOS there. Is that a good idea, or do you propose a different solution?
In iOS, always use PencilKit is the best solution for user experience.
If you need PencilKit for Flutter, library is ready.

Transparent canvas in flutter

I would like to create an app, that works as a framework for using e.g. the ipad.
That means, that you will start the app and continue working normally with it, while suddenly e.g. animals cross the screen.
Hence the app should create a transparent canvas on top of the ipad user interface where all animations can be played.
Do packages for that exist?
Unfortunately, what you're asking for isn't currently supported in flutter. The closest you can get is notifications at the moment using a package like this
I'm assuming you want to make something along the lines of this goose desktop application for windows. Your best bet in this situation is to go native and maybe even make your own dart package.

creating pinterest style app with dynamic tile size

I am trying to create an app which has a similar layout like pinterest, with different tile sizes, but it is not to contain photo.. but something else. What is the easiest what to generate something like this in an iOS app?

How to create an image app for iphone?

I was wondering how to go about creating an image app for the iphone. I know how to create an iphone app. I was just wondering what the best way to make an image app is. I want the user to be able to import an image, and then the app will add an effect to it like blur it or tint it or warp it. How can I do this? I've been searching forever. Please help.
I encourgae you to look into a few image processing libraries for iOS that are out there. A search on Google will return a few options..
Here's one > http://mobileorchard.com/a-simple-iphone-image-processing-library/
You should also look into the sample code provided by Apple on GLImageProcessing > http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/GLImageProcessing/Introduction/Intro.html
Regarding importing pictures into your app; there are several examples out there on how to do so through the UIIMagePickerController. Here's one >

Question about making a book like the contacts book on the iPad

For any of you out there who have had a chance to download the iPhone 3.2 sdk and play around with the simulator knows that one of the apps built in is a contacts book. When you open this app up it looks like a book, and has a nice user friendly way to edit and view contacts. So if I wanted to make an app that uses a similar format, meaning I'd want it to be a book, that would allow for editing and viewing of different items. How would I do that? Is there a book template I just don't know about? :) I'm guessing that the book is just a nice photoshopped image that they are just laying the respective uiviews over the image but I may be wrong...any insights as to how I'd be able to implement a book as described would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks
I recently built an app that had a "contacts" functionality. I personally didn't want a book, so instead using photoshop, created a clipboard image for my background. The background they are using that looks like a book, is just that, a background image. they have other views and functionality built into the view controllers to make it slide around for editing.