Scala3 extensions for basic types and overriding == - scala

Learning the Scala3 extension and CanEqual concepts, but finding difficulty in extending certain features of an Int.
In the following example I am easily able to add >= functionality to Int to compare it to a RationalNumber case class, but unable to modify the behavior of ==. (note 1~2 is the same as RationalNumber(1,2)).
The problem seems to be tied in with basic AnyVal types and how Scala passes off to Java to handle equals and ==.
case class RationalNumber(val n: Int, val d: Int):
def >=(that:RationalNumber) = this.num * that.den >= that.num * this.den
//... other comparisons hidden (note not using Ordered for clarity)
private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a % b)
val sign = if (n<0 ^ d<0) -1 else 1
private val (an, ad) = (math.abs(n), math.abs(d))
val num = sign * (an / gcd(an, ad))
val den = if(an == 0) 1 else ad / gcd(an, ad)
override def equals (that: Any): Boolean =
that match
case t: RationalNumber => t.den == den && t.canEqual(this) && t.num == num
case t: Int => equals(RationalNumber(t,1))
case _ => false
override lazy val toString = s"$num/$den"
object RationalNumber:
def apply (r: Int): RationalNumber = new RationalNumber(r, 1)
import scala.language.implicitConversions
implicit def intToRat (i: Int): RationalNumber = i ~ 1
given CanEqual[RationalNumber, Int] = CanEqual.derived
given CanEqual[Int, RationalNumber] = CanEqual.derived
extension (i: Int)
def ~(that: Int) = new RationalNumber(i, that)
def >=(that: RationalNumber) = i ~ 1 >= that
def equals (that: AnyVal) : Boolean =
println("this never runs")
that match
case t: RationalNumber => t.den == 1 && t.num == i
case _ => i == that
def ==(that: RationalNumber) =
println ("this never runs")
i~1 == that
object Main:
#main def run =
import RationalNumber._
val one = 1 ~ 1
val a = 1 == one // never runs extension ==
val b = one == 1
val c = 1 >= one
val d = one >= 1
val ans = (a,b,c,d) // (false, true, true, true)

Extension methods are tried only if a qualifying method of the same name does not already exist. Hence since at least the following qualifying == is already defined on Int
def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
it will not call your extension. If you change the name to say === then it would work
def ===(that: RationalNumber)
You could force implicit conversion with type ascription (1: RationalNumber) == one if you want. (Implicit conversions are discouraged).
Try extending ScalaNumericConversions which in turn extends ScalaNumber
case class RationalNumber(val n: Int, val d: Int) extends ScalaNumericConversions {
def intValue: Int = ???
def longValue: Long = ???
def floatValue: Float = ???
def doubleValue: Double = ???
def isWhole: Boolean = false
def underlying = this
override def equals (that: Any): Boolean = {
that match {
case t: RationalNumber => t.den == den && t.canEqual(this) && t.num == num
case t: Int => equals(RationalNumber(t,1))
case _ => false
so now Scala will eventually call BoxesRuntime#equalsNumNum
public static boolean equalsNumNum(java.lang.Number xn, java.lang.Number yn) {
if ((yn instanceof ScalaNumber) && !(xn instanceof ScalaNumber))
return yn.equals(xn);
which note flips the order of arguments and hence will call RationalNumber#equals, so in effect
1 == one
Found this approach by looking at the :javap - in REPL for 1 == BigInt(1)
30: invokestatic #54 // Method scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
and then following trail laid out by BoxesRunTime.equals


Why Scala PartialFunction works without defining isDefinedAt?

It looks First and Second are the same, but why?
val iter = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).iterator
val first = iter.collect(new PartialFunction[Int, Int]{
def apply(i: Int) = i
def isDefinedAt(i: Int) = i > 0 && i < 3
val iter2 = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).iterator
val second = iter2.collect {
case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i
Is it because the Scala compiler automatically converts
{ case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i } into the implelentation form of First with generating isDefinedAt from if i > 0 && i < 3 part?
Also, case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i is Case class pattern matching, if I am correct. However, in scala/src/library/scala/PartialFunction.scala, there is no Case class definition for PartialFunction.
trait PartialFunction[-A, +B] extends (A => B)
Then why this case class pattern match works?
I suppose Scala compiler does lots of implicit works intelligently but it confuses me to understand what is happening and how to write Scala code.
If there are good references, instead of language or compiler specifications, to understand
Scala code syntax and Scala way of writing code, please suggest.
Is it because the Scala compiler automatically converts { case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i } into the implelentation form of First with generating isDefinedAt from **if i > 0 && i < 3 ** part?
Yes, the exact translation is given in Pattern Matching Anonymous Functions. Here it'll be
new PartialFunction[Int, Int]{
def apply(x: Int) = x match {
case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i
def isDefinedAt(x: Int) = x match {
case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => true
case _ => false
Note the difference with your first example in apply! You can still call it when isDefined is false.
Also, case i:Int if i > 0 && i < 3 => i is Case class pattern matching, if I am correct
If anything, it's the other way around; case classes are called that way because they can be pattern-matched and pattern matching uses case keyword in Scala.
Yes, the compiler converts the second version into a PartialFunction[Int,Int] (because that is what collect takes).
There is no case class matching here, and it is not even matching on type because the value must be Int (and therefore the type declaration in the second version is not required).
The style guide gives lots on tips on how Scala is typically written.
For your example
object Main {
def f = (1 to 5).collect { case i if i > 0 && i < 3 => i }
The compiler-generated partial function defines applyOrElse because it is more efficient than the naive idiom:
if (pf.isDefinedAt(x)) pf.apply(x) else ???
Showing that implementation, which is similar to what is described in the spec:
$ scalac -Vprint:typer pf.scala
[[syntax trees at end of typer]] // pf.scala
package <empty> {
object Main extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>(): Main.type = {
def f: IndexedSeq[Int] = scala.Predef.intWrapper(1).to(5).collect[Int](({
#SerialVersionUID(value = 0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction[Int,Int] with {
def <init>(): <$anon: Int => Int> = {
final override def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: Int](x1: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 = ((x1.asInstanceOf[Int]: Int): Int #unchecked) match {
case (i # _) if i.>(0).&&(i.<(3)) => i
case (defaultCase$ # _) => default.apply(x1)
final def isDefinedAt(x1: Int): Boolean = ((x1.asInstanceOf[Int]: Int): Int #unchecked) match {
case (i # _) if i.>(0).&&(i.<(3)) => true
case (defaultCase$ # _) => false
new $anonfun()
}: PartialFunction[Int,Int]))
where AbstractPartialFunction defines
def apply(x: T1): R = applyOrElse(x, PartialFunction.empty)
Here is an external link to a change to use applyOrElse. The improved PartialFunction dates back to 2012. Probably the feature is under-documented or under-advertised. Some information is available by expanding the Scaladoc for PartialFunction. For some reason, that link shows orElse, so you'd actually have to scroll back for applyOrElse. It seems documentation is hard.

How does the extractor work when the `unapply` function returns Boolean instead of Option?

I learned about extractors from the stairway book:
object Twice {
def apply(x: Int) = x * 2
def unapply(x: Int) = if(x % 2 == 0) Some(x / 2) else None
// outside pattern mathcing, Twice.apply(21) is called
val x = Twice(21)
x match {
// inside pattern matching, Twice.unapply(x) is called,
// the result Some(21) is matched against y,
// y gets the value 21
case Twice(y) => println(x + " is twice " + y)
case _ => println(x + " is odd.")
That's pretty straight forward. But today I read from some book on Play framework this code:
trait RequestExtractors extends AcceptExtractors {
//Convenient extractor allowing to apply two extractors.
object & {
def unapply(request: RequestHeader): Option[(RequestHeader, RequestHeader)] = Some((request, request))
//Define a set of extractors allowing to pattern match on the Accept HTTP header of a request
trait AcceptExtractors {
//Common extractors to check if a request accepts JSON, Html, etc.
object Accepts {
import play.api.http.MimeTypes
val Json = Accepting(MimeTypes.JSON)
val Html = Accepting(MimeTypes.HTML)
val Xml = Accepting(MimeTypes.XML)
val JavaScript = Accepting(MimeTypes.JAVASCRIPT)
//Convenient class to generate extractors checking if a given mime type matches the Accept header of a request.
case class Accepting(val mimeType: String) {
def unapply(request: RequestHeader): Boolean = request.accepts(mimeType)
def unapply(mediaRange: play.api.http.MediaRange): Boolean = mediaRange.accepts(mimeType)
def fooBar = Action {
implicit request =>
val xmlResponse: Node = <metadata>
val jsonResponse = Json.obj("metadata" -> Json.arr(
Json.obj("company" -> "TinySensors"),
Json.obj("batch" -> "md2907"))
render {
case Accepts.Xml() => Ok(xmlResponse)
case Accepts.Json() & Accepts.JavaScript() => Ok(jsonResponse)
How does the extractor work when the unapply function returns Boolean instead of Option? How do &, Accepts.Xml work here?
I can really tell you about the play framework, but if used in pattern matching an extractor returning a boolean signifies if the pattern matches. Thus if an extractor return true it means that the pattern matches the value. This is a good link about extractors and also covers this case:
Generally you use extractors for two use cases:
1) Destructing an object, which means returning one or more values which represent the state of given object
2) You can also use extractors to turn an object into an object of another kind during pattern matching. I made a small example for this case:
class Division(val number: Int) {
object Division {
def unapply(divider: Division): Boolean = divider.number != 0
def unapply(divider: Int): Option[Division] = if (divider != 0) Some(new Division(divider)) else None
val divident = 15
val divider = 5
val y = divider match {
case Division(notZero) => divident / notZero.number //notZero is of type Division
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
Ok, I found a way to figure this out by making a minimal example:
object Unapply {
case class DividedBy(val number: Int) {
def unapply(divider: Int): Boolean = number % divider == 0
def unapply(divider: Double): Boolean = number % divider.toInt == 0
val x = DividedBy(15)
// y should be true
val y = 5 match {
// case DividedBy(15)() => true
case x() => true
case _ => false
The weird thing is that when you use DividedBy(15)() (commented out above), the code won't compile.
object Unapply {
case class Division(val number: Int) {
// def unapply(divider: Int): Boolean = number % divider == 0
def unapply(divider: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = if (number % divider == 0) Some(number/divider, 0) else None
def unapply(divider: Double): Boolean = number % divider.toInt == 0
object Division {
def apply(number: Int) = new Division(number)
val divisionOf15 = Division(15)
// y should be true
val y = 5 match {
// case DividedBy(15)() => true
case divisionOf15(z, w) => s"$z, $w"
case _ => s"Not divisible"
val z = 5.0 match {
case divisionOf15() => "Divisible"
case _ => "Not divisible"
After some reading some old notes on the stairway book now I have a clearer understanding of this. The case class is a extractor factory.

How to create custom assignment operator in Scala

I'm trying to create a custom data type that behaves like an Int, but has certain specific behavior and typing (eg., it has to be positive, it has to fit within the range of our database's 'integer' type, etc).
To make it a friendly class, I want to have custom assignment operators, etc., for instance I'd like the following to all work:
val g: GPID = 1 // create a GPID type with value 1
val g: GPID = 1L // take assignment from a Long (and downcast into Int)
if (g == 1) ... // test the value of GPID type against an Int(1)
This is what I have so far but I'm not getting the expected behavior:
case class GPID(value: Int) extends MappedTo[Int] {
require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
require(value <= GPDataTypes.integer._2, s"GPID upper bound is ${GPDataTypes.integer._2}")
def this(l: Long) = this(l.toInt)
def GPID = value
def GPID_=(i: Int) = new GPID(i)
def GPID_=(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
override def toString: String = value.toString
override def hashCode:Int = value
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case that: Int => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
case that: Long => this.hashCode == that.hashCode
case _ => false
object GPID {
implicit val writesGPID = new Writes[GPID] {
def writes(g: GPID): JsValue = {
"GPID" -> g.value
implicit val reads: Reads[GPID] = (
(__ \ "GPID").read[GPID]
def apply(l: Long) = new GPID(l.toInt)
implicit def gpid2int(g: GPID): Int = hashCode
implicit def gpid2long(g: GPID): Long = hashCode.toLong
The problems I have are:
Assignment doesn't work, for instance:
val g: GPID = 1
Implicit conversion is not working, for instance:
val i: Int = g
Any help would be appreciated... haven't build a custom type like this before so overriding assignment and implicit conversion is new to me...
object TestInt extends App {
class GPID(val value: Int) {
require(value >= 1, "GPID must be a positive number")
require(value <= 10, s"GPID upper bound is 10")
override def equals(that: Any) = value.equals(that)
override def toString = value.toString
// add more methods here (pimp my library)
implicit def fromInt(value: Int) = new GPID(value)
implicit def fromInt(value: Long) = new GPID(value.toInt) //possible loss of precision
val g: GPID = 1
val g2: GPID = 1L
if (g == 1)
println("ONE: " + g)
println("NOT ONE: " + g)
ONE: 1

Map whose keys are compared using eq [duplicate]

I have an object with stores information about specific instances. For that, i would like to use a Map, but as the keys are not by-reference (they aren't, right?) but as hashes provided by the getHashCode method. For better understanding:
import collection.mutable._
import java.util.Random
object Foo {
var myMap = HashMap[AnyRef, Int]()
def doSomething(ar: AnyRef): Int = {
myMap.get(ar) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None => {
myMap += ar -> new Random().nextInt()
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
case class ExampleClass(x: String);
val o1 = ExampleClass("test1")
val o2 = ExampleClass("test1")
println(o2 == o1) // true
println(o2 eq o1) // false
// I want the following two lines to yield different numbers
// and i do not have control over the classes, messing with their
// equals implementation is not possible.
In cases i have instances with the same hash code the "caching" for the random value will return the same value for both instances even those are not same. Which datastructed is used best in this situation?
I know how this works normally, based on the hashCode and equals method. But that is exactly what I want to avoid. I updated my example to make that clearer. :)
EDIT: Based on clarifications to the question, you can create your own Map implementation, and override elemEquals().
The original implementation (in HashMap)
protected def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 == key2)
Change this to:
protected def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 eq key2)
class MyHashMap[A <: AnyRef, B] extends scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[A, B] {
protected override def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 eq key2)
Note that to use eq, you need to restrict the key to be an AnyRef, or do a match in the elemEquals() method.
case class Foo(i: Int)
val f1 = new Foo(1)
val f2 = new Foo(1)
val map = new MyHashMap[Foo, String]()
map += (f1 -> "f1")
map += (f2 -> "f2")
map.get(f1) // Some(f1)
map.get(f2) // Some(f2)
Original answer
Map works with hashCode() and equals(). Have you implemented equals() correctly in your obejcts? Note that in Scala, == gets translated to a call to equals(). To get the same behaviour of == in Java, use the Scala operator eq
case class Foo(i: Int)
val f1 = new Foo(1)
val f2 = new Foo(1)
f1 == f2 // true
f1.equals(f2) // true
f1 eq f2 // false
val map = new MyHashMap (f1 -> "f1", f2 -> "f2")
map.get(f1) // Some("f2")
map.get(f2) // Some("f2")
Here, the case class implements equals() to be object equivalence, in this case:
f1.i == f1.i
You need to override equals() in your objects to include object equality, i.e something like:
override def equals(o: Any) = { o.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq this }
This should still work with the same hashCode().
You can also use IdentityHashMap together with scala.collection.JavaConversions.
Ah based on comment... You could use a wrapper that overrides equal to have reference semantics.
class EqWrap[T <: AnyRef](val value: T) {
override def hashCode() = if (value == null) 0 else value.hashCode
override def equals(a: Any) = a match {
case ref: EqWrap[_] => ref.value eq value
case _ => false
object EqWrap {
def apply[T <: AnyRef](t: T) = new EqWrap(t)
case class A(i: Int)
val x = A(0)
val y = A(0)
val map = Map[EqWrap[A], Int](EqWrap(x) -> 1)
val xx = map.get(EqWrap(x))
val yy = map.get(EqWrap(y))
//xx: Option[Int] = Some(1)
//yy: Option[Int] = None
Original answer (based on not understanding the question - I have to leave this so that the comment makes sense...)
Map already has this semantic (unless I don't understand your question).
scala> val x = A(0)
x: A = A(0)
scala> val y = A(0)
y: A = A(0)
scala> x == y
res0: Boolean = true // objects are equal
scala> x.hashCode
res1: Int = -2081655426
scala> y.hashCode
res2: Int = -2081655426 // same hash code
scala> x eq y
res3: Boolean = false // not the same object
scala> val map = Map(x -> 1)
map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[A,Int] = Map(A(0) -> 1)
scala> map(y)
res8: Int = 1 // return the mapping based on hash code and equal semantic

Map of with object references as keys?

I have an object with stores information about specific instances. For that, i would like to use a Map, but as the keys are not by-reference (they aren't, right?) but as hashes provided by the getHashCode method. For better understanding:
import collection.mutable._
import java.util.Random
object Foo {
var myMap = HashMap[AnyRef, Int]()
def doSomething(ar: AnyRef): Int = {
myMap.get(ar) match {
case Some(x) => x
case None => {
myMap += ar -> new Random().nextInt()
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
case class ExampleClass(x: String);
val o1 = ExampleClass("test1")
val o2 = ExampleClass("test1")
println(o2 == o1) // true
println(o2 eq o1) // false
// I want the following two lines to yield different numbers
// and i do not have control over the classes, messing with their
// equals implementation is not possible.
In cases i have instances with the same hash code the "caching" for the random value will return the same value for both instances even those are not same. Which datastructed is used best in this situation?
I know how this works normally, based on the hashCode and equals method. But that is exactly what I want to avoid. I updated my example to make that clearer. :)
EDIT: Based on clarifications to the question, you can create your own Map implementation, and override elemEquals().
The original implementation (in HashMap)
protected def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 == key2)
Change this to:
protected def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 eq key2)
class MyHashMap[A <: AnyRef, B] extends scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[A, B] {
protected override def elemEquals(key1: A, key2: A): Boolean = (key1 eq key2)
Note that to use eq, you need to restrict the key to be an AnyRef, or do a match in the elemEquals() method.
case class Foo(i: Int)
val f1 = new Foo(1)
val f2 = new Foo(1)
val map = new MyHashMap[Foo, String]()
map += (f1 -> "f1")
map += (f2 -> "f2")
map.get(f1) // Some(f1)
map.get(f2) // Some(f2)
Original answer
Map works with hashCode() and equals(). Have you implemented equals() correctly in your obejcts? Note that in Scala, == gets translated to a call to equals(). To get the same behaviour of == in Java, use the Scala operator eq
case class Foo(i: Int)
val f1 = new Foo(1)
val f2 = new Foo(1)
f1 == f2 // true
f1.equals(f2) // true
f1 eq f2 // false
val map = new MyHashMap (f1 -> "f1", f2 -> "f2")
map.get(f1) // Some("f2")
map.get(f2) // Some("f2")
Here, the case class implements equals() to be object equivalence, in this case:
f1.i == f1.i
You need to override equals() in your objects to include object equality, i.e something like:
override def equals(o: Any) = { o.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq this }
This should still work with the same hashCode().
You can also use IdentityHashMap together with scala.collection.JavaConversions.
Ah based on comment... You could use a wrapper that overrides equal to have reference semantics.
class EqWrap[T <: AnyRef](val value: T) {
override def hashCode() = if (value == null) 0 else value.hashCode
override def equals(a: Any) = a match {
case ref: EqWrap[_] => ref.value eq value
case _ => false
object EqWrap {
def apply[T <: AnyRef](t: T) = new EqWrap(t)
case class A(i: Int)
val x = A(0)
val y = A(0)
val map = Map[EqWrap[A], Int](EqWrap(x) -> 1)
val xx = map.get(EqWrap(x))
val yy = map.get(EqWrap(y))
//xx: Option[Int] = Some(1)
//yy: Option[Int] = None
Original answer (based on not understanding the question - I have to leave this so that the comment makes sense...)
Map already has this semantic (unless I don't understand your question).
scala> val x = A(0)
x: A = A(0)
scala> val y = A(0)
y: A = A(0)
scala> x == y
res0: Boolean = true // objects are equal
scala> x.hashCode
res1: Int = -2081655426
scala> y.hashCode
res2: Int = -2081655426 // same hash code
scala> x eq y
res3: Boolean = false // not the same object
scala> val map = Map(x -> 1)
map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[A,Int] = Map(A(0) -> 1)
scala> map(y)
res8: Int = 1 // return the mapping based on hash code and equal semantic