Flutter:: New is not expanding when right click on lib - flutter

I am new to flutter,
When I try to add a new dart File in lib, I right-click on lib and hover the mouse pointer on New, it is not expanding further
I run command flutter doctor, everything is fine also i run flutter upgrade but not working for me

Just click on new then vs code open a text field in file area, and you can enter filename with extension like
And hit enter button from key board


Visual studio code is not working properly when I use Dart and Flutter

When I press enter key on Visual Studio code for flutter and dart It is not moving to next line. How to solve this problem?
Go to Tools/Options/Environment/Keyboard.
Switch the "Use new shortcut in:" dropdown to "Text Editor".
Pick the Edit.BreakLine command.
In the Press shortcut keys edit pane press Shift+Enter

How to run VS code on more than one monitor?

I'm still new to VS code and I saw this type of using VS code on two monitors, so I have 3 monitors and I'm on windows 10, I use the left one as a preview for the code I'm typing in chrome so that is sorted and I want my middle one to have the main code I'm working on and my right one is set vertically so I want it to run the terminal or of that file or another file so I can use both my right and middle to write code and I have no idea how can I do this.
there is a workaround, first in the file you want to open go and click ctrl+shift+p and search for open active file in new window, then in your new instance, press again ctrl+shit+p and search for Open User Settings(JSON) and add this line at the end of the settings "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange", so whenever you change windows the current file you're working on will be auto saved, hope this helps

Flutter Outline Shows "Nothing to show" in android studio

I am trying to extract a Widget via Flutter Outline, but I am facing below problem in Android Studio.
Flutter Outline Shows "Nothing to show"
After running
flutter doctor -v
It shows:
How to overcome this problem?
Move the mouse to any widget and Press Ctrl (or ⌘ command on macOS) and click on that widget.
After this step, your Flutter Outline will be enabled and showing widget tree
Click to red dart analysis server button, hopefully it will work
MacOS: command + click on widget.
Windows: ctrl + click on widget.
If they do not work, do not worry! Follow these easy steps:
Click Dart Analysis (on below part of Android Studio)
You can see refresh button right side of Dart Analysis
Click it, done!
You can see image, click it:
Enable this then the outline will work:
I have same issues.
I just restart IntelliJ/Android studio and every time it's enough.
go to project directory on terminal by hitting,
cd project_directory
flutter pub upgrade
click on a widget to select one
press control and click the widget again (you will be directed to widget class)
go back to the first window and the outline should be displayed

How can I change visual studio code mouse click events?

For exemple I want to set the editor mouse click. When I click a file
should be opened in a separate window, not when I double click on the
Anything that can be changed, can be changed with settings:
press F1:
You will see a list of settings you can search through:
Otherwise there might be a plugin for that, or you have to make a plugin yourself.

IntelliJ: How to create Android widget project?

In Eclipse, I just uncheck "Create activity" and I get widget-ready project.
In IntelliJ, I tried unchecking "Create Hello World project", but then I cannot compile the app (there isn't Run As Android App option).
At the moment I create a regular Android project and then delete the stuff I do not need. Any faster/automated way?
Once you have created your project, click the down arrow next to the run button on the toolbar and select "Edit Configurations".
In the top left of this window press the plus button and select "Android Application". Finally, name your configuration at the top of the window and change the radio button selection from "Launch Default Activity" to "Do Not Launch Activity".
As no one answered, I suppose that the only way to create a Widget or Live wallpaper project is to create a regular Android project and then delete the code you don't need from Manifest and Class files.
Looking forward for better solution in IntelliJ.