How can I remove already rendered unneeded Views instead of rendering needed Views? - swift

I am working on a CustomForEach which would act and work like a normal ForEach in SwiftUI, this CustomForEach has it own early days and it has some issues for use for me, which makes me to learn more about SwiftUI and challenge me to try to solve the issues, one of this issues is finding a way to destroy the unneeded Views instated of rendering all needed Views!
Currently when I update lowerBound the CustomForEach starts rendering for new range which is understandable. But the new range need less Views than before and that is not understandable to rendering them again for already rendered Views.
Goal: I want find a way to stop rendering all needed Views because they are already exist and there is no need to rendering again, and just removing the unneeded Views. And also I do not want start an another expensive calculation inside CustomForEach for finding out if the Views already exist!
struct TextView: View {
let string: String
var body: some View {
print("rendering " + string)
return HStack {
Circle().fill( 5, height: 5, alignment: .center)
struct CustomForEachView<Content: View>: View {
private let id: Int
let range: ClosedRange<Int>
let content: (Int) -> Content
init(range: ClosedRange<Int>, #ViewBuilder content: #escaping (Int) -> Content) { = range.lowerBound
self.range = range
self.content = content
// The issue is rendering all existed Views when lower Bound get updated, even we do not need to render new View in updating lower Bound!
var body: some View {
if let suffixRange = suffix(of: range) {
CustomForEachView(range: suffixRange, content: content)
private func suffix(of range: ClosedRange<Int>) -> ClosedRange<Int>? {
return (range.count > 1) ? (range.lowerBound + 1)...range.upperBound : nil
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var lowerBound: Int = -2
#State private var upperBound: Int = 2
var body: some View {
HStack {
CustomForEachView(range: lowerBound...upperBound) { item in
TextView(string: item.description)
HStack {
Button("add lowerBound") { lowerBound += 1 }
Button("add upperBound") { upperBound += 1 }

First of all, one thing important thing to understand is that a SwiftUI.View struct is not a view instance that is rendered on the screen. It's merely a description of the desired view hierarchy. The SwiftUI.View instances are going to be recreated and torn down a lot by the framework anyway.
The SwiftUI framework takes care of the actual rendering. It might use UIViews for this, or it might not. That's an implementation detail you shouldn't need to worry about in most cases.
That said, you might be able to help the framework by adding explicit ids to the views by using the id modifier. That way SwiftUI can use that to keep track of which view is which.
But, I'm not sure if that would actually help. Just an idea.


SwiftUI TextField loses focus when styled

I'm trying to apply some validation to a TextField to add a red border around the field when the content is invalid (in this case, I'm validating that the content is a positive number that is less than the specified maxLength).
The validation works fine and the border is applied when the value is out of range. However, when the border is applied to the TextField, the TextField loses focus in the UI (and also loses focus when the border is removed).
Here is a snippet of my code (I've included some extensions I'm using, but I don't think those are relevant to the issue)
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct MyView : View {
#Binding var value: Int
var label: String
var maxLength: Int
#State private var valid: Bool = true
var body: some View {
TextField(label, value: $value, format: .number)
.onReceive(Just(value), perform: validate)
.if(!valid, transform: { $0.border(.red)})
func validate(val: Int) {
let newVal = val.clamped(to: 0...maxLength)
if newVal != val {
valid = false
} else {
valid = true
extension View {
func `if`<Transform: View>(_ condition: Bool, transform: (Self) -> Transform) -> some View {
if condition { transform(self) }
else { self }
extension Comparable {
func clamped(to limits: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
return min(max(self, limits.lowerBound), limits.upperBound)
Is there any way to preserve focus on the TextField when styles are conditionally applied to it?
Or am I approaching validation wrong altogether? Is there a better way to check fields and apply conditional styling?
Because of the way your if modifier is structured, SwiftUI is unable to see that the underlying View is the same in the two conditions. For more detail on this, I'd suggest you watch Demystifying SwiftUI from WWDC 2021.
One solution is the simplify your border modifier into the following:
.border(valid ? .clear : .red)
This way, SwiftUI can still tell that this is the same underlying View.

SwiftUI: using view modifiers between different iOS versions without #available

I use the following code snippet (in Xcode 13 Beta 5 and deployment target set to 14.0) to apply view modifiers conditionally according to iOS version:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Text("Hello, world!")
.modifyFor(iOS14: {
$0.onAppear {
//do some stuff
}, iOS15: {
$0.task { //<---- Error: 'task(priority:_:)' is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer
//do some stuff
struct CompatibleView<Input: View,
Output14: View,
Output15: View>: View {
var content: Input
var iOS14modifier: ((Input) -> Output14)?
var iOS15modifier: ((Input) -> Output15)?
#ViewBuilder var body: some View {
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
if let modifier = iOS15modifier {
else { content }
else {
if let modifier = iOS14modifier {
else { content }
extension View {
func modifyFor<T: View, U: View>(iOS14: ((Self) -> T)? = nil,
iOS15: ((Self) -> U)? = nil) -> some View {
CompatibleView(content: self,
iOS14modifier: iOS14,
iOS15modifier: iOS15)
this code works great as long as I don't use iOS 15's view modifiers, but if I want to use any of those modifiers (like Task for ex.) then I need to use the #available directive which's an option I don't wanna opt in, because my codebase is large, there are many parts that should adopt the new iOS 15 modifiers and by using #available everywhere in the code will make it looks like a dish of Lasagna.
how to make this piece of code compiles in a clean way and without using the #available check ?
The best solution for so far I've figured out is to add simple modify extension function for view and use that.
It's useful if availability check for modifier is needed only in one place.
If needed in more than one place, then create new modifier function.
public extension View {
func modify<Content>(#ViewBuilder _ transform: (Self) -> Content) -> Content {
And using it would be:
.modify {
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
func modify<Content: View>(#ViewBuilder _ transform: (Self) -> Content?) -> some View {
if let view = transform(self), !(view is EmptyView) {
} else {
This allows us not to define fallback if not required and the view will stay untouchable.
.modify {
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
There is no way to do this without 'if #available', but there is a way to structure it in a somewhat clean way.
Define your own View Modifier on a wrapper View:
struct Backport<Content> {
let content: Content
extension View {
var backport: Backport<Self> { Backport(content: self) }
extension Backport where Content: View {
#ViewBuilder func badge(_ count: Int) -> some View {
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
} else {
You can then use these like this:
TabView {
.tabItem {
Label("Example", systemImage: "hand.raised")
Blog post about it:
Using iOS-15-only View modifiers in older iOS versions
You can create a simple extension on View with #ViewBuilder
fileprivate extension View {
var tabBarTintColor: some View {
if #available(iOS 16, *) {
} else {
To use it just have it chained with your existing view
There is no point because even if you did back-port a modifier named task (which is how this problem is normally solved) you won’t be able to use all the magic of async/await inside which is what it was designed for. If you have a good reason for not targeting iOS 15 (I don’t know any good ones) then just continue to use onAppear as normal and either standard dispatch queue async or Combine in an #StateObject.
There is no logical use case for that modifier for the issue you are trying to solve! You have no idea, how many times your app would check your condition about availability of iOS15 in each render! Maybe 1000 of times! Insane number of control which is totally bad idea! instead use deferent Views for each scenarios like this, it would checked just one time:
WindowGroup {
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
else {

View don't update in real time when running a cycle

I'm making a card game in SwiftUI and having the following problem: when running a cycle, the view updates only on cycle stop, but don't show any changes when running. UI part of code is:
//on the table
ScrollView(.horizontal) {
HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 0) {
if game.gameStarted {
ForEach ((0..<game.onTheTable.count), id: \.self) {number in
VStack {
Text("\(ai.getPower(card: game.onTheTable[number]))")
It actually shows card images "on the table" when I move an item to the game.onTheTable array. But when I run a while loop like "while true" it behaves as I mentioned above. So I've created a simple code with a delay to be able to se how card images one by one appears on the table but it just doesn't work as expected. There's the code for the cycle:
func test() {
gameStarted = true
while deck.cardsInDeck.count > 0 {
deck.cardsInDeck.remove(at: 0)
Yes, it appends cards, but visually I see the result just when the whole cycle has finished. Any ideas how to fix that to see the cards being added in real time one by one?
SwiftUI is declarative, so it doesn't mesh well with imperative control flow like while loops or system timers. You don't have control over when layout happens. Instead, you need to modify the underlying state which is driving the view, and those updates must happen on the main thread.
Here's one approach, which starts the timer when the view appears. You could also trigger the timer based on user interaction.
Note that you can attach transitions to views, and those transitions can take advantage of .matchedGeometryEffect... So you could have cards animate from their position on the deck to their place on the table, and that could happen automatically as you move items from one array to another—as long as the deck and table views use the same namespace and a consistent ID for each unique card.
struct GameView: View {
#State var deckCards: [Card] = Card.standardDeck
#State var tableCards: [Card] = []
#State var timer: Timer? = nil
var body: some View {
VStack {
DeckView(cards: deckCards)
TableView(cards: tableCards)
}.onAppear {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
func moveCard() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard deckCards.count > 0 else {

UI Test for SwiftUI app does't find element with set accessibilityIdentifier after a timer has passed

The app:
The app has a tag cloud that adds and removes tags as Text views every few seconds to a ZStack using ForEach triggered by an ObservableObject. The ZStack has an accessibilityIdentifier set.
The UI test:
In the UI Test I have set a XCTWaiter first. After a certain period of time has passed I then check if the XCUIElement (ZStack) with the accessibilityIdentifier exists.
After that I query the ZStack XCUIElement for all descendants of type .staticText
I also query the XCUIApplication for its descendants of type .staticText
The following issues:
When the XCTWaiter is set too wait too long. It does not find the ZStack XCUIElement with its identifier anymore.
If the XCTWaiter is set to a low wait time or removed the ZStack XCUIElement will be found. But it will never find its descendants of type .staticText. They do exists though because I can find them as descendant of XCUIApplication itself.
My assumption:
I assume that the ZStack with its identifier can only be found by the tests as long as it does not have descendants. And because it doesn't have any descendants at this moment yet, querying the ZStack XCUIElement for its descendants later also fails because the XCUIElement seems to only represent the ZStack at the time it was captured.
Or maybe I have attached the accessibilityIdentifier for the ZStack at the wrong place or SwiftUI is removing it as soon as there are descendants and I should add identifiers to the descendants only. But that would mean I can only query descendants from XCUIApplication itself and never from another XCUIElement? That would make the .children(matching:) quite useless.
Here is the code for a single view iOS app in SwiftUI with tests enabled.
import XCTest
class MyAppUITests: XCTestCase {
func testingTheInitialView() throws {
let app = XCUIApplication()
let exp = expectation(description: "Waiting for tag cloud to be populated.")
_ = XCTWaiter.wait(for: [exp], timeout: 1) // 1. If timeout is set higher
let tagCloud = app.otherElements["TagCloud"]
XCTAssert(tagCloud.exists) // 2. The ZStack with the identifier "TagCloud" does not exist anymore.
let tagsDescendingFromTagCloud = tagCloud.descendants(matching: .staticText)
XCTAssert(tagsDescendingFromTagCloud.firstMatch.waitForExistence(timeout: 2)) // 4. However, it never finds the tags as the descendants of the tagCloud
let tagsDescendingFromApp = app.descendants(matching: .staticText)
XCTAssert(tagsDescendingFromApp.firstMatch.waitForExistence(timeout: 2)) // 3. It does find the created tags here.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
private let timer = Timer.publish(every: 3, on: .main, in: .common).autoconnect()
#ObservedObject var tagModel = TagModel()
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ForEach(tagModel.tags, id: \.self) { label in
TagView(label: label)
.onReceive(timer) { _ in
if tagModel.tags.count > 3 {
}.animation(Animation.easeInOut(duration: 4.0))
class TagModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var tags = [String]()
func addNextTag() {
tags.append(String( Date().timeIntervalSince1970 ))
func removeOldestTag() {
tags.remove(at: 0)
struct TagView: View {
#State private var show: Bool = true
#State private var position: CGPoint = CGPoint(x: Int.random(in: 50..<250), y: Int.random(in: 100..<200))
let label: String
var body: some View {
let text = Text(label)
.opacity(show ? 0.0 : 1.0)
.onAppear {
return text
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
From what I can see it looks like you are NOT fulfilling the XCTestExpectation you set up with:
let exp = expectation(description: "Waiting...")
In the past, I have used the XCTestExpecation for asynchronous code to signal completion. So like in this example where I set up the XCTestExpectation and provide a description, then made a network call, and on completion of the network call ran exp.fulfill().
let exp = expectation(description: "Recieved success message after uploading onboarding model")
_ = UserController.upsertUserOnboardingModel().subscribe(onNext: { (response) in
}, onError: { (error) in
print("\(#function): \(error)")
wait(for: [exp], timeout: 10)
Steps should be: Create Expectation -> Fulfil Expectation within X seconds.
I don't see any exp.fulfill() in your provided code so looks like that is a missing step.
Proposed Solutions:
A. So what you could do is fulfill your exp at some point during the number of
seconds specified in the timeout: x.
B. Or you want just wanting a delay you could use sleep(3)
C. Or if you want to wait for existence pick an element and use .waitForExistence(timeout: Int)
Example: XCTAssert(app.searchFields["Search for cars here"].waitForExistence(timeout: 5))

SwiftUI - disclosure group expanding behaviour - keep top item static

I'm trying to create a drop down menu using swift UI. I'm actually implementing this into a UIKit project.
The basic functionality I am going for should be that the user clicks on a label with a certain data unit on it and a list expands with other units of measure that can be selected.
Here is my SwiftUI code:
import SwiftUI
#available(iOS 14.0.0, *)
struct DataUnitDropDown: View {
var units = ["ltr", "usg", "impg"]
#State private var selectedDataUnit = 0
#State private var isExpanded = false
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 15) {
DisclosureGroup(units[selectedDataUnit], isExpanded: $isExpanded) {
VStack {
ForEach(0 ..< units.count, id: \.self) { index in
.onTapGesture {
self.selectedDataUnit = index
withAnimation {
So I have a couple of questions here. Firstly, ideally I wanted to place this into an existing horizontal UIStackView. However, the issue I have is that obviously once the dropdown expands, it increases the height of the stack, which is not what I want. Here is a screen shot of the component (see 'ltr'):
When expanded in the stackView:
So I reluctantly placed it in the main view adding some autolayout constraints:
if #available(iOS 14.0.0, *) {
let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: DataUnitDropDown())
controller.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
controller.view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: refuelInfoView.actualUpliftVolume.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
controller.view.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: refuelInfoView.actualUpliftVolume.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
But now when I expand, the whole menu shifts up:
Clearly not what I am looking for.
So I suppose my question is 2-fold:
1- Is there any way I can incorporate this element into an existing stack view without the stack increasing in height when the dropdown is expanded? (I guess not!)
2- If I have to add this to the main view rather than the stack, how can I stop the entire menu shifting up when it expands?
I have amended the code as follows:
if #available(iOS 14.0.0, *) {
let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: DataUnitDropDown())
controller.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
controller.view.clipsToBounds = false
controller.view.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 22).isActive = true
controller.view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: topAnchor).isActive = true
stackSubviews = [inputField, controller.view]
Now, without the topAnchor constraint this works perfectly, but I do need this constraint. But I get an error due to the views. not being in the same hierarchy
I assume instead of
refuelInfoView.actualUpliftVolume.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
you need
refuelInfoView.actualUpliftVolume.bottomAnchor).isActive = true