Redshift Count Number of Inserts/Updates - amazon-redshift

Is there a way to count the number of new inserts/rows in redshift? Ideally, I'm looking to put that into a statistics table to show the accumulation of data engineering efforts over time and what goes into keeping the lights on.

Does STL_INSERT meet you needs?


Re-index data more than one in Apache Druid

I want to get last one hour and day aggregation result from druid. Most queries I use includes ad-hoc queries. I want to ask two question;
1- Is a good idea that ingest all raw data without rollup? Without rollup, Can I re-index data with multiple times?. For example; one task reindex data to find unique user counts for each hour, and another task re-index the same data to find total count for each 10 minutes.
2- If rollup enabled to find some basic summarizes, this prevent to get information from the raw data(because it is summerized). When I want to reindex data, some useful informations may not found. Is good practise that enable rollup in streaming mode?
Whether to enable roll-up depends on your data size. Normally we
keep data outside of druid to replay and reindex again in the
different data sources. If you have a reasonable size of the data
you can keep your segment granularity to be hours/day/ week/month
ensuring that each segment doesn't exceed the ideal segment size (
500 MB recommended ). And query granularity to the none at index
time, so you can do this unique and total count aggregation at query
You can actually set your query granularity at the index time to be
10 mins and it can still provide you uniques in 1 hr and total count
received in 1 hr.
Also, you can index data in multiple data sources if that's what you
are asking. If you are reindexing data for the same data source, it
will create duplicates and skew your results.
It depends on your use case. Rollup will help you better performance
and space optimization in druid cluster. Ideally, I would suggest
keeping your archived data separate in replayable format to reuse.

Performance improvement for fetching records from a Table of 10 million records in Postgres DB

I have a analytic table that contains 10 million records and for producing charts i have to fetch records from analytic table. several other tables are also joined to this table and data is fetched currently But it takes around 10 minutes even though i have indexed the joined column and i have used Materialized views in Postgres.But still performance is very low it takes 5 mins for executing the select query from Materialized view.
Please suggest me some technique to get the result within 5sec. I dont want to change the DB storage structure as so much of code changes has to be done to support it. I would like to know if there is some in built methods for query speed improvement.
Thanks in Advance
In general you can take care of this issue by creating a better data structure(Most engines do this to an extent for you with keys).
But if you were to create a sorting column of sorts. and create a tree like structure then you'd be left to a search rate of (N(log[N]) rather then what you may be facing right now. This will ensure you always have a huge speed up in your searches.
This is in regards to binary tree's, Red-Black trees and so on.
Another implementation for a speedup may be to make use of something allong the lines of REDIS, ie - a nice database caching layer.
For analytical reasons in the past I have also chosen to make use of technologies related to hadoop. Though this may be a larger migration in your case at this point.

Is OLAP the right approach

I have a requirement to develop a reporting solution for a system which has a large number of data items, with a significant number of these being free text fields. Almost any value in the tables are needed for access to a team of analysts who carry out reporting, analysis and data provision.
It has been suggested that an OLAP solution would be appropriate for the delivery of this, however the general need is to get records not aggregates and each cube would have a large number of dimensions (~150) and very few measures (number of records, length of time). I have been told that this approach will let us answer any questions we ask of it, however we do not have repeated business questions that much but need to list the raw records out.
Is OLAP really a logical way to go with this or will the cubes take too long to process and limit the level of access to the data that the user require?

Billions rows in PostgreSql: partition or not to partition?

What i have:
Simple server with one xeon with 8 logic cores, 16 gb ram, mdadm raid1 of 2x 7200rpm drives.
A lot of data to work with. Up to 30 millions of rows are being imported per day.
Time - complex queries can be executed up to an hour
Simplified schema of table, that will be very big:
id| integer | not null default nextval('table_id_seq'::regclass)
url_id | integer | not null
domain_id | integer | not null
position | integer | not null
The problem with the schema above is that I don't have the exact answer on how to partition it.
Data for all periods is going to be used (NO queries will have date filters).
I thought about partitioning on "domain_id" field, but the problem is that it is hard to predict how many rows each partition will have.
My main question is:
Does is make sense to partition data if i don't use partition pruning and i am not going to delete old data?
What will be pros/cons of that ?
How will degrade my import speed, if i won't do partitioning?
Another question related to normalization:
Should url be exported to another table?
Pros of normalization
Table is going to have rows with average size of 20-30 bytes.
Joins on "url_id" are supposed to be much faster than on "url" field
Pros of denormalization
Data can be imported much, much faster, as i don't have to make lookup into "url" table before each insert.
Can anybody give me any advice? Thanks!
Partitioning is most useful if you are going to either have selection criteria in most queries which allow the planner to skip access to most of the partitions most of the time, or if you want to periodically purge all rows that are assigned to a partition, or both. (Dropping a table is a very fast way to delete a large number of rows!) I have heard of people hitting a threshold where partitioning helped keep indexes shallower, and therefore boost performance; but really that gets back to the first point, because you effectively move the first level of the index tree to another place -- it still has to happen.
On the face of it, it doesn't sound like partitioning will help.
Normalization, on the other hand, may improve performance more than you expect; by keeping all those rows narrower, you can get more of them into each page, reducing overall disk access. I would do proper 3rd normal form normalization, and only deviate from that based on evidence that it would help. If you see a performance problem while you still have disk space for a second copy of the data, try creating a denormalized table and seeing how performance is compared to the normalized version.
I think it makes sense, depending on your use cases. I don't know how far back in time your 30B row history goes, but it makes sense to partition if your transactional database doesn't need more than a few of the partitions you decide on.
For example, partitioning by month makes perfect sense if you only query for two months' worth of data at a time. The other ten months of the year can be moved into a reporting warehouse, keeping the transactional store smaller.
There are restrictions on the fields you can use in the partition. You'll have to be careful with those.
Get a performance baseline, do your partition, and remeasure to check for performance impacts.
With the given amount of data in mind, you'll be waiting on IO mostly. If possible, perform some tests with different HW configurations trying to get best IO figures for your scenarios. IMHO, 2 disks will not be enough after a while, unless there's something else behind the scenes.
Your table will be growing daily with a known ratio. And most likely it will be queried daily. As you haven't mentioned data being purged out (if it will be, then do partition it), this means that queries will run slower each day. At some point in time you'll start looking at how to optimize your queries. One of the possibilities is to parallelize query on the application level. But here some conditions should be met:
your table should be partitioned in order to parallelize queries;
HW should be capable of delivering the requested amount of IO in N parallel streams.
All answers should be given by the performance tests of different setups.
And as others mentioned, there're more benefits for DBA in partitioned tables, so I, personally, would go for partitioning any table that is expected to receive more then 5M rows per interval, be it day, week or month.

realtime querying/aggregating millions of records - hadoop? hbase? cassandra?

I have a solution that can be parallelized, but I don't (yet) have experience with hadoop/nosql, and I'm not sure which solution is best for my needs. In theory, if I had unlimited CPUs, my results should return back instantaneously. So, any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Here's what I have:
1000s of datasets
dataset keys:
all datasets have the same keys
1 million keys (this may later be 10 or 20 million)
dataset columns:
each dataset has the same columns
10 to 20 columns
most columns are numerical values for which we need to aggregate on (avg, stddev, and use R to calculate statistics)
a few columns are "type_id" columns, since in a particular query we may
want to only include certain type_ids
web application
user can choose which datasets they are interested in (anywhere from 15 to 1000)
application needs to present: key, and aggregated results (avg, stddev) of each column
updates of data:
an entire dataset can be added, dropped, or replaced/updated
would be cool to be able to add columns. But, if required, can just replace the entire dataset.
never add rows/keys to a dataset - so don't need a system with lots of fast writes
currently two machines with 24 cores each
eventually, want ability to also run this on amazon
I can't precompute my aggregated values, but since each key is independent, this should be easily scalable. Currently, I have this data in a postgres database, where each dataset is in its own partition.
partitions are nice, since can easily add/drop/replace partitions
database is nice for filtering based on type_id
databases aren't easy for writing parallel queries
databases are good for structured data, and my data is not structured
As a proof of concept I tried out hadoop:
created a tab separated file per dataset for a particular type_id
uploaded to hdfs
map: retrieved a value/column for each key
reduce: computed average and standard deviation
From my crude proof-of-concept, I can see this will scale nicely, but I can see hadoop/hdfs has latency I've read that that it's generally not used for real time querying (even though I'm ok with returning results back to users in 5 seconds).
Any suggestion on how I should approach this? I was thinking of trying HBase next to get a feel for that. Should I instead look at Hive? Cassandra? Voldemort?
Hive or Pig don't seem like they would help you. Essentially each of them compiles down to one or more map/reduce jobs, so the response cannot be within 5 seconds
HBase may work, although your infrastructure is a bit small for optimal performance. I don't understand why you can't pre-compute summary statistics for each column. You should look up computing running averages so that you don't have to do heavy weight reduces.
check out
stddev(X) = sqrt(E[X^2]- (E[X])^2)
this implies that you can get the stddev of AB by doing
sqrt(E[AB^2]-(E[AB])^2). E[AB^2] is (sum(A^2) + sum(B^2))/(|A|+|B|)
Since your data seems to be pretty much homogeneous, I would definitely take a look at Google BigQuery - You can ingest and analyze the data without a MapReduce step (on your part), and the RESTful API will help you create a web application based on your queries. In fact, depending on how you want to design your application, you could create a fairly 'real time' application.
It is serious problem without immidiate good solution in the open source space. In commercial space MPP databases like greenplum/netezza should do.
Ideally you would need google's Dremel (engine behind BigQuery). We are developing open source clone, but it will take some time...
Regardless of the engine used I think solution should include holding the whole dataset in memory - it should give an idea what size of cluster you need.
If I understand you correctly and you only need to aggregate on single columns at a time
You can store your data differently for better results
in HBase that would look something like
table per data column in today's setup and another single table for the filtering fields (type_ids)
row for each key in today's setup - you may want to think how to incorporate your filter fields into the key for efficient filtering - otherwise you'd have to do a two phase read (
column for each table in today's setup (i.e. few thousands of columns)
HBase doesn't mind if you add new columns and is sparse in the sense that it doesn't store data for columns that don't exist.
When you read a row you'd get all the relevant value which you can do avg. etc. quite easily
You might want to use a plain old database for this. It doesn't sound like you have a transactional system. As a result you can probably use just one or two large tables. SQL has problems when you need to join over large data. But since your data set doesn't sound like you need to join, you should be fine. You can have the indexes setup to find the data set and the either do in SQL or in app math.