CertGetNameString throws heap corruption - unicode

CertGetNameString() throws heap corruption error randomly, using the function CertGetNameStringW() does the same
LPCWSTR pszName = (LPCWSTR)malloc(cbSize * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (CertGetNameString(

The code which involves usage of CertGetNameString() cyrpt api requires the code be built using preprocessor directive UNICODE enabled.


Error after importing UFPS latest in Unity

I just downloaded UFPS asset in unity but after importing i get some errors. I cant find a way online on how to fix that.
Unity Version: 2018
Assets/UFPS/Base/Scripts/Gameplay/Player/Local/vp_LocalPlayer.cs(62,46): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member UnityEngine.Texture.Texture()' via a qualifier of typeUnityEngine.Texture'. The qualifier must be of type `vp_LocalPlayer' or derived from it
Assets/UFPS/Base/Scripts/Gameplay/Player/Local/vp_LocalPlayer.cs(62,46): error CS0122: `UnityEngine.Texture.Texture()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Line with error:
static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = new Texture();
Replace your line with
private static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = new Texture2D(2, 2);
You'll also run into this error:
error CS0143: The class `UnityEngine.AudioClip' has no constructors
Here's a link to a fix and more about the problems you'll encounter:
static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = new Texture(); // ERROR
static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = null; // NO ERROR

What operations are unsafe before __libc_init_array is invoked?

I want to run some code before main begins, and before constructors for static variables run. I can do with with code like this (ideone)
extern "C" {
static void do_my_pre_init(void) {
// something
__attribute__ ((section (".preinit_array"))) void(*p_init)(void) = &do_my_pre_init;
Are there any language features that will not work correctly when executed in this function, due to _init and .init_array not yet having been executed?
Or is it only user code that should be hooking into this mechanism?
Some background on __libc_init_array
The source for a typical __libc_init_array is something like:
static void __libc_init_array() {
size_t count, i;
count = __preinit_array_end - __preinit_array_start;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
count = __init_array_end - __init_array_start;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
Where the __... symbols come from a linker script containing
. = ALIGN(4);
__preinit_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(.preinit_array))
__preinit_array_end = .;
. = ALIGN(4);
__init_array_start = .;
KEEP (*(SORT(.init_array.*)))
KEEP (*(.init_array))
__init_array_end = .;
Are there any language features that will not work correctly when executed in this function, due to _init and .init_array not yet having been executed?
This question is impossible to answer in general, because the language itself has no concept of .preinit_array, or _init, or .init_array. All of these concepts are implementation details for a particular system.
In reality, you aren't guaranteed to have anything work at all. Things as simple as malloc may not work (e.g. because the malloc subsystem itself may be using .preinit_array to initialize itself).
In practice, using dynamic linking on a GLIBC-based platform most everything will work (because libc.so.6 initializes itself long before the first instruction of the main executable runs).
For fully-static executable, all bets are off.
For non-GLIBC platform, you'll need to look into specifics of that platform (and you are very unlikely to find any guarantees).
Can I make function calls,
Function calls need no setup with fully-static linking, and need dynamic loader to have initialized in dynamic linking case. No dynamic loader will start executing code in the application before it has fully initialized itself, so function calls should be safe.
assign structs
In C, at best, this is a few instructions. At worst, this is a call to memcpy or memset. That should be safe.
use array initializers.
This is just a special case of struct assignment, so should be safe.

Is it true that for all .NET operator overload methods must be public and static?

Quoted from C# From CLR
The CLR specification mandates that operator overload methods be
public and static methods.
I checked ECMA-335, but couldn't find any evidence.
So far I know it is true for C# and F#. Is it true for all CLS-compliant language?
It looks like it's not really required to be public, but making it non-static is problematic at execution time. I experimented by starting with this code:
using System;
class Oddity
public static Oddity operator+(Oddity x, Oddity y)
Console.WriteLine("Adding oddities");
return null;
class Test
static void Main()
var x = new Oddity();
var y = new Oddity();
var z = x + y;
... and then running it through ildasm, changing things, then using ilasm and running the result.
Changing the accessibility modifier to assembly (equivalent to internal): all was fine
Changing the accessibility modifier to private: it assembled (which surprised me) but then failed at execution time:
Unhandled Exception: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'Test.Main()' to access method 'Oddity.op_Addition(Oddity, Oddity)' failed.
at Test.Main()
Removing the static part: it assembled (again, surprising me) but then failed at execution time:
Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Oddity Oddity.op_Addition(Oddity, Oddity)'.
at Test.Main()
I suspect these really should be caught at assembly time, but as languages are only expected to produce operators which are public and static, the validator is a little lax.

error with callback function

I am trying to register a keyboard callback function to a 3D viewer using the Point Cloud Library API.
Todo this I do:
viewer->registerKeyboardCallback(&(RailExtraction::keyboard_callback), (void*)(&gt_data));
But I get the following error message:
note: no known conversion for argument 1 from 'void (RailExtraction< pcl::PointXYZI >::*)
(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent&, void*)' to 'void (*)(const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent&, void*)'
I am trying to understand the error message. I understand what void and void * mean but what does void(*)(...) or void(RailExtraction< pcl::PointXYZI >::*>(...) mean ??
I figured out the problem I am using the wrong version of registerKeyBoardCallBack. I am currently trying to use this signature:
registerKeyboardCallback (void (*callback) (const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent&, void*), void* cookie = NULL)
But I should be using this signature:
registerKeyboardCallback (void (T::*callback) (const pcl::visualization::KeyboardEvent&, void*), T& instance, void* cookie = NULL)
This is because my keyboard_callback function is part of a class and therefore I need to specify the instance of the class so that the compiler can figure out which instance the keyboard_callback function to use. Therefore my new call to registerKeyboardCallBack looks like this:
viewer->registerKeyboardCallback(&RailExtraction::keyboard_callback, *this, (void*)&gt_data);

GWT: How to avoiding calls to dynamicCast and canCastUnsafe in generated JavaScript code?

I'm writing some special purpose data structures in Java, intended for use in the browser, (compiled to JavaScript with GWT).
I'm trying to match the performance of some of the built-in JDK classes I'm noticing things run reasonably fast, but when I compare my code trace to some of the emulated JDK code, mine has lots of calls to dynamicCast and canCastUnsafe, while the JDK emulated classes do not. And it just about accounts for the difference in performance too...
Any GWT gurus out there know how to avoid this? It's amounting to a 20% overhead :-(
Here's the profile output (captured in Firebug) for 10,000 insertions of random integers, between 0 and 100,000 into two different data structures:
Google's TreeMap implementation for java.util.TreeMap (a red-black tree):
Profile (4058.602ms, 687545 calls)
Function Calls Percent Own Time
$insert_1 129809 41.87% 1699.367ms
$compare_0 120290 16% 649.209ms
$isRed 231166 13.33% 540.838ms
compareTo_0 120290 8.96% 363.531ms
$put_2 10000 6.02% 244.493ms
wrapArray 10000 3.46% 140.478ms
createFromSeed 10000 2.91% 118.038ms
$TreeMap$Node 10000 2.38% 96.706ms
initDim 10000 1.92% 77.735ms
initValues 10000 1.49% 60.319ms
$rotateSingle 5990 0.73% 29.55ms
TreeMap$Node 10000 0.47% 18.92ms
My Code (An AVL tree):
Profile (5397.686ms, 898603 calls)
Function Calls Percent Own Time
$insert 120899 25.06% 1352.827ms
$compare 120899 17.94% 968.17ms
dynamicCast 120899 14.12% 762.307ms <--------
$balanceTree 120418 13.64% 736.096ms
$setHeight 126764 8.93% 482.018ms
compareTo_0 120899 7.76% 418.716ms
canCastUnsafe 120899 6.99% 377.518ms <--------
$put 10000 2.59% 139.936ms
$AVLTreeMap$Node 9519 1.04% 56.403ms
$moveLeft 2367 0.36% 19.602ms
AVLTreeMap$State 9999 0.36% 19.429ms
$moveRight 2378 0.34% 18.295ms
AVLTreeMap$Node 9519 0.34% 18.252ms
$swingRight 1605 0.26% 14.261ms
$swingLeft 1539 0.26% 13.856ms
Additional observations:
Same problem for another data structure I made (SkipList).
dynamicCast is being applied in the compare function:
cmp = dynamicCast(right.key, 4).compareTo$(key);
dynamicCast goes away if the class does not implement Map (ie: just removing " implements Map" from the class. Doesn't matter if it's accessed through the interface or directly. This results in the same line compiling to:
cmp = right.key.compareTo$(key);
This is the relevant section of Java source from SkipList:
private int compare(Node a, Object o) {
if (comparator != null)
return comparator.compare((K) a.key, (K) o);
return ((Comparable<K>) a.key).compareTo((K) o);
public V get(Object k) {
K key = (K) k;
Node<K, V> current = head;
for (int i = head.height - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Node<K, V> right;
while ((right = current.right[i]) != null) {
int cmp = compare(right, key);
Unfortunately I'm still not exactly clear on the cause, but from my experience, it seems from explicit casts, like:
((Comparable) obj).compareTo(other)
The Javascript generated looks like:
dynamicCast(obj, 1).compareTo(other);
Where 1 is a generated typeId representing the target of the cast. dynamicCast in turn calls canCastUnsafe and if false, it throws a ClassCastException. The value of this has been debated, since this would already be caught in hosted mode.
It can be sidestepped with JSNI:
public static native int compare(Object a, Object b) /*-{
return a.#java.lang.Comparable::compareTo(Ljava/lang/Object;)(b);
Dunno if you've seen this thread in the GWT Contributor's forum...
Basically, it starts with the same problem you've identified, proposes some new compiler flags, and goes on to show how to use some JSNI to get around the casts.
Edit In the GWT trunk there's a new compiler flag. See the wiki...
An updated answer for GWT version 2.1 and later:
Since GWT 2.1 (at least that's the first mention), the GWT compiler has a new compiler argument called -XdisableCastChecking that disables all runtime checking of casts.
Note, this option is marked as experimental (probably because this would make class cast exceptions very hard to debug).
In my app dynamicCast was called thousands of times in a short profile run, and were the the 3rd most time consuming method in the Firebug profiler. Using this compiler argument significantly reduced the number of "Long Duration Events" messages in the Chrome Speed Tracer.
See GWT Compiler Options for this and other Compiler arguments.
It's definitely a compiler problem: I have the problem on the following line:
final DefaultIconedSuggestBox<SuggestValueProxy, IconedValueHolderItem<SuggestValueProxy>> fieldValueWidget = getCategoryWidget().getFieldValueWidget();
I don't really know how I can workaround it: this line happens in a moment I'm changing from a module to another (it is maybe related to the code splitter issue: even though I'm not using code split: I'm just loading another page with another module)
Does the use of java 1.5 generics and wildcards could avoid this ?