Is it true that for all .NET operator overload methods must be public and static? - operator-overloading

Quoted from C# From CLR
The CLR specification mandates that operator overload methods be
public and static methods.
I checked ECMA-335, but couldn't find any evidence.
So far I know it is true for C# and F#. Is it true for all CLS-compliant language?

It looks like it's not really required to be public, but making it non-static is problematic at execution time. I experimented by starting with this code:
using System;
class Oddity
public static Oddity operator+(Oddity x, Oddity y)
Console.WriteLine("Adding oddities");
return null;
class Test
static void Main()
var x = new Oddity();
var y = new Oddity();
var z = x + y;
... and then running it through ildasm, changing things, then using ilasm and running the result.
Changing the accessibility modifier to assembly (equivalent to internal): all was fine
Changing the accessibility modifier to private: it assembled (which surprised me) but then failed at execution time:
Unhandled Exception: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'Test.Main()' to access method 'Oddity.op_Addition(Oddity, Oddity)' failed.
at Test.Main()
Removing the static part: it assembled (again, surprising me) but then failed at execution time:
Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Oddity Oddity.op_Addition(Oddity, Oddity)'.
at Test.Main()
I suspect these really should be caught at assembly time, but as languages are only expected to produce operators which are public and static, the validator is a little lax.


Callbacks in Dart: dart:ffi only supports calling static Dart functions from native code

This post is a duplicate of the Github Issue here.
dart --version
Dart SDK version: (dev) (Thu Sep 16 09:47:01 2021 -0700) on "linux_x64"
I've been looking up examples for callbacks and I have tried to get callbacks working for me in FFI.
My current situation
I have a function in my library which expects a pointer to a function. The bindings for the same generated by ffigen seem correct to me.
int SetCallback(
CallbackType callback,
) {
return _SetCallback(
late final _SetCallbackPtr =
_lookup<NativeFunction<Int32 Function(CallbackType)>>(
late final _SetCallback =
_SetCallbackPtr.asFunction<int Function(CallbackType)>();
where, typedef CallbackType = Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Uint32)>>;.
What I want to do here is to setup this callback in Dart, pass it to the FFI, essentially using it as my callback as I would have in C. In my API which abstracts away from FFI code (which means I have a class MyLibrary full of static functions that the user will call directly, which in turn calls functions from an object _nativeLibrary of the class MyNativeLibrary I have created), I have:
static int SetCallback({required CallbackFuncDart callback}) {
Pointer<NativeFunction<CallbackFunc>> pointer = Pointer.fromFunction(callback);
int status = _nativeLibrary.SetCallback(
if (STATUS_OK != status) {
throw LibLexemeException(status);
return status;
typedef CallbackFunc = Void Function(Uint32);
typedef CallbackFuncDart = void Function(int);
While the sqlite ffi example states here that
Features which dart:ffi does not support yet:
Callbacks from C back into Dart.
I believe the docs haven't been updated to reflect the changes at the samples here. The samples haven't been very clear due to them not having any C/C++ files, or an idea of how the C functions work. Even so, I think this example contains a segment(last code block) where a Dart function is being passed as a callback which I have replicated in my program. It is not clear to me how this will work but upon trying to compile my program I get:
ERROR: ../lib/library_lexeme.dart:180:74: Error: fromFunction expects a static function as parameter. dart:ffi only supports calling static Dart functions from native code. Closures and tear-offs are not supported because they can capture context.
ERROR: Pointer<NativeFunction<CallbackFunc>> pointer = Pointer.fromFunction(callback);
The short version is that you can't pass your callnback as an argument:
static int SetCallback({required CallbackFuncDart callback}) {
Pointer<NativeFunction<CallbackFunc>> pointer = Pointer.fromFunction(callback); // <-- this isn't considered a static function
It's quite annoying but you must use a static function defined ahead of time for your dart callbacks to be called from C.
Apparently for now only static functions can be passed via ffi. But if you have to access an instance's data and you're sure that the instance exists you can use my workaround. I use a static list to the instances. This is stupid and ugly but it works for me:
class CallbackClass {
static Int8 classCallback(int id) {
final instance = instanceList[id];
return instance.instanceCallback();
Int8 instanceCallback() { return instanceId; }
static List<CallbackClass> instanceList = <CallbackClass>[];
late final int instanceId;
CallbackClass {
instanceId = instanceList.length;
instanceList.insert(instanceId, this);
myFFImapping.passCallback(instanceId, Pointer.fromFunction<>(classCallback);)
I omitted the necessary c code, FFI mapping and casting to correct types for clarity, so it obviously won't compile like this.

Using a Function pointer inside a class crashes the compiler (but works inside a function)

Reference class
class commandsListClass
std::string name;
std::string description;
std::vector<std::string> commands;
columnHeaders headersRequired;
void (*function)(System::Object ^ );
std::string recoveryFileHeader;
void reset()
name = "";
description = "";
recoveryFileHeader = "";
function = dummyFunc; // dummyFunc uses the same members as the intended - this is to ensure it is defined. DummyFunc is empty, returns void etc
Currently, if I run the below code, the compiler crashes
// This crashes the compiler
System::Threading::ThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(gcnew System::Threading::WaitCallback(global::commandsList[index].function ), ti);
1>------ Build started: Project: MyProject, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1> project.cpp
1>c:\users\guy\documents\visual studio 2012\projects\MyProject\MyProject\Form1.h(807): fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1> (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1443)
1> To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
1> Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
1> Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
If I declare a member inside the same function as I am making the call, and set it to the global::commandsList[index].function, it compiles and runs correctly
// This runs correctly
void (*func)(System::Object ^);
func = global::commandsList[index].function;
System::Threading::ThreadPool::QueueUserWorkItem(gcnew System::Threading::WaitCallback(func ), ti);
global::commandsList is a vector of type commandsListClass
Any ideas? Browsing Google and SO suggest changing the compiler to not optimize, which I've tried with no success. The code is written in such a way that:
That point in the code cannot be reached if index does not point to a valid member of the global::commandsList vector
The function variable is guaranteed to be set, either to the dummyFunc on creation, or the correct (requested) function as set elsewhere in the code.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit 1: This is using Visual Studio 2012, Windows 7 x64
Here's a simplified repo:
public delegate void MyDel(Object^);
void g(Object^) {}
struct A {
static void(*fs)(Object^);
gcroot<MyDel^> del;
void h()
void (*f)(Object^);
A a;
gcnew MyDel(f);
gcnew MyDel(fg);
gcnew MyDel(a.fs);
a.del = gcnew MyDel(g);
//gcnew MyDel(a.f); // this line fails
// work around
f = a.f;
gcnew MyDel(f);
Only the non-static member variable fails. Seems like a compiler bug. Work around it by using a local intermediate.
Or better is Lucas's suggestion to use gcroot.

Java 8 Optional.ifPresent is my code wrong or is it eclipse?

I am new to Java 8 and trying out Null type annotations and Optional.
For my example below, I have used String rather than my class and am calling toUpperCase just to call something, in my case I actually call a function passing in a parameter (so don't think I can use :: operator and/or maps).
In Eclipse I have the Java - Compiler - Errors/Warnings - Null Analysis Errors turned on.
My test code below:
public void test1(#Nullable String s) {
// the 2nd s2 has a Potential null pointer access error.
// I was hoping ifPresent would imply NonNull
Optional.ofNullable(s).ifPresent(s2 -> s2.toUpperCase());
public String getSomeString() {
return null;
public void test2() {
String s = getSomeString();
// This is fine, unlike the first example, I would have assumed that
// it would know s was still nullable and behave the same way.
Optional.ofNullable(s).ifPresent(s2 -> s2.toUpperCase());
It would seem that using Eclipse type null annotations and Optional.ifPresent doesn't go well together.
Am I wasting my time trying to get something like this to work? Should I just revert back to assigning the getter to a temp var then checking if null, and if not call my function?
JDT's null analysis cannot know about the semantics of each and every method in JRE and other libraries. Therefore, no conclusions are drawn from seeing a call to ifPresent. This can be remedied by adding external annotations to Optional so that the analysis will see method ofNullable as
<T> Optional<#NonNull T> ofNullable(#Nullable T value)
External annotations are supported starting with Eclipse Mars, released June, 24, 2015. See Help: Using external null annotations.
The difference between the two variants in the question is due to how null analysis is integrated with Java 8 type inference: In variant (1) s has type #Nullable String. When this type is used during type inference, it is concluded that the argument to ifPresent is nullable, too. In variant (2) s has type String (although flow analysis can see that is may be null after the initialization from getSomeString). The unannotated type String is not strong enough to aid type inference to the same conclusion as variant (1) (although this could possibly be improved in a future version of JDT).
First of: #Nullable seams not to be part of the public Java 8 SDK. Have a look at the package you imported: com.sun.istack.internal.Nullable.
Second: I have run both of your methods: test1(null) and test2() and nothing out of the ordinary happened. Everything was fine (as expected). So what did you observe?
run test1(null) => no execution of lambda expression.
run test2() => no execution of lambda expression.
I changed your code for testing in the following way:
public void test1(#Nullable String s) {
Optional.ofNullable(s).ifPresent(s2 -> System.out.println("executed"));
public void test2() {
String s = getSomeString();
Optional.ofNullable(s).ifPresent(s2 -> System.out.println("executed"));

EntityFramework and Expressions translation

I have a entity class Foo I've made partial containing the following code
private readonly static Expression<Func<Foo, int>> MyKeyExpression = (x) => x.Key;
public int MyKey
get { return MyKeyExpression.Compile()(this); }
The above works as in I can use MyKey in EntityFrameworks linq queries.
Why don't the following work?
private readonly static Expression<Func<Foo, int>> MyKeyExpression = (x) => x.Key;
// Set in the constructor with
// _myKeyDelegate = MyKeyExpression.Compile();
private readonly Func<Foo,int> _myKeyDelegate;
public int MyKey
get { return _myKeyDelegate(this); }
I understand the difference between a delegate and an expression(or maybe i don't?) but is confused how EntityFramework is able to interpret the property differently since MyKeyExpression.Compile() returns just that delegate which is then invoked returning an int. Perhaps its my lack of understanding of how the compiler actually handles C# Properties?
Example of usage where first example works but second examples throw a exception about not being able to translate it to SQL.:
dbContext.Foo.Delete(x => x.MyKey == 5)
I would say you don't fully understand difference between delegates and expressions.
Delegate is a reference to code compiled into IL. Only thing you can with it is execute it within .net CLR.
Expression object is a expression represented as tree, (you can think of AST). You can compile it to IL (Compile method) or you can inspect it and generate code for other execution environment, for example into SQL (that's what EF does).
When C# compiler compiles code, first it builds syntax tree and then compiles it. Basically expression is result of first part without second, so you could use SQL translator to compile it to SQL. Or you can write you own and translate it to anything else.
It's very strange what you are saying...
EF ignores the content of the getter and the setter of a mapped property (MyKey).
The query should be generated with a WHERE clause based on MyKey independent of what getter does.
How did you map the MyKey property? There is the setter missing so EF does not generate a field on the DB table and does not map it automatically.

Scala - unbound wildcard exception (Play Framework 2.3 Template)

I am using Play Framework 2.3 I am using the scala template engine to create my views and Java elsewhere.
My model extends an abstract parameterised object like so... (pseudo code)
Abstract object:
public abstract class MyObject<T> {
// various bits
public class MyInnerObject {
// more stuff
Model object (singleton)
public class SomeModel extends MyObject<SomeBean> {
public static SomeModel getInstance() {
if (instance == null)
instance = new SomeModel();
return instance;
// more bits
I then pass the model to the view from another view helper:
MyHelper scala view template:
* My helper
#(myObj: some.namespace.MyObject[_])
#import some.namespace.MyObject
#doSomething(myInnerObj: MyObject[_]#MyInnerObject) = {
#* do some stuff *#
#for(myInnerObj <- myObj.getInnerObjects()) {
However I get an error on the line #doSomething(myInnerObj: MyObject[_]#MyInnerObject) stating
unbound wildcard exception
I am not sure the correct Scala syntax to avoid this error I had naively assumed that I could use the _ to specify arbitrary tyope but it won't let me do this.
What is the correct syntax?
Changing the method definition to:
#doSomething[T](myInnerObj: MyObject[T]#MyInnerObject)
gives further errors:
no type parameters for method doSomething: (myInnerObj:[T]#MyInnerObject)play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable exist so that it can be applied to arguments (myObj.MyInnerObject)
--- because ---
argument expression's type is not compatible with formal parameter type;
found : myObj.MyInnerObject
required: MyObject[?T]#MyInnerObject
It would seem that the Twirl templating engine does not support this syntax currently, although I'm not 100% sure.
I can solve the problem by removing the doSomething method completely...
* My helper
#(myObj: some.namespace.MyObject[_])
#import some.namespace.MyObject
#for(myInnerObj <- myObj.getInnerObjects()) {
But I am bout 10% happy with the solution... It works at least but it feels very restricting that I cannot delegate to methods to help keep my code maintainable. By the look of the comments the problem seems to be a limitation in Twirl, not allowing type arguments for functions in views.
Note: I have accepted this answer as it removes the original problem of the exception however this is only because the solution I want doesn't exist... yet.