Incorrect transaction charges on flow blockchain testnet - onflow-cadence

While making transactions using gosdk through cadence code I am getting transaction charges as 0.00010000 while in their documentation it is mentioned Transaction Fee: 0.000001 FLOW
Can somebody please help

The documentation is updated now. The correct fee is 10 µF. (0.00001)


Can I get Billing Agreement ID without onBoard?

I have a requirement to get billing agreement id without doing seller onBoard. And tie up billing agreement with express checkout method.
Please help me out. Thank you in advance.
All you need is this. If you need help send me a message. I'm doing PayPal Commerce integration right now (READ: last 2 months).
I had a lot of implementation problems, poor documentation etc.

How to check if PayPal subscription is still on trial period

I'm using GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails endpoint of the PayPal classic API to retrieve information about the subscription. From the data, I get back from that endpoint, how do I determine if the customer is still on his initial trial period and not yet on the regular billing period?
The account is on trial, if TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES > NUMCYCLESCOMPLETED, that is, if you have completed less cycles that there are trial cycles.
It's been a while since I worked with that API, but I think that if they are on trial you should be able to tell by looking at PROFILESTARTDATE. If it's in the future it should be on trial still.
Another option could be NUMCYLESCOMPLETED. I don't think a trial counts as a full cycle.

First payment after subscription a plan delayed one day

I am implementing a payment subsystem with the REST API and recurring payments.
I have created several plans and when I make a subscription to one of these plans, the first payment it's done the day after I subscribe the plan. I expected to receive the first payment at the same moment I subscribe the plan. Why it's waiting for next day to do it?
At the moment I am using the sandbox.
Can somebody help me to achieve the behaviour I expected for the first payment when subscribe?
I mailed PayPal MTS and they answered me that for the moment it's not possible to do a inicial instant charge when you create a subscription using the REST API.
You can do it with the Classic API setting up the optional INITAMT from the Activation Details Fields.
You can get more details here:

PayPal transaction types for which no details can be retrieved via API

Does anybody know the PayPal transactions types (from API point of view) for which PayPal does not provide details when using GetTransactionDetails API?
The official documentation is very frugal regarding this topic:
" You cannot obtain details of bank transfer withdrawals, for example."
Thank you.
I would assume anything that doesn't pertain to the API itself can't be retrieved via API. You can't start a bank transfer via the API so it would make sense that you can't get the details either.
I needed the details for a bunch (600+) of transactions and I found the following types:
1. Fee Reversal
2. Payment
3. Refund
4. Temporary Hold
5. Transfer
By just testing it appears that you cannot get transaction details for the types Fee Reversal and Transfer.
According to there are some more transaction types, so you might find some other transaction type descriptions.

PayPal - Unattended charges

Well, I didn't really know how to call this...
I have been surfing PayPal's developer documentation for a while now, but there is nothing that speaks to me with direction as to achieving what I am looking for.
It's probably well documented, but I don't grasp it well enough yet to make sense while reading each part separately.
I have read about Preapproval, though it seem to require that I send the customer's browser to the designated PayPal address.
I have thought about creating a database with credit card information, but that is too scary -- so I am looking to see if there is a way for a customer to allow me to do unattended charges to their PayPal account, much like I would be able to do if I had a database with customer credit card information.
Any direction would be appreciated.
Yes, this is possible. There are two options:
PayPal Express Checkout with a Billing Agreement
This works similarly to Preapprovals (which is Adaptive Payments, a different set of API's). You would need to redirect the buyer to PayPal in order to accept the billing agreement, and from then on you can bill the user using to DoReferenceTransaction API.
PayPal DoDirectPayment (Website Payments Pro) with Reference Transactions
You would need to have an existing transaction, and instead of a billing agreement ID, you would submit a prior transaction ID to the DoReferenceTransaction API. You can then re-bill the user on the card details which are stored with PayPal (up to 1 year. assuming the card details are still valid).
Do note that both options require you having access to the DoReferenceTransaction API, which you will not have access to by default.
For further information on the API itself, see
Important: You will need to call in to get Billing Agreements activated. Good luck finding someone that knows what you need (no really) :-)
You will eventually find someone who knows what DoReferenceTransaction is and then once you've finally found them they'll probably tell you they can only activate it in the sand box and transfer you to someone in the Business Office. They'll have to then submit it to approval with someone else. Est. Total call time 59 minutes 8 seconds.
The guy I just spoke with said he's probably handled only 2 call in a year about DoReferenceTransaction - so you may need to ask around. They have other subscription billing and that's not what you want.
Also realize that approval is not instant and you may need to have established history. The guy who helped me said this is the best number
888 215 5506. Be sure to explain why you need them carefully and try to reassure them you're legitimate. A reputable website behind the domain for your paypal email will probably help.
Good news: I applied for Reference Transactions Friday and was approved today (Sunday). This was for two accounts - one which had only been established the day before.
Thank you for contacting us about enabling reference transactions on
your PayPal account.
I am pleased to inform you that your request has been approved. You
can begin using this feature immediately.
If you have further questions regarding this email, please contact a
Merchant Services Specialist at 1-888-221-1161.
AJ Merchant Risk Operations
I was trying to do this recently and I found this question with no luck because the Express Checkout with a Billing Agreement method is deprecated since January 1, 2017.
There is a new REST method called Vault payment methods that recently entered open beta and it's not in the official documentation (to this date), so I leave the link to Create transactions when your buyer isn't present, in case someone needs it.
The process it's explained in the documentation but basically, you need to create a payment token (the source can be a PayPal account or a credit card), and then use that token to capture the payment.