PayPal transaction types for which no details can be retrieved via API - paypal

Does anybody know the PayPal transactions types (from API point of view) for which PayPal does not provide details when using GetTransactionDetails API?
The official documentation is very frugal regarding this topic:
" You cannot obtain details of bank transfer withdrawals, for example."
Thank you.

I would assume anything that doesn't pertain to the API itself can't be retrieved via API. You can't start a bank transfer via the API so it would make sense that you can't get the details either.

I needed the details for a bunch (600+) of transactions and I found the following types:
1. Fee Reversal
2. Payment
3. Refund
4. Temporary Hold
5. Transfer
By just testing it appears that you cannot get transaction details for the types Fee Reversal and Transfer.
According to there are some more transaction types, so you might find some other transaction type descriptions.


How can i find a transaction in paypal which is not made via rest api?

I am not able to find payment or sale object in paypal with the txn_id returned in IPN message. I want to process refund via rest api call for such transactions.
In general, you can perform a refund via REST API call only if your transaction was made via REST. Anyway, it depend of the flow that the transaction followed...
If you want provide further details, I will be more than happy to provide more information about.
Thank you in advance.

Is PayPal REST API still lacking an equivalent of GetExpressCheckoutDetails?

We are doing a new PayPal Express integration for an ecommerce store that needs to retrieve the Billing and Shipping Address information after the user logs into PayPal to authorize the payment, but BEFORE we capture the payment.
We need that information so we can create a user account in our store for them, if one does not already exist for them, and so we can properly calculate the shipping charges for the customer.
The following post over a year ago implied that had not been implemented into the REST API yet. Is that still the case?
PayPal REST API equivalent of GetExpressCheckoutDetails
If it has been implemented, would somebody please point out to me how to access that information? If so, I would greatly appreciate it.
If it has not been implemented, does anyone know when it will be implemented?

PayPal REST Subscriptions API not showing price in order summary

I am testing the PayPal REST API for subscriptions in the sandbox environment, and have noticed that, when going to the approval URL returned after creating an agreement, no price is shown under the order summary pane on the left of the page. A description is shown but no price/tax etc.
The plan id is passed to the call to create an agreement, which contains the information that I would expect to see as a user when approving the payment. Is this a bug or is there something that I am supposed to enable in the merchant account, or perhaps something additional that needs to be sent when creating the agreement? I've read other posts regarding this on stack overflow (although they predate the creation of the subscriptions REST API) talking about passing a transaction field, but this isn't valid in the subscriptions create agreement schema.
Your observations are (currently) correct. As REST API based Billing Plans are based on Express Checkout Recurring Payments, you're going to see a similar behavior.
Right now, there are two options:
You populate the description with more agreement details.
You pass a regular description and make sure the customer is aware of the billing terms before your execute the agreement.
Going forward, we're likely going to include this info in some later updates. I'm following up with that to make sure a user story is filed for this.

Retrieving Paypal transaction fee

Is there any way to retrieve the transaction fee charged by Paypal using the REST API?
I've got a mobile application that makes a charge using the Paypal SDK, and then posts the transaction ID to the server. I'm trying to use this to get the transaction fee from Paypal.
Looking at the documentation, it looks like the fee should be returned as part of the details object, though it's not clear how to get this from the payment.
For example, if I get the payment using the following endpoint:
The response returns information about the transaction, including the amount and currency, but nothing about the Paypal fee.
I've also tried looking up the sale (/v1/payments/sale/XXXXXXX) but that doesn't return anything about the Paypal fees either.
Interestingly enough, I don't seem to be able to view this information either from the transactions grid in the web interface, but I'm sure this information was definitely available in the old version of the web interface (before the redesign).
Not sure if I'm missing something obvious here.
Unfortunately, despite being documented, it seems this hasn't been implemented. According to PayPal Merchant Technical Support, on 02/16/2015:
"Kindly take note that transaction fees will not be returned in REST APIs response and I am not being able to ensure whether this will be implemented in future."
I learned that fee tracking was a requirement for my company's PayPal implementation, and I ended up switching to SDKs as a result.
The details object of the amount object has a fee field, which when you look up the sale using the URL you mentioned above should be in each transaction in the transactions array.
This should return the value you are looking for.

Get payment history on Paypal API

I need to find a way of getting a Paypal account holders payment history using the Paypal api. If we have a user's consent (i.e. we've already used the Permissions API to redirect them to Paypal, and they've consented to give us permissions to get details of payments to their account), what's the next step?
I've seen a similar question here which talked about using GetTransactionDetails call, but that seems only to get details for a single transaction. Another answer mentioned the Payment.List method, but didn't give an example of how it's used.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I would recommend using the TransactionSearch API. This will let you get a list of transactions (up to 100 at a time). You can then use the GetTransactionDetails API to get more information on individual transactions.