I have downloaded pyaudio.whl but instead of running through powershell or cmd , I have used open with other apps - python-imaging-library

I have downloaded pyaudio.whl but instead of running through powershell or cmd , I have used open with other apps. I tried alot to reverse it in original format but unable to so. now whatever .whl file am downloading its always downloading with other format. Please help to get it reverse in original format so I can run it through cmd.


flutter blank screen on desktop(windows)

Running my application on another Windows machine results in a blank window. I works fine on the development machine.
I have included all the dll-files + data folder + 3 extra dll files mentioned on the Flutter website.
I have also ran "dependencies" on the resulting .exe file and can't see any missing dll's.
Compiling the "mydemo" application works fine, so I assume there are some other external files my application needs.
I have tried looking through the output of "flutter run -v" to find any clues of extra files needed, but can't see anything useful.
What is the preferred way to tackle a problem like this? How can I find out what files/resources are missing to distribute my app? Is there a way to use the "debug" version on the other machine instead and bring out the debug console window? I would guess that would show me errors when the app tries to load the missing resources.
Check if any package you depend on has some additional file requirements: for example, I'm using sqflite_common_ffi in some of my projects, which needs an additional DLL file to run. I don't know what you're referring to 'dependencies' ran on the EXE, though.
In any case, when I can't get any good output or error from a project, I do this: open up Windows prompt, go to the directory where you have put all the required files, and run
your_exe_file >> logFile.txt 2>&1
which will output the standard output and the standard error to the file. The log file name and extension don't really matter, it will be a simple text file.
For example, if I dont put the additional DLL for sqflite_common_ffi in the same folder of the compiled EXE, the output of the command above will specifically mention the name of the DLL that is missing.
if you got your project through a repository to run on another windows machine, use the command "flutter pub get"

Invoke-WebRequest can't download properly

I was using Invoke-WebRequest for some time in my script and today first time I got problem with it - once I run script, it starts to download ZIP file and finishes without warnings, but when I am trying to open file, WinRar gives me an error and I can see that file size is less than it should be. I tried several time and got same result. Then I tried to download file with Google Chrome just to ensure that file is not corrupted, but it downloaded (with correct file size) and opened without any issues.
After couple of hours I ran script again and it downloaded file as well. So now I am not sure that I can trust Invoke-WebRequest since it seems that sometimes it can make incomplete download.
Myabe someone can point me on how I can avoid this situation? Or maybe better to use another method?

Can you configure LibreOffice with PowerShell?

I'm coming here today as a newbie, I want to create a script that'll save me time when setting up a fresh Windows Installation, so it'll start with an Invoke-Webrequest to download the desired application (like LibreOffice) from Ninite.
The question is can I configure them with PowerShell ? Example: You can configure LibreOffice to save your files with the extension .docx instead of .odt.
Is it possible to configure that from PowerShell ?
If so, can you tell me ?
Thanks !

Download a WebFile only if the files newer that the one that exists

I'm struggling to find how I would be able to download a file that's accessible via a URL, but don't keep downloading it if the file on the URL is newer than the file in existence.
Using Power shell this command downloads the file, but it will just download it again regardless if it's there already.
Invoke-WebRequest http://www.domain.co.uk/downloads/File.zip -OutFile C:\Temp\File.zip
I know the command line for copying local files with "XCOPY /D" to check for the date/time stamp but I am wondering if something similar can be done downloading a file from the internet?
Many thanks in Advance

CRC fail when extracting sample Unity project

How do I properly extract the zip files located at
I have tried the built in Windows zip functionality and 7zip run with administrator privileges. I tried reporting it as a bug to Parse but their bug tracking system gave me a 404 when I tried to submit.
The specific pathways to get to those URLs are
Parse.com -> Docs -> Get Started link under Start building -> Data -> Unity -> New Project -> Download the blank Unity project
The solution was to use WinRAR instead of 7zip or the built in Windows zip functionality. It was not simply a matter of re-downloading, the directories produced by WinRAR versus 7zip were different.