Build method in JPA with composite key - jpa

This is my entity with composite key:
#Table(name = "course_ratings")
public class CourseRating {
private CourseRatingKey id;
Where CourseRatingKey looks like this:
public class CourseRatingKey implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "user_id")
private int userId;
#Column(name = "course_id")
private int courseId;
public CourseRatingKey() {
// getters, setters, equals(), hashCode()
And my JPA repository
public interface CourseRatingRepository extends JpaRepository<CourseRating, CourseRatingKey> {
I am trying to build method that will return list of all CourseRating with given courseId property of CourseRatingKey. Below method doesn't work because JPA doesn't recognize it:
repository.findAllByIdCourseId(int id);
How can I build my method name to achieve my goal?

I have solved my problem by declaring this method in repository. I'm a bit confused as the other methods work without declaring.
public interface CourseRatingRepository extends JpaRepository<CourseRating, CourseRatingKey> {
List<CourseRating> findAllByIdCourseId(Integer id);


Picketlink with custom model and long Id

I have a existing Model and want to use it with Picketlink. But I am using Long as #Id field. But Picketlink expect this to be a String field. I have found some hints to use another entity which maps to the corresponding entity of my model. But actually I don't now how to do it.
I have a base class, which all entities derive from:
public abstract class AbstractEntity implements Serializable, Cloneable {
#Column(name = "SID")
private Long sid;
#Column(name = "INSERT_TIME")
private Date insertTime;
#Column(name = "UPDATE_TIME")
private Date updateTime;
// getters and setters
And a derived realm entity:
public class RealmEntity extends AbstractEntity {
private String name;
private String typeName;
private String configurationName;
private boolean enforceSSL;
private int numberFailedLoginAttempts;
// getters and setters
And the mapping class for Picketlink looks as follows:
#IdentityPartition(supportedTypes = {
public class Realm extends AbstractPartition {
private boolean enforceSSL;
private int numberFailedLoginAttempts;
private Realm() {
public Realm(String name) {
The PartitionManager is defined as follows:
.supportType(User.class, Role.class, Application.class, Realm.class)
.supportGlobalRelationship(Grant.class, ApplicationAccess.class)
.mappedEntity(App.class, AppUserRole.class, AppRole.class, AppUser.class, UserEntity.class, RelationshipIdentityTypeEntity.class, RealmEntity.class)
.addContextInitializer((context, store) -> {
if (store instanceof JPAIdentityStore) {
if (!context.isParameterSet(JPAIdentityStore.INVOCATION_CTX_ENTITY_MANAGER)) {
context.setParameter(JPAIdentityStore.INVOCATION_CTX_ENTITY_MANAGER, entityManager);
When I try to create a new Realm Hibernate throws an error while trying to load the Realm because the #Id is defined as Long but the #Identifier of the Picketlink model is a String.
this.shsRealm = new Realm(REALM_SHS_NAME);
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Provided id of the wrong type for class de.logsolut.common.picketlink.model.RealmEntity. Expected: class java.lang.Long, got class java.lang.String
How can I map the JPA model correctly to Picketlink?

Disable additional criteria only in some entity relations

I am making an application based on JPA/EclipseLink, I implemented a soft delete functionality using #AdditionalCriteria in the root class of the hierarchy of entities (all entities inherit from this).
My problem is that now, I need to create a special entity that contains multiple relationships with other entities; and I need recover all relationed entities, including soft deleted ones. It is possible disabled #AdditionalCriteria only in the relations of this special entity with EclipseLink? If not, what is the best option to do this? My code looks like the following:
////Example of my top entity class (all others inherit from this)
#AdditionalCriteria("this.deleted = false")
public abstract class TopHierarchyClass {
#Column(name = "deleted")
protected boolean deleted = false;
//Example of entity that needs recover all relationed entities including soft deleted
#Table(name = "special_entities")
public class SpecialEntity extends EntityBase {
#JoinColumn(name = "iditem", referencedColumnName = "id")
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Item item;
#Table(name = "items")
public class Item extends EntityBase {
Thanks in advance
Create a new entity for the same table without the #AdditionalCriteria. This way you can retrieve all records from that table without applying the additional filter.
For example:
public interface Person {
Long getId();
void setId(Long id);
Date getDeletedAt();
void setDeletedAt(Date deletedAt);
public class PersonEntity implements Person {
private Long id;
private Date deletedAt;
public Long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(Long id) { = id; }
public Date getDeletedAt() { return deletedAt; }
public void setDeletedAt(Date deletedAt) { this.deletedAt = deletedAt; }
#Table(name = "people")
#AdditionalCriteria("this.deletedAt is null")
public class ActivePersonEntity extends PersonEntity {
#Table(name = "people")
public class RawPersonEntity extends PersonEntity {
public class PeopleRepository {
private EntityManager em;
public List<Person> all() {
return all(false);
public List<Person> all(boolean includeSoftDeleted) {
if (!includeSoftDeleted) {
return em.createQuery("select p from ActivePersonEntity p", ActivePersonEntity.class).getResultList();
} else {
return em.createQuery("select p from RawPersonEntity p", RawPersonEntity.class).getResultList();
Also, if your #AdditionalCriteria is in a super class, you may override it by declaring a new empty #AdditionalCriteria in a sub class:
You can define additional criteria on entities or mapped superclass.
When specified at the mapped superclass level, the additional criteria
definition applies to all inheriting entities, unless those entities
define their own additional criteria, in which case those defined for
the mapped superclass are ignored.
#AdditionalCriteria doc

How to declare a base repository for a MappedSuperclass base type with spring data?

We're having a hierarchy of entity classes where all inherit from a BaseEntity #MappedSuperclass. Is there a way to have a spring-data "base repository" that allows you to query for any BaseEntity without having to know it's type and use a specific repository?
public class BaseEntity {
private Long id;
private String owner;
// setter/getter etc...
public class FooEntity extends BaseEntity {
private String foo;
public class BarEntity extends BaseEntity {
private String bar;
* How to declare this base repository....
public interface BaseRepository extends JpaRepository<BaseEntity, ActionPK> {
List<BaseEntity> findByOwner(String owner);
public class MyService {
private BaseRepository baseRepository;
public void doSomething() {
// ... so that is can be used like this:
List<BaseEntity> entities = baseRepository.findByOwner("john");
I think the only way you could achieve this is to create a Service class that will orchestrate all the calls to your Repository classes that have an owner property. That service call would return your list of BaseEntity objects.

JPA Mapping, parent to children and child to parent with two classes and abstract class

I have have two classes that inherit from an abstract class and have a parent-children relation.
So I use annotation OneToMany and ManyToOne but the parent entity in child class is always null.
Can Someone help me please, I have spend several hours to googling and test many conf without success.
These are code from my classes :
public #Table(name="flowentity") #Entity abstract class FlowEntity {
final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FlowEntity.class);
//Globals informations concerning the flow state
private #Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) Integer flowId = 0;
private String flowName;
private #OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
Set<PeopleEntity> actorSet = new HashSet<>();
//Global parameters for most of flows
//Organizational parameters
private #OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
OrganisationalEntity organisationalEntity;
public #Table(name="ams_newCPEntity") #Entity class NewMultiCPEntity extends FlowEntity {
private #OneToMany(targetEntity=NewCPEntity.class, fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy="parent")
Set<NewCPEntity> cpList = new HashSet<NewCPEntity>();
public NewMultiCPEntity(){
public #Table(name="ams_newCPEntity") #Entity class NewCPEntity extends FlowEntity {
final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewCPEntity.class);
private boolean formNCPValidated;
private #ManyToOne #JoinColumn(name="parent_Id", nullable=false)
NewMultiCPEntity parent;
public NewCPEntity(){
log.debug("Instanciation of a new CP");
public #Override OrganisationalEntity getOrganisationalEntity(){
return parent.getOrganisationalEntity();
If I don't add the #JoinColumn annotation, JPA create an association table but is not able to retrieve the parent whereas the association can be done directly by requesting in database.
Thankyou very much to help.
Thank you Chris for your comment, you are right, I forget to change the name of the table. I don't think it was the problem because the inheritance mapping is in one table flowentity with a DTYPE discriminator column.
Finally I resolve my problem by setting parent attributs when adding a new child like this :
public #Table #Entity class NewMultiCPEntity extends FlowEntity {
private #OneToMany(targetEntity=NewCPEntity.class, fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
List<NewCPEntity> cpList = new ArrayList<>();
public NewMultiCPEntity(){
setOrganisationalEntity(new OrganisationalEntity());
public List<NewCPEntity> getNCPList(){
if(cpList == null){
cpList = new ArrayList<>();
addCPEntity(new NewCPEntity());
return Collections.unmodifiableList(cpList);}
public boolean removeCPEntity(NewCPEntity entity){
return cpList.remove(entity);
public boolean addCPEntity(NewCPEntity entity){
return cpList.add(entity);
And I remove the override of getOrganizationalEntity in the child :
public #Table #Entity class NewCPEntity extends FlowEntity {
final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NewCPEntity.class);
private #ManyToOne(targetEntity=NewMultiCPEntity.class,cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
NewMultiCPEntity parent;
public NewCPEntity(){
log.debug("Instanciation of a new CP");
public NewMultiCPEntity getParent() {
return parent;
public void setParent(NewMultiCPEntity parent){
this.parent = parent;

Exception thrown with OneToMany annotation

In my Play 2.0 application using the EBean ORM I have the following class:
public class User extends Model {
public Long id;
public String someString;
#OneToMany(mappedBy="user", cascade=CascadeType.REMOVE)
public List<UserImage> userImages = new ArrayList<UserImage>();
Unless I comment out the #OneToMany line completely, the application throws a RunTimeException stating
Error reading annotations for models.User
The UserImage class I refer to here looks like this:
public class UserImage extends Model {
public long id;
public int index;
public User user;
What am I doing wrong here? Why doesn't EBean understand my annotation?
I think you missed the #Entity annotation on the UserImage class:
public class UserImage extends Model {
public long id;
public int index;
public User user;