Samsung Android 9 is throwing isSBSettingEnabled false then not sending a multipart request. I have created a custom network security config, enabled HTTP legacy in android manifest, and tried allowing clear traffic. I have even tried using an HTTP Client lib such as Dio.
I get a successful http GET request, however when attempting to send a MultiPartRequest the isSBSettingEnabled false shows and the POST request is never sent. There is no error being logged.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you :)
I'm getting this error when trying to hit a service from postman but not through advanced rest client.Intially, thought it is due to some web cache layer on the server or some postman cookies but when I'm accessing it fails but another colleague access the same service it becomes successful.I'm using desktop application Postman.we are using AJP connections on JBoss server and max packet size and body size are set to max. can anyone guide me?
It may caused by large request due to many cookies attached to your request, You need to delete the cookies manually, which can be done which chrome settings:
chrome://settings/content/cookies Then go to "See all cookies and site data"
If you are using Native Postman use its Cookie manager
Native Postman app there is "Cookie manager"
We have Rest web services on a glassfish4 (payara) server
Our rest client is based on httpClient Lib
As Authentication we use certificate and basic auth.
The client work well getting and posting infos to WS
But when we send a multipart post with file bigger than few bytes, parsing the request hang until a timeout
If we disable the certification auth, all is working
Thanks to payara blog, we address the problem: we needed to change a configuration in payara, "Max Save Post Size" in Network Config->Network Listener -> http-listener-2 (the one using ssl) - http tab
I created a simple vanilla ToDo from azure mobile template to test the service but don't seem to work correctly. I can connect to from localhost with mobile services but not after I published site,
error message I get:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load$filter=(complete%20eq%20false). No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 400.
I also tried "*" for the CORS but no go.
Any ideas? Thanks
Thanks for your reply #phillipv. I used "*" but still didn't work. I used .net as my mobile service back-end and that was the problem. Seems like they have a bug. I recreated this using node back-end and worked without an issue.
come on Microsoft
I saw a nuget fix here
cors not working with azure mobile service .net backend
I am trying to enable BOSH connection over Openfire so that i can create a XMPP client over a web. curretly i am testing it with the strophe.js.
the problem is when i try to fire following url in a browser i am getting
following error
Problem accessing /http-bind/. Reason:
Bad Request
Powered by Jetty://
here is my server setting , i saw few threads but they arent helpful
i have made a connection using strophe but i am getting following error in browser trance
its now working in my system.
i think your error encountered may actually be a configuration issue with the openfire.
It is designed to reply with HTTP 400 Bad Request if there is no element in the request. You can test this yourself by providing a element in your query.
Try the following URL in your browser:
http://www.servername:7070/http-bind/?<body rid="1"/>
In your update Strophe is sending OPTIONS HTTP requests which means that it is negotiating cross domain communication. Requests are painted red which means that this is failing for some reason. Probably misconfiguration.
There is a nice article about that here:
Otherwise, when Strophe does its regular BOSH communication it uses POST method.
Your setup is correct. The page the browser displays to you is also normal. Openfires BOSH component is not designed to work in a Browser with HTTP GET, only with BOSH clients like strophe. Try to connect with strophe.
You should use proxy to repost the request to the openfire server . Because, the js post cannot support cross domain.
1.I use jsjac , but I think it's not important .
2.If you sure your config is right , please restart you openfire server . It's my experience .
If server is properly configured it should display
Problem accessing /http-bind/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
The Bad Request was gone when I uninstall and reinstall Openfire as in
Below works for me, i am pinging the openfire server after some interval so, clients remains alive...
i just append "/?<body rid='1'" with the server name and i don't have 400 bad request error.
XMPPconnection.sendIQ($iq({ to: XMPPserver+"/?<body rid='1'/>", from: CurrentUserJID, type: "get" }).c('ping', { xmlns: "urn:xmpp:ping" }));
I am developing an iPad application and using the ASIHTTPRequest library ( to make requests to my web server, which runs CentOS 6.2 and is equipped with Apache 2.2 and mod_ssl enabled.
When I make an HTTPS request to the server, sometimes I get a null response. Absolutely nothing. As if the server were completely dead. Sometimes it works just fine, returning the expected response. There is no rhyme or reason to when the response is null and when it's fine.
The server uses a dummy security certificate
I am setting validatesSecurityCertificate to NO
I am setting SSLVerifyClient to none in httpd.conf
Note, HTTPS requests sent through a web browser work fine (after you tell it to proceed without a security certificate). But, all HTTPS requests sent through HTTP Client: ((Zero-length response returned from the server.))
The trick to using ASIHTTPRequest well is that you dont use it. Its deprecated by its author . I suggest using AFNetworking, RESTKit or even NSURLConnection.
As it is we have no code of yours to see, but when experiencing random issues with a library that hasn't been worked on in years I would say to start by using a different library.