Houdini flipbook default output location - houdini

I would like to set a default output location for the Houdini flipbook so that all users have a standard path to save and look for their flipbook sequences rather than everyone inputting their own save locations from the gui. Is there an option or setting for that, preferably something I could set with an environment variable?

This script might help.
Just create a new tool and paste code into script tab.
Once you click on the tool, it will load up the flipbook and save jpg sequence to disk.
Also make sure to create "resx" and "resy" here, here, and here
PS: double check if folder you are outputing JPGs to exists.
import os
import toolutils
filename = "---YOURPATH---/$HIPNAME/$HIPNAME.$F4.jpg"
scene = toolutils.sceneViewer()
setting = scene.flipbookSettings().stash()
res = (int(hou.getenv("resx")), int(hou.getenv("resy")))
range = hou.playbar.playbackRange()
scene.flipbook(scene.curViewport(), settings)


Writing string to specific dir using chaquopy 4.0.0

I am trying a proof of concept here:
Using Chaquopy 4.0.0 (I use python 2.7.15), I am trying to write a string to file in a specific folder (getFilesDir()) using Python, then reading in via Android.
To check whether the file was written, I am checking for the file's length (see code below).
I am expecting to get any length latger than 0 (to verify that the file indeed has been written to the specific location), but I keep getting 0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
import os.path
save_path = "/data/user/0/$packageName/files/"
name_of_file = raw_input("test")
completeName = os.path.join(save_path, name_of_file+".txt")
file1 = open(completeName, "w")
toFile = raw_input("testAsWell")
if (! Python.isStarted()) {
Python.start(new AndroidPlatform(this));
File file = new File(getFilesDir(), "test.txt");
Log.e("TEST", String.valueOf(file.length()));
It's not clear whether you've based your app on the console example, so I'll give an answer for both cases.
If you have based your app on the console example, then the code in onCreate will run before the code in main.py, and the file won't exist the first time you start the activity. It should exist the second time: if it still doesn't, try using the Android Studio file explorer to see what's in the files directory.
If you haven't based your app on the console example, then you'll need to execute main.py manually, like this:
Also, without the input UI which the console example provides, you won't be able to read anything from stdin. So you'll need to do one of the following:
Base your app on the console example; or
Replace the raw_input calls with a hard-coded file name and content; or
Create a normal Android UI with a text box or something, and get input from the user that way.

How can I change the name of the file being saved without editing the code? MatLab

I am working on an experiment that take a lot of data samples and save it to different video files. For example, I take data and save it to a file called "slowmotion.avi" and then I take another set of data and save it to another file called "normalspeed.avi".
I am trying to find a way that I could change the name of file being saved without editing the code. The way I am using right now makes me have to open the code and change the name of the file directory within the code and then save the code. I want to make it a lot faster and easier to use.
I have tried the following code to fix this problem but it doesn't work.
graph=input('Graph of experiment: ');
vidObj = VideoWriter('%3.1f.avi\n',graph);
Hope I didn't confuse you.
A possible solution:
graph=input('Graph of experiment: ','s');
vidObj = VideoWriter([graph,'.avi']);
The 's' in the input() function indicates that the expected input is a string, and [graph,'.avi'] simply concatenates both strings.

How to combine several PNG images as layers in a single XCF image?

I have several PNG images, which I need to combine as individual layers in a new GIMP XCF image. I need to perform this task many times, so a script based solution would be best.
So far i tried to play around with the batch mode of GIMP, but failed miserably.
Instead of script-fu, which uses Scheme, I'd recommend using the GIMP-Python binding for this, since it is far easier to manipulate files and listings.
If you check filters->Python->Console you will b dropped into an interactive mode - at the bottom of it, there will be a "Browse" button which lets you select any of GIMP's procedures in its API and paste it directly in this console.
There is as an API call to "load a file as a layer" - pdb.gimp_file_load_layer -
this however, brings the image to memory, but do not add it to the image - you have to call
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer afterwards
You can type this directly in the interactive console, or,check one of my other GIMP-related answers, or some resource on GIMP-Python on the web to convert it to a plug-in, which won't require pasting this code each time you want to perform the task:
def open_images_as_layers(img, image_file_list):
for image_name in image_file_list:
layer = pdb.gimp_file_load_layer(image_name)
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(img, layer, None, 0)
img = gimp.image_list()[0]
image_list = "temp1.png temp2.png temp3.png"
open_images_as_layers(img, image_list.split())
The second to last line img = ... picks a needed reference to an open image
in GIMP - you could also create a new image using pdb calls if you'd prefer
(example bellow).
The file list is a hardcoded space separated string in the snippet above,
but you can create the file list in any of the ways allowed by Python.
For example, to get all the ".png" file names in a
c:\Documents and Settings\My user\Pictures folder, you could do:
from glob import glob
image_list = glob("c:/Documents and Settings/My user/Pictures/*png")
To create an image programatically:
img = gimp.Image(1024, 768)

Moodle: How to set default blocks and their order in a new course?

I want to change default blocks and also order of them when a new course is created. I guess this should be done through editing source code, but if there is a way in application layer, that would be great!
I don't want to send my task to others. Finding out:
What is the proper way;
Which files should be checked;
What is the systematic way of doing it: through code, database or application.
is ok!
You can add following config variables in your config.php file according to your course format setting. In this setting colon is provided to separate the left and right blocks.
$CFG->defaultblocks_site = 'site_main_menu,course_list:course_summary,calendar_month';
$CFG->defaultblocks_social = 'participants,search_forums,calendar_month,calendar_upcoming,social_activities,recent_activity,course_list';
$CFG->defaultblocks_topics = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';
$CFG->defaultblocks_weeks = 'participants,activity_modules,search_forums,course_list:news_items,calendar_upcoming,recent_activity';

how to give the default path in gwt

i m creating a project in gwt (point) is project name ...
i want to store a image in point/war/images folder, whaich i gave the full path like C:\Documents and Settings\computer\workspace\m\war\images\ tthe the iamge will stored in images folder but i want to give the default path
i give "../war/images/" as default path, but this give me error (he system cannot find the path specified )
can any body help to give the default path
Usually you put images in the war/images directory, and you access them like
Image img = new Image("images/my_image.jpg")
You may also read this thread, and this question.