Heroku is not connecting with mongoose Atlas - github

I created a shopping site using node.js and launched it on Heroku, but I face one problem:
My heroku is not connecting with mongoose atlas
However, all configuration seems right, like uri variable.
What should I do: I did not get any error.

The official documentation is art "Using MongoDB Atlas on Heroku", written by Adrienne Tacke, so double-check your config (as in here), especially the db connection.
And, as described here, in order to do this in combination with Heroku dynos, add (i.e. all addresses) to your MongoDB Atlas whitelist.
Finally, check your code (as seen here), using MongoClient.
You have a concrete example at "M2 - Heroku Deployment (with Mongo Atlas)" from Uros Cirkovic:
check your logs with heroku logs -n 200


Discover MongoDB Database Hostname on Heroku

I need to connect to a MongoDB (Heroku) database through Pentaho, but I can't find the HostName anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find out?
I haven't worked with Heroku, but probably you'll have a configuration panel somewhere with the data to connect to the database, I would ask on Heroku about it.
This link is not directly related, but explains how to add to Heroku a Config Var with the URI of the MongoDB connection to an Atlas MongoDB database, probably you'll have something similar: https://www.mongodb.com/developer/products/atlas/use-atlas-on-heroku/

Set up robo3t to connect to mongodb

I'm new to mongodb, and learning as i'm going. In my new team there isn't much documentation so i'm filling in gaps myself
There is mongodb set up that i finally managed to resolce access issues to and connect to with mongodb command line via the connection string below. (And based on my understanding, the community version of mongodb does not support this, i needed to use some server enterprise version which thankfully was free)
While i have minimum access to db now, it is quite a hassle to work with just the command line
--authenticationMechanism=GSSAPI --authenticationDatabase=$external --username "user#testdomain.me.com" --password "pAssw0rd!" -ssl --sslCAFile C:\files\ca.pem
I have Robo3T - 1.3 but no matter how many times i try to apply above connection string into the robo3t connection window, i keep getting various errors.
Part of me is worried that i need to use the enterprise version of robo3t (which isn't free)
Can anyone give some advice?

Connect to Database directly via Mongo Compass

Via shell, I can directly connect to mongo database with this string
mongo --ssl host1,host2:port/MyDataBase...
And I land directly on the MyDataBase.
Is there a similar way to do it in Compass? I get connected to whole server and I can see all the other databases. I just want to connect to MyDataBase.
I am using the lattest version of Compass, so it may differ from your current version.
It is important the you are in the network of the server, or use a VPN connection, otherwise, it does not work.
Step 1
Step 2
Please,let me know if that works!

Connecting to external dummy MongoDB server

To run Meteor without Mongo, a dummy MongoDB server is needed. Obviously, one solution is to run mongod locally, or launch a mock MongoDB server.
What other ways are there to connect to a dummy MongoDB server for testing purposes?
Any Mongo hosting providers that have put up a dummy/test server, basically a /dev/null over mongodb://?
mongolab has that in their free sandbox level.
compose.io also has a free sandbox level.
search for 'mongo sandbox' or 'mongo free'.
the local mongo (on osx) is invaluable; don't know about wind blows.

Mongo vs Mongoid - why can 1 connect and the other not?

I have a rails-app which uses both mongoid and mongo. I use mongoid for my own models, and I use mongo because I have ruote with a ruote-mon storage.
In production however; I get
Mongo::ConnectionFailure: Failed to connect to a master node at localhost:27017
when I try to connect to the ruote storage. Even when I just do Mongo::MongoClient.new
Steps I have taken so far to try to resolve this:
I have made my mongodb an explicit master by setting master = true in /etc/mongod.conf
There are no $ENV variables set that could intervene with Mongo::MongoClient.new (double checked)
I have tried to connect using Mongo::MongoClient.new(:slave_ok => true) - same error
I have restarted my mongo database several times (w/o success).
I have checked my firewall settings and I can connect to localhost:27017 with telnet (as said, the mongoid documents can be fetched and stored w/o issue)
I am out of my wits... Any suggestions?
The reason this happened is because we were sending queries with meta operators ($query, $orderby, etc...) for the ismaster command during a connect. This command's output is used to determine whether you are connected to a primary or not and would fail because very old versions of mongodb don't support the use of meta operators.
This fix will be in version 1.8.2 of the gem but I strongly encourage anyone who is still running pre-1.8 versions of mongodb to upgrade. 2.0 is the current legacy release as of the time of this post and even 1.8 is no longer widely supported.
As jmettraux mentioned you can find more details about this on the MongoDB project Jira under Ruby-525
please look at: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/RUBY-525
Should be fixed by the 1.8.2 mongo gem.