Want to learn gtk and glade - gtk

Any links or tutorials viedos link pls suggest me.i tried so many links and tutorials in YouTube but there is no proper way of teaching these courses and I tried Udemy also in that only Spanish language course only available no English language

A good place to start is Simon Long's book An Introduction to C & GUI Programming. It introduces GTK2, (the latest version is GTK4) but things are essentially the same in the version. You just have to learn the new functions that replace the deprecated. And it has a chapter on Glade. Just skip to the middle of the book, that is where the GTK section is, and it continues to the end of the book. If you have a Raspberry Pi, you can download it on the Bookshelf program for free.


What is a good resource/method for me to learn making Qt GUIs for Perl?

I am decent with Perl, and I've chosen to start learning making GUI interfaces for my Perl programs. That said, I've found it hard to learning how to make a GUI with Qt. I have the bindings from http://code.google.com/p/perlqt4 which seem to be the most recent, but as to how to use them I'm still a bit stumped. All the books and tutorials on the net that I can find are either geared towards using Qt with C++ or with Python.
I'm an absolute Qt beginner and would like to learn how to use it with Perl, but unfortunately the net seems scarce on material for me to use. I can make a GUI design with QtDesigner but don't know how I can fit the code that it generates together with Perl. I can copy the examples from http://code.google.com/p/perlqt4/source/browse/qtgui/examples/tutorial , but those are simple programs withe no accompanying documentation that would allow me to know what is going on or why the code was written that way.
I don't know how Qt or the bindings work but I'd like to learn. Everything that I can find is either obsolete or written for bindings for other languages which I don't understand. I was hoping that some people who've already done this would give me some solid advice or point to some good resources so that I could start learning.
If making a GUI is what you want to do, please consider CitrusPerl that builds on top of wxPerl which is nothing more than a wrapper around wxWidgets. It also makes it very easy to create installers or packagers with the use of Cava Deployment Tools.
After struggling a further day with the stuff qt4 + perl ..it works in that (stackexchange) way. I use a standard debian wheezy distribution with the packages libqtcore4-perl and libqtgui4-qt etc. Sources from Chris Burel can be found under CPAN or GIT. Regards

Making Magento themes from scratch. Do's and Dont's?

I'm trying very diligently to learn the inner workings of magento, I've watched many video tutorials, read many blog articles and tutorials, and am somewhat getting the hang of it. The only problem i'm running into is I can only find tutorials and videos that are based on versions too old to use as a reference.
I built an HTML shopping cart template. I'm having trouble figuring out where to start in creating a new theme to base it on.
Do I copy the default app and skin folders and modify things? I attempted that, couldn't figure it out.
I'm asking if anyone has any in depth resources for the new 1.7 magento, about theming from scratch and working with the files, blocks, and layouts.
I have a degree in programming, however i'm not used to this version of MVC.
Looking for tips, pointers, books, tutorials, screencasts, anything to help me build a modern magento theme.
Any help is appreciated.
same issue with me earlier , please check this: http://dbhoopendra.blogspot.in/2012/05/layouts.html#.UYibfKLDDRB

Want to develop a WYSIWYG editor for GUI in eclipse

I want to develop a WYSIWYG editor for developing Mobile Apps (Hybrid). Looked into the following link. Develop a WYSIWYG editor in eclipse plugin
I have read about GEF. But some of my friends told me that GEF is outdated and there are some alternative frameworks coming up. I couldn't find any such framework.
Kindly let me know whether GEF is the best bet or is there any other framework which I can use to develop screens for Mobile Apps
I did some searching about a year+ ago (see here), and GEF came out as the best choice. If there are other frameworks out there that I don't know of, please ask your friends to tell, but from my knowledge there aren't many. GEF is VERY complex, but at the same time provides the best abstraction to develop editors, with a lot of built-in capabilities. There is also a plan for GEF4, but that is long range.
In short, ask your friends for concrete examples, and if they can't provide you good ones, go with GEF. The future is always more promising than the present because it is not yet here :-)

Bioperl: notes or online references for beginners

Please suggestion, I want to get started from 0. I do have experience on R.
What's wrong with the documentation available at http://www.bioperl.org ? I found a HOWTO for beginners, and installation instructions for various platforms. If you're looking to learn perl, try http://www.perl.org/books/library.html for some free online textbooks.
The book Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics has a chapter on BioPerl. That chapter is available as a sample from Oreilly.

How do I use a 3rd party C library in Xcode for my iphone project?

love this site and all helpful people! I'm newbie to Xcode and iPhone programming but I've pretty much got the hang of using the SDK to make programs in Obj-C (simple programs right now but make me happy). My experience is web programming (such as PHP and Perl) and I'm not really used to a lot of the new Xcode/desktopy-app stuff like static libraries and linking and such. I be honest, I am not total awesome programmer yet!
I have a problem right now, my (card game) program I am writing needs to use this C library. I don't really understand how I get the proper C files and integrate them into my project so I can start using the commands in that tutorial to evaluate hand values.
I hope I have been clear, please let me know if there is anything I am leaving out. Unfortunately, my newbieness may prevent from me making everything so clear and sometimes I can't english perfectly what I am thinking!
Happy thanks in advance, looking forward to any help!
Couple things:
The library you linked to is quite large. Pokersource appears to be a large C project containing all sorts of things like language bindings and some GUI tools as well. A project that large certainly has an IRC channel. I would recommend going there.
The library you linked to appears to be (I may be wrong about this), licensed under the GPLv3. This means that any program that you distribute to others that uses a GPLv3 library or piece of code must also be licensed under the GPLv3. The upshot is that if you use that library, you'll have to release the source for your game.
The site you linked to does seem to have a long list of other poker hand evaluators, so its possible one of them is suitable for your needs.
Good luck!
it's totally possible to use third party static libraries with your iPhone and using Xcode. This webpage illustrates the process of doing it.