Uncommitted changes "collapse arrow" color VSCode - visual-studio-code

In this image the white background of the collapsed try block is the setting:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": { "editor.foldBackground": "#ffffff" }
But, what I can't find anywhere or guess at correctly is how to change the color of the little red arrow inbetween lines 6 and 7? This is where there are uncommitted changes that you can view/revert, like the last two images. I just don't want red because that is my error highlight color and I'm revamping a huge project to pull all PPI out and it is starting to drive me crazy looking like there are thousands of errors when it is just uncommitted code.

Try this colorCustomization:
editorGutter.deletedBackground Editor gutter background color for lines that are deleted.
from the end of https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color#editor-colors
There are also these:
editorGutter.modifiedBackground: Editor gutter background color for lines that are modified.
editorGutter.addedBackground: Editor gutter background color for lines that are added.```


What ISE-Option changes regions textcolor when they're collapsed?

I'm currently styling my ISE but can't find an option to change the fontcolor for regions when they're collapsed. When they're expanded they seem to take the color that's configured for comments but when I collapse them they change back to black.
The other option that I'd like to change is that when I hover over the "-" to collapse a region it highlights the whole region white.
Unfortunately I can't add an image right now because imgur seems to have problems. I'll try to add one later.
Are there any options to change the fontcolor for collapsed regions and what color they're highlighted as when hovering over the collapse button?

better vscode yaml group highlight possible?

Is it possible to highlight the currently selected group/object/list in vs code?
As you can see there is a "basic highlighting" the grey vertical line highlight. But I would like to use a (just a bit) lighter dark grey as background colour for all affected lines. Instead of just a simple grey vertical line.
Only for YAML files though.
Well the indent guide below selector is already highlighted to show its children.
You can try this extension which highlights other items on the same indentation depth.

How to change highlighted warning/error text background color in eclipse?

I'm using Retta color theme in eclipse. The problem is when I hover with the mouse over the warning or error symbols, it gives me a white background and I can't see a thing.
Highlighted text
Where I can change that? I've already tried going to General>Editors>Text Editors>Annotations, but changing the options there didn't solve the problem (like making Text as Underline and so on). The problem only occurs when I hover the mouse over the warning/error symbol.
First you should over the word with the highlighted background and then proceed to right click, then go to Preferences > Appearance color options
Then you should be able to adjust the colors to your liking.

Change workbench SQL editor cursor / line highlight color

I found some great info on here about modifying Workbench's color scheme, but now that it's dark, the black cursor and dark blue line highlight blend in to the background almost entirely. The quick fix, of course, is to lighten the editor background, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has any idea how to modify the editor's line highlight and cursor colors.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
The color can be changed but you have to change the CSS
On linux it's here
MySQL Workbench does not allow to customize colors on that level. The color schemes work only on Windows (where the OS provides already high contrast schemes). Windows is also handling any adjustment of cursor color, selection color and other standard colors (like window background). Further modifications are only possible for SQL syntax highlighting.

How to make Eclipse's tab's background color changed when use dark theme?

I am trying to make my Eclipse cooler like IntelliJ's darcular theme. Everything is fine now except the tab's background's color. It's white and I can't see the words clearly.
Just like the picture below.
Oh, I don't know why it can be seen in the screenshot.
But what I want like this:
By TWiStErRob's comment I found where to change it for me, which also had bright tabs when switching to dark theme.
Below the steps how I changed my tabs:
Go in the top menu to window, then preferences.
Then drill down to General > Appearance > colors and fonts
There is a list with multiple background begin, background end options. If you select an option you can use the edit button to change the color.
Default you only get the basic colors. By clicking the *Define Custom Colors >>** button you can use a color picker or the hex/hsl editor fields to enter your own preferred colors. I changed them all (all the background begin/background end options) from their bright colors to darker colors.
The end result.
Thanks to TWiStErRob for giving the pointer where to find the setting.