Change workbench SQL editor cursor / line highlight color - mysql-workbench

I found some great info on here about modifying Workbench's color scheme, but now that it's dark, the black cursor and dark blue line highlight blend in to the background almost entirely. The quick fix, of course, is to lighten the editor background, but I thought I'd ask if anyone has any idea how to modify the editor's line highlight and cursor colors.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

The color can be changed but you have to change the CSS
On linux it's here

MySQL Workbench does not allow to customize colors on that level. The color schemes work only on Windows (where the OS provides already high contrast schemes). Windows is also handling any adjustment of cursor color, selection color and other standard colors (like window background). Further modifications are only possible for SQL syntax highlighting.


Powershell CTRL+F Highlighting Color

I like to use a darker background but I cant find the setting to changer the highlighting. Every time I use it its like I'm finding waldo and it defeats the purpose.
I assume you are using the ISE? The command window just inverts the colours so anything other than medium grey is easy to find.
Anyway this is a really unfortunate feature of Windows, the highlight text isn't controlled by the ISE but by Personalisation settings. Go into Control Panel, Personalisation, Window Colour, then "Advanced Appearance Settings..." and you'll get the old options to change window colours.
The "Selected Items" setting will change the colour of highlighted text EVERYWHERE IN WINDOWS. So if you decide to go down this route you're going to need to pick a colour you can easily find on both your ISE and the standard black-on-white theme. I recommend a slightly lighter blue.

Eclipse on Ubuntu 12.10 - BG color of Java editor left margin

Since upgrading to Ubuntu 12.10, one of the things that's been annoying me is the background color of the left margin of the Eclipse Java editor window. It's pretty much white, which makes it difficult to see where the actual left edge of the editor window ends and the margin begins. Screenshot:
I've looked through all the Eclipse color settings and also all the "Gnome Color Chooser" settings and I don't see where I would change this. Any ideas?
You will want to go to Windows->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors and find the section called Appearance color options. You will want to change the Selection background color. This will also change the background of the main document, but this will make where one section begins and ends well defined. You can experiment with these settings and the settings under Java->Editor until you get the color scheme you want.

How to change the color of the currently selected line in a code assist popup in Eclipse?

I've recently downloaded Eclipse 3.6, everything works fine, but there is one issue that really frustrates me. The highlight color of a currently selected item in a code assist popup is barely visible against white background. I've tried to mess with color settings, but it seems that there is no option for my needs. The line highlight color set in Windows color scheme is only used to highlight in a focused popup.
I believe it is hidden in another part of Preferences. I personally wanted to change the highlighted or currently selected line color, and could not find anything in Colors and Fonts. Ends up it was in...
General -> Editors -> Text Editors
And you just need to go through every option in the "Appearance color options" box there. One is "Current line highlight" and that fixed my problem. I hope it helps yours!
I know you're trying to change the highlight color, but if the problem is contrast you can change the content assist background color, and get this kind of contrast
The setting is General->Appearance->Color Basic->Content Assist Background
Then it's just a matter of finding colors that please you.
Try Preferences->General->Appearance->Color and Fonts then find the appropriate category.
Some editors will have support for "Colored labels - match highlight"
I was having the same issue and I've found a solution for windows XP. If you go to Control Panel -> Display -> Appearance -> Advanced and select 3D Objects under Item you can change the color of this highlight to a darker color.
However it does change the appearance of other parts of your windows.

Change background color of UI elements in eclipse IDE

I am using Eclipse 3.5 IDE on Fedora linux. Too much white or light gray color is hurtful to my eyes. I managed to change the background of editor and console window to black but nothing else so I am still seeing 30 to 40% space as not black. How do I change the background color of package explorer?
If not possible then how to hack into eclipse source code or config files somewhere to do that and also to change all UI panels color to black from the current light grey and text to some other color from black?
Much of the appearance of Eclipse is controlled by the GTK+ theme. You can edit the current theme or try different themes out. The "Nokoka-Midnight" theme, for instance, is almost entirely black. I like a program called gtk-chtheme to switch them.
To change only editor without affecting the entire IDE you can try two approaches:
Go to Windows>Preferences>General>Editors>Text Editors and Java>Editor>Syntax Colouring and edit the colors there.

I want to change the color of the text editor of Eclipse easily!

Eclipse is a default, and a background color is white,
but many developers uses the dark color (black) and thinks whether it is used the letter color with white or green.
I can't find tools which the color template can change an editor color of Eclipse by a blow very much.
Do you know featured WEB sites.?
If get possible to choose dark color among a beginning like MIFES, makes me Happy
I don't fully understand your question but for changing Eclipse's editor background color just go to menu: Window > Preferences, and in the dialog go to General > Text Editors. In that form just select Background color from the list Appearance color options and use the color picker in the right to change it. For other formatting options go to General > Colors and Fonts in the same dialog.
NOTE: All these formatting changes are saved in your workspace if you create a new one it'll start with the default settings
As a very late follow-up (just found this via search), there is now Eclipse Color Theme, a plugin you can grab from the marketplace. It enables you to use color themes from various sites and load them directly.
They even got a few relatively close Netbeans-lookalikes (that's why I was looking for one).
If you mean "themes" as Netbeans has "Dark pastels" theme - then Eclipse currently doesn't have this feature.
In the newer version of eclipse, we have an option Switch to Theme...
This should resolve the issue.