Can a symmetric matrix be computed using matrix-vector operation while maintaining least number of flops? - matlab

Consider A an nxn matrix. its not a special matrix and in the worst case all of its entries are non-zero. I am looking for a way to compute AA^T using matrix-vector operation. The total number of flops are (2n-1)*(n(n+1))/2 because all I have to do for a symmetric matrix like C=AA^T is to compute the diagonal entires which are C(i,i)=A(i,:)^T * A(i,:). What I want now is to compute the lower triangular part and then when I am done I just say that the upper triangular part is the same as the lower triangular part. The problem is can I do it in matrix-vector multiplication or will it force me to perform unnecessary multiplication (like multiplying elements in the upper part)? It is clear that a scalar computation would work but I am interested to know if a matrix-vector computation would work or not.

MATLAB is already smart enough to do this for you. When MATLAB encounters an expression like A*A.', it will recognize that the two operands are the same and will call a symmetric BLAS library function in the background to do the calculation. This symmetric function does exactly what you want ... only does about 1/2 the operations and generates an exact symmetric result.


How to compute inverse of a matrix accurately?

I'm trying to compute an inverse of a matrix P, but if I multiply inv(P)*P, the MATLAB does not return the identity matrix. It's almost the identity (non diagonal values in the order of 10^(-12)). However, in my application I need more precision.
What can I do in this situation?
Only if you explicitly need the inverse of a matrix you use inv(), otherwise you just use the backslash operator \.
The documentation on inv() explicitly states:
x = A\b is computed differently than x = inv(A)*b and is recommended for solving systems of linear equations.
This is because the backslash operator, or mldivide() uses whatever method is most suited for your specific matrix:
x = A\B solves the system of linear equations A*x = B. The matrices A and B must have the same number of rows. MATLABĀ® displays a warning message if A is badly scaled or nearly singular, but performs the calculation regardless.
Just so you know what algorithm MATLAB chooses depending on your input matrices, here's the full algorithm flowchart as provided in their documentation
The versatility of mldivide in solving linear systems stems from its ability to take advantage of symmetries in the problem by dispatching to an appropriate solver. This approach aims to minimize computation time. The first distinction the function makes is between full (also called "dense") and sparse input arrays.
As a side-note about error of order of magnitude 10^(-12), besides the above mentioned inaccuracy of the inv() function, there's floating point accuracy. This post on MATLAB issues on it is rather insightful, with a more general computer science post on it here. Basically, if you are computing numerics, don't worry (too much at least) about errors 12 orders of magnitude smaller.
You have what's called an ill-conditioned matrix. It's risky to try to take the inverse of such a matrix. In general, taking the inverse of anything but the smallest matrices (such as those you see in an introduction to linear algebra textbook) is risky. If you must, you could try taking the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse (see Wikipedia), but even that is not foolproof.

Very small numerical issues with hessian symmetry and sparse command

I am using IPOPT in MATLAB to run an optimization and I am running into some issues where it says:
Hessian must be an n x n sparse, symmetric and lower triangular matrix
with row indices in increasing order, where n is the number of variables.
After looking at my Hessian Matrix, I found that the non-symmetric elements it is complaining about are very close, here is an example:
H(k,j) = 2.956404205984938
H(j,k) = 2.956404205984939
Obviously these elements are close enough and there are some numerical round-off issues or something of the like. Also, when I call MATLABs issymmetric function with H as an input, I get false. Is there a way to forget about these very small differences in symmetry?
A little more info:
I am using an optimized matlabFunction to actually calculate the entire hessian (H), then I did some postprocessing before passing it to IPOPT:
H = tril(H);
H = sparse(H);
The tril command generates a lower triangular matrix, so these numeral differences should not come into play. So, the issue might be that it is complaining that the sparse command passes back increasing column indices and not increasing row indices. Is there a way to change this so that it passes back the sparse matrix in increasing row indices?
If H is very close to symmetric but not quite, and you need to force it to be exactly symmetric, a standard way to do this would be to say H = (H+H')./2.

how to convert a matrix to a diagonally dominant matrix using pivoting in Matlab

Hi I am trying to solve a linear system of the following type:
where A is the coefficient matrix,
x is the vectors of unknowns and
b is the vector of solution.
The coefficient matrix (A) is a n-by-n sparse matrix, with even zeros in the diagonal. In order to solve this system in an accurate way I am using an iterative method in Matlab called bicgstab (Biconjugate gradients stabilized method).
This coefficient matrix (A) has a
det(A)=-4.1548e-05 and a rcond(A)= 1.1331e-04.
Therefore the matrix is ill-conditioned. I first try to perform a scaling and the results where:
det(A)= -1.2612e+135 but the rcond(A)=5.0808e-07...
Therefore the matrix is still ill-conditioned... I verify and the sum of all absolute value of the non-diagonal elements where 163.60 and the sum of all absolute value of the diagonal elements where 32.49... Therefore the matrix of coefficient is not diagonally dominant and will not converge using my function bicgstab...
I am looking for someone that can help me with performing a pivoting to the coefficient matrix (A) so it can be diagonally dominant. Or any advice to solve this problem....
Thanks for the help.
First there should be quite a few things noted here:
Don't use the determinant to estimate the "amount of singularity" of your matrix. The determinant is the product of all the eigenvalues of your matrix, and therefore its scaling can be wildly misleading compared to a much better measure like the condition number, leading to the next point..
your conditioning (according to rcond) isn't that bad, are you working with single or double precision? Large problems can routinely get condition numbers in this range and still be quite solvable, but of course this depends on a very complicated interaction of many factors, of which the condition number plays only a small part. This leads to another complicated point:
Diagonal dominance may not help you at all here. BiCGStab as far as I know does not require diagonal dominance for its convergence, and also I don't think diagonal dominance is known even to help it. Diagonal dominance is usually an assumption made by other iterative methods such as the Jacobi method or Gauss-Seidel. Actually the convergence behavior of BiCGStab is not very well understood at all, and it is usually only used when memory is a very severe problem but conjugate gradients is not applicable.
If you are really interested in using a Krylov method (such as BiCGStab) to solve your problem, then you generally need to have more understanding of where your matrix is coming from so that you can choose a sensible preconditioner.
So this calls for a bit more information. Do you know more about this matrix? Is it arising from some kind of physical problem? Do you know for example if it is symmetric or positive definite (I will assume not both because you are not using CG).
Let me end with some actionable advice which is very generic, and so not necessarily optimal:
If memory is not an issue, consider using restarted GMRES instead of BiCGStab. My experience is that GMRES has much more robust convergence.
Try an approximate factorization preconditioner such as ILU. MATLAB has a function for this built in.

Using inv() function in Matlab crashes using all the RAM

I have a sparse matrix in Matlab 43916x43916, which is calculated by this equation:
being nVa int, alphaa int, NeMatrix a sparse matrix and beta a int.
I can't do inv(B) because it increases the use of RAM till it crashes. I've tried LU already with no success.
How can I alternatively calculate this inverse matrix?
The inverse will be a dense matrix. Thus you should check, whether you can handle a matrix of this size. Try, e.g., to set up ones(nV,nV) ...
If you have enough storage, you may consider to compute the inverse column wise. The i-th column would be B\ei, where ei is the i-th unit vector.
HOWEVER, in numerical computations you hardly ever need the inverse of a matrix B. Most times B\v is enough, where v is a vector. So you better check, whether you really need the full inverse...

MATLAB dct2/idct2 vs. dctmtx

There are two alternative methods to compute DCT and its inverse in MATLAB. One is dct2/idct2 and the other is the transformation matrix computed by dctmtx. Why is there an alternative way based on matrix multiplications making use of dctmtx?
"If A is square, the two-dimensional DCT of A can be computed as D*A*D'. This computation is sometimes faster than using dct2, especially if you are computing a large number of small DCTs, because D needs to be determined only once."
Where D = dctmtx(n)