I'm getting an UnassignedReferenceException when the reference is set. I've seen other questions similar but not exactly the same - unity3d

As the title says i'm getting the UnassignedReferenceException error for a variable already set. Using ScriptableObjects im working on an inventory system(partially from scratch) and im trying to access the EquipmentUi in another class using a GameObject to hold the prefab containing the Character script. There is no issue with this working to access the Character script as shown in the picture because i can access the name. However, when i try and access the EquipmentUI of that character it gives the error. This isnt the last part i need access to but i have figured out that the UI is the part i cant access, i need the script held in it(which has worked before in another class).
The variable is already assigned, there is no other object in my scene with the same script attached, and the code can access other parts of the script i want access to which is why i made a new post after seeing the other posts and not seeing one that had quite the same issue.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnitEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "New Character Equipment", menuName = "Inventory/Character/CharacterEquipment)]
public class CharacterEquipmentObject : ScriptableObject
protected Player user;
private GameObject equipmentUser; // Only used to get the user because SOs cant getObject<>
public EquipmentObject[] equipment = new EquipmentObject[8];
EquipmentDisplay equipmentUI;
//private string[] SlotList = new string[8]{"Helmet", "Shoulders", "Chest", "MainHand", "OffHand", "Ring", "Legs", "Feet"}; may need later
public void start() // must be called in display
user = equipmentUser.GetComponent<Player>(); // set the user to be used in other classes\
Debug.Log("user in CEO: " + user.characterName); // this displays fine
Debug.Log("user " + user.characterName + "'s equipment: " + user.EquipmentUI.name); // This is what the editor says is empty when the slot has it assigned
equipmentUI = user.EquipmentUI.GetComponentInChildren<EquipmentDisplay>();
Debug.Log("equipmentUI: " + equipmentUI.name);
Thanks for any help in advance.
Player class:
public class Player : Character
protected Character[] companions = new Character[3];
GameObject InventoryUI;
public GameObject EquipmentUI;
bool isSelling = false;
public string characterName;
protected override void Start()
Debug.Log("Player Equipment UI: " + EquipmentUI.GetComponentInChildren<EquipmentDisplay>().name);
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
var item = other.GetComponent<InteractItem>();
characterInventory.addItem(item._item, 1);
private void Update()
if(EquipmentUI.activeSelf == true)

Thanks for all the help on here but i figured out it is a ScriptableObjects issue as i went in and changed the way it is run, even putting the function to edit the users InventoryObject into the player itself it still gave the same issue.
In the player function Update() that does not have the InventoryObject(ScriptableObject) the update runs fine but as soon as the player function EmptySlot() is called from the InventoryObject it sends the same error.
Not entirely sure why this is but SOs are unable to access the GameObject that holds the script for the inventory display in them whatsoever. If anyone has a reason as to why this is I would love to know, but i am going to move on from this particular part and change how it works.

You might be experiencing a bug I have been facing where the element variable info does not update to show variable changes.
To force it to update, cause an error in your code. Switch to unity, when it shows you the error go back and fix it, and see if the variable value changes then.


How to click on instantiated objects and get points, then link points to score text?

What I want:
I want the player to be able to click on instantiated objects and get points, then have those points show in the score-keeping text.
What I’ve done:
I’m currently using the following “FindGameObjectsWithTag” code to retrieve the buttons that are components of the instantiated prefab objects:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
public class CPointScore : MonoBehaviour
public TextMeshProUGUI CPointsText;
private float ScoreNum;
private GameObject[] CButtonGmeObjsHolder;
private void CTagFinder()
CButtonGmeObjsHolder = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Ctag");
foreach (GameObject CButtonGmeObj in CButtonGmeObjsHolder)
Debug.Log("GmeObj Found");
Button CButton = CButtonGmeObj.GetComponent<Button>();
public void AddScore()
ScoreNum += 1;
Debug.Log("Point Added # " + ScoreNum);
void Start()
InvokeRepeating("CTagFinder", 1f, 15.1f);
void Update()
CPointsText.text = ScoreNum.ToString();
Because FindGameObjectsWithTag only calls once I have the InvokeRepeating code in start. I have game objects spawning throughout the duration of the game so it needs to be constantly checking for tags.
So the code finds the tags, the buttons are able to be clicked, and the score-keeping text updates which is great. The problem is that if I click one tagged button it will register a point for itself and every tagged button currently in the scene that spawned after it. For example, lets say I have 4 spawned objects currently on scene, when the first object spawned is clicked it will add 4 points instead of 1. If the second object spawned is clicked it will add 3 points instead of 1. I would like to have only the tagged button that is clicked register a point.
What can I change in my code so that only the tagged button that is clicked registers a point?
Thank you
I think there are two things here:
You repeatedly add the listener so you will end up with multiple callbacks when the button is finally clicked.
The repeated FindGameObjectsWithTag is also quite inefficient
Your main issue is the repeated calling.
For each repeated call of CTagFinder you go through all existing buttons and do
so these existing buttons end up with multiple listeners attached!
You either want to make sure it is only called once per button, e.g. keeping track of those you already did this for:
private readonly HashSet<Button> alreadyRegisteredButtons = new HashSet<Button>();
and then
or alternatively make sure you remove the callback before you add it like
In general I would not use FindGameObjectWithTag an poll objects repeatedly. Rather make your code event driven. This would already avoid the issue at all since there would be no repeated attaching of the listener anyway.
I would simply have a dedicated component YourComponent attached to the same GameObject as the buttons and have a global
public static event Action<YourComponent> OnCTSButtonSpawned;
and in this dedicated component do
private void Start()
and in your CPointScore listen to this event like
private void Awake()
YourComponent.OnCTSButtonSpawned += AttachListener;
private void AttachListener(YourComponent component)
if(compoenent.TryGetComponent<Button>(out var button))
private void AddScore()
CPointsText.text = ScoreNum.ToString();

Can't load another level

I was following an online tutorial to make this little game in Unity and when I got to the end, I wound up with two different levels. The only problem is that I can only play one of them. I tried adding it in the build settings but for some reason, it just isn't working. Maybe there's a problem with the code? I don't know. This is my first-ever working with Unity so I'm still figuring things out.
public class LevelControllerScript : MonoBehaviour
private static int _nextLevelIndex = 1;
private NewBehaviourScript1[] _enemies;
private void OnEnable()
_enemies = FindObjectsOfType<NewBehaviourScript1>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
foreach(NewBehaviourScript1 NewBehaviourScript1 in _enemies)
if (NewBehaviourScript1 != null)
Debug.Log("You killed all enemies!");
string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;
string nextLevelName = "Level" + _nextLevelIndex;
This line of code makes the string nextLevelName something like Level1, or Level2, however, you are trying to match up to the string leveltwo.
To fix this you need to match up the strings, I believe you can just change the scene leveltwo to Level2 (and change all of the other scenes accordingly).

I'm using Unity and creating a text based game where your options directly affect the health and need assistance

I'm trying to add a healthbar which is affected by the choices made and link the two but am unable to do so. Any help would be appreciated.
I will recommend you that before you go any further with your game development process, you research a bit more about general OOP programming (no offense or anything, it will just make things waaay easier, trust me).
That being said, here's an example to steer you to the right direction:
You can create a script with a global variable called health and subtract it every time the player makes a decision that would "punish" them, here's an example of how that could work:
PlayerManager.cs (put this script on your player)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerManager : MonoBehaviour {
public float health = 100f;
private void Update() {
if (health < 0)
private void Die () {
//Fancy animations and text can be added on this method
And on your dialogue script, once they choose a wrong answer, then you can just decrease health on the proper player manager instance, like this:
public PlayerManager playerManager;
public float damage = 10f;
private void Start() {
//You can initialize other stuff here as well
//This line is assuming you have the dialogue system script attach to your player as well
playerManager = GetComponent<PlayerManager>();
private void Update () {
//This is obviously going to change depending on how your system is built
if (wrongChoice) {
playerManager.health -= damage;
wrongChoice = false;

Unity3D: Custom UnityEvent AddListener not firing

I have my own custom UnityEvent and am trying to add a listener.
I have used AddListener on numerous other UI objects, such as buttons, dropdowns, toggles, etc. so I understand the process. However, when I Invoke my UnityEvent, it simply doesn't fire.
I'm receiving no error messages, and after doing reading and research, everything looks correct. So, not sure what to do further.
This is an object that emits when it's rotated.
This is the basics of my code:
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class Rotator: MonoBehaviour
public UnityEvent OnRotate;
int angle = 0;
int newAngle = 0;
void Start()
OnRotate = new UnityEvent();
void Update()
newAngle = (int)transform.rotation.eulersAngles.z;
if (newAngle != angle)
print ("Actual Instance ID: " + GetInstanceID());
print ("Invoking!");
angle = newAngle;
public class Owner: MonoBehaviour
public Rotator rotator;
void Start()
print ("Rotator Instance ID: " + rotator.GetInstanceID());
() => UpdateRotation()
void UpdateRotation()
print ("Invoked!");
When the Rotator has it's angle changed, I get this in the console:
Actual Instance ID: 11234
Rotator Instance ID: 11234
The instance ID is to make sure I'm working with the same objects and not going in circles for nothing. They match, so I'm listening to the object that's firing.
However, the listener isn't firing. I've tried different combinations with delegates, etc. but it's all the same. No errors. It just doesn't invoke.
Obviously, I'm doing something wrong, but what is it?
Thanks for any help.
Somehow your answered your new edited version of the question with exactly the code you previously provided in the First Version of your Question!
As I tried to tell you ... if you anywhere in your code do OnRotate = new UnityEvent() of course you thereby erase any persistent callbacks and any runtime callbacks added before that moment!
In short
Simply leave it as
public UnityEvent OnRotate;
and you don't even have to think about it anymore.
For understanding why it also works if you put it in Awake please simply have a look at the Order of Execution for Event Functions
&rightarrow; First Awake and OnEnabled is called for every GameObject/Component. Then all Start methods are called as soon as the GameObject/Component is active.
Within each of these blocks (Awake + OnEnable) and (Start) the order of execution between different component types is not guaranteed unless you explicitly configure it via the Script Execution Order Settings where you could define that Owner is simply run before Rotator .. then having both in Start would also work again.
Why does it also work if you do it on the public field?
&rightarrow; Because this field is serialized. That means it is initialized automatically in the Inspector and then stored together with the Scene or prefab asset including any persistent callbacks.
And then Later Unity re-uses the serialized Version of the field so actually you can completely remove the new UnityEvent(); since it doesn't have any effect on a serialized field! It will always be initialized automatically anyway!
Ok, I found out what the issue was.
My question now is "why?".
I changed my code from:
public UnityEvent OnRotate;
void Start() {
OnRotate = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent OnRotate = new UnityEvent();
void Start() {
And now it works.
Although, now that I think about it, Awake() is the method where they all fire before initialization, whereas Start() is when the object is created. So the Start() of the Rotator is probably getting called after the Owner is adding a listener.

How to access gameobject present in another scene [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to pass data (and references) between scenes in Unity
(6 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am creating a simple number guessing game in unity3d.
I want to open a new scene on button click and change the text of a text element present in the loaded scene from the current scene.
I have been able to open new scene on button click but how can i access the text element in other scene so that i can change its text from the current scene.
This is what i have so far but it obviously throws NullReferenceException because i can't access the text element in another scene from current scene.
SceneManager.LoadScene("End Scene");
gameResultText.text = "You Won!!"; //<-------this line throws the exception
gameResultText.color = Color.green;
Better solution I came up with:
Make a script that sets a static string variable. This script must be in your Game scene and will hold the result.
public class ResultTextScript : MonoBehaviour
public static string ResultText;
void EndGame(){
if (won){ //if won game
ResultText = "You won!"
else //if lost game
ResultText = "You lost, try again another time!"
//Change scene with SceneManager.LoadScene("");
Put this script on your result text in the end scene. This script will retrieve the result and display it.
Using UnityEngine.UI;
public class EndGameDisplayResult{
Text text;
Text.text = ResultTextScript.ResultText
This way, it will set the text as soon as the new scene is loaded.
Previous/alternative method:
If you already have the scene open, one option would be to add a script to the "You won!" text which holds a static variable with a reference to itself.
So like this.
public class ResultTextScript : MonoBehaviour
public static ResultTextScript Instance;
void Awake(){
if (Instance == null)
Instance = this;
Then you can call the reference to that GameObject from anywhere in the other scripts, including between scenes.
Like this ResultTextScript.Instance
Note though that you cannot call the reference in the Awake method, as that is where the variable is initialized, you can use it after the Awake methods have been called though.
Add the ResultTextScript to your Text object in the 'End Scene'
Open the 'End Scene' from the 'Game Scene', for example with your SceneManager approach as you already do.
Ensure that the End Scene has loaded, then say in the script you wish to change the text gameObject go = ResultTextScript.Instance.gameObject
I do not believe there is a way to modify the context or objects of a scene that is not currently open.
public class GameResults {
public static string finalText = "";
In your function where you are loading the scene, right before you call load scene you can access that text like so:
GameResults.finalText = "You Win!";
GameResults.finalText = "You Lose!";
load your scene, and on your text object give it a script like this:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ResultTextScript : MonoBehaviour
public Text textResults;
void Start() {
textResults = getComponent<Text>();
if(textResults != null) {
textResults.text = GameResults.finalText;
There are other things you can use as well is, storing the game results in PlayerPrefs and loading the string or int you stored in PlayerPrefs preferences at the start of your end scene. This will help you avoid creating an unnecessary class or static variable.
So Like before you can do:
PlayerPrefs.SetString("GameResults", "You Win!");
PlayerPrefs.SetString("GameResults", "You Lose!");
load your scene, and on your text object give it a script like this:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class ResultTextScript : MonoBehaviour
public Text textResults;
void Start() {
textResults = getComponent<Text>();
if(textResults != null) {
textResults.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("GameResults", "");