Parameter Variation: Tracking the Metadata - anylogic

I am trying to use parameter variation in AnyLogic. My inputs are 3 parameters, each varying 5 times. My output is water demand. What I need from parameter variation is the way in which demand changes according to the different combinations of the three parameters. I imagine something like: there are 10,950 rows (one for each day), the first column is time (in days), the second column are the values for the first combination, the second column is the second combination, and so on and so forth. What would be the best way to track this metadata to then be able to export it to excel? I have added a "dataset" to my main to track demand through each simulation, but I am not sure what to add to the parameter variation experiment interface to track the output across the different iterations. It would also be helpful to have a way to know which combination of inputs produced a given output (for example, have the combination be the name for each column). I see that there are Java Actions, but I haven't been able to figure out the code to do what I need. I appreciate any help with this matter.

The easiest approach is just to track this in output database tables which are then exported to Excel at the end of your run. As long as these tables include outputs from multiple runs (and are, for example, only cleared at the start of the experiment not the run), your Parameter Variation experiment will end up with an Excel file having outcomes from all the runs. (You will probably need to turn off parallel execution in the PV experiment so you don't run into issues trying to write to the same Excel file in parallel.)
So, for example, you might have tables:
run_details with columns id, parm1, parm2 and parm3 (with proper column names given your actual parameters and some unique ID generated for each run)
output_demand with columns run_id, sim_time_hrs and demand_value (if, say, you're storing some demand value each hour of simulated time) where run_id cross-references the run's ID in run_details
(There is extra complexity in how you could allocate a unique run ID and how and when you write to/clear those tables, but I'm just presenting the core design. You can also get round the need-serial-execution point by programmatically controlling when you export to Excel, rather than using the built-in "Export tables at the end of model execution" capability, but that's also more complicated.)


Parameters Variation not running model in AnyLogic

When I create a ParametersVariation simulation, the main model does not run. All I see is the default UI with iterations completed and replication. My end goal (as with most people) is to have a model go through a certain number of replications, but nothing is even running. There is limited documentation available on this. Please advise.
This is how Parameters Variation is intended to work. If you're running 1000 runs and multiple replications with parallel runs, how can you see what's happening in Main in each?
Typically, the best way to benefit from such an experiment is to track the results of each run using elements from the Analysis palette or even better to export results to Excel or similar.
To be able to collect data, you need to write your code in Java actions fields with root. to access elements in main (or top-level agent).
Check the example below, where after each run a variable from main is added to a dataset in the Parameters Variation experiment. At the end of 100 runs for example, the dataset will have 100 values of the main variable, with 1 value for each run.

Multiple agents arrival based on Variable and database column

In my source block I want to be the amount of agents based on two different factors namely the amount of beds and visitors per bed. The visitors per bed is just a variable (e.g. visitors=3) and the amount of beds is loaded from the database table which is an excel file (see first image). Now I want to code this in the code block as shown in the example in image 2, but I do not know the correct code and do not know if it is even possible.
Simplest solution is just to do the pre-calcs in the input file and have in the dbase.
The more complex solution is to set the Source arrivals as:
Now, you read your dbase code at the start of the model using SQL (i.e. the query constructor). Make the necessary computations and create a Dynamic Event for each arrival when you want it to happen, relative to the model start. Each dynamic event then calls the source.inject(1) method.
Better still is to not use Source at all but a simple Enter block. The dynamic event creates the agent with all relevant properties from your dbase and pushes it into the Enter block using enter.take(myNewAgent)
But as I said: this is not trivial

Best Practice to Store Simulation Results

Dear Anylogic Community,
I am struggling with finding the right approach for storing my simulation results. I have datasets created that keep track of every value I am interested in. They live in Main (see below)
My aim is to do a parameter variation experiment. In every run, I change the value for p_nDrones (see below)
After the experiment, I would like to store all the datasets in one excel sheet.
However, when I do the parameter variation experiment and afterwards check the log of the dataset (datasets_log), the changed values do not even show up (2 is the value I did set up in the normal simulation).
Now my question. Do I need to create another type of dataset if I want to track the values that are produced in the experiments? Why are they not stored after executing the experiment?
I really would appreciate if someone could share the best way to set up this export of experiment results. I would like to store the whole time series for every dataset.
Thank you!
Best option would be to write the outputs to some external file at the end of each model run.
If you want to use Excel, which I personally would not advise, even though it has a nice excelFile.writeDataSet() function, you can.
I would rather write the data to a text file as you will have much for control over the writing, the file itself, it is thread-safe, and useable in many many more platforms than Microsoft Excel.
See my example below:
Setup parameters in your model that you will write the data to at the end of the model of type TextFile. Here I used the model on destroy code to write out the data from the data sets.
Here you can immediately see the benefit of using the text file! You can add the number of drones we are simulating (or scenario name or any other parameter) in a column, whereas with Excel this would be a pain...
Now you can pass your specific text file to the model to use by adding it to the parameter variation page, providing it to the model through the parameters.
You will see that I also set up some headers for the text file in the Initial Experiment setup part, and then at the very end of the experiment, I close the text files in the After experiment section so that the text files can be used.
Here is the result if you simply right-click on the text files and open them in Excel. (Excel will always have a purpose, even if it is just to open text files ;-) )

How to take data from 2 databases (with same schema) and copy it into 1 database using Data factory

I want to take data from 2 databases and copy(coalesce) it into 1 using Data factory.
The issue is: It seems that multiple inputs is not allowed for copy activities.
So i resorted to having 2 different datasets which are exact copies but with a different name... and then putting 2 different activities into the 1 pipeline which use their specific output dataset.
It just seems odd and wrong to do it this way.
Can i have some help.
This is what my diagram currently looks like:
Is there no way of just copying data from 2 seperate databases (which have the same structure but different data) to the 1 database?
The short answer is yes. But you need to work within the constraints of how ADF handles this.
A couple of things to help...
You'll always need at least 2 activities to do this when using the copy type activity. Microsoft of course charges per activity execution in ADF, so they aren't going to allow you to take shortcuts having many inputs and output per single copy activity (single charge).
The approach you show above is ok and to pass the ADF validation as you've found you simply need to have the output datasets created separately and called different things. Even if they still refer to the same underlying target table etc. This is really only a problem for the copy activity. What you could do is land the data firstly into separate staging tables in the Azure target database just for the copy (1:1). Then have a third downstream activity that executes a stored procedure that does the union of tables. In this case you could have 2 inputs to 1 output in the activity if you want to have that level of control in ADF.
Like this:
Final point, if you don't want the activities to execute in parallel you could chain the datasets to enforce a fake dependency or add a simple 'delay' clause to one of the copy operations. A delay on an activity would be simpler than provisioning a time slice offset.
Hope this helps

BIRT: Using information from one Dataset as parameter of an other

i'm creating some BIRT-Reports with Eclipse. Now i got the following problem.
I've got two datasets (Set one named diag, set two named risk). In my report i produce fpr every data in diag a region with an diag_id. Now i tried to use this diag_id as input parameter for the second dataset (risk). Is this possible, and how is this possible?
To link one dataset to another in BIRT, you can either:
Create a subreport within your report that links one dataset to another via an input parameter - see this Eclipse tutorial.
Create a joint dataset that explicitly links the two datasets together - see the answer to this StackOverflow question.
Alternatively, if both datasets come from the same relational database, you could simply combine the two queries into a single query.
If you are using scripted data sources, you could use variables.
Add a variable through the Eclipse UI called "diag_id".
In the fetch script of diag, set diag_id:
vars["diag_id"] = ...; // store value in Variable.
Then, in the open script of risk, use the diag_id however you need to.
diag_id = vars["diag_id"];
This implies that placement of risk report elements are nested inside the diag repeating element so that diag.fetch will happen before each