is there a way to exctract public gpc tracers from OpenStreetMap? - openstreetmap

OpenStreetMap provide the users with historical data of osm user traces which are provided like this
i tried to search for a way to extract these data but i couldn't fine an optimal solution
can any one help me with that

this GitHub repository will help on how is the process of extract this type of data


AzureDevops - extract test steps to powerbi with odata query

I need to extract a table with test steps that correspond to each test case, from AzureDevops to PowerBI.
I was able to retrieve a list of tables that I can extract with odata, but none of them contains test steps. I’m attaching the metadata request and an extract of its results. extract
I’ve read that another possibility would be you to use an api query, but I’m not sure which one.
Does anyone know a possible solution?
Thank you.
According to the note in this documentation,
You can’t add fields with a data type of Plain Text (long text) or HTML (rich-text). These fields aren’t available from Analytics for the purposes of reporting.
And the type of the Steps field is Text (multiple lines), so they cannot be extract with odata.
You can try to use this REST API to get the detail of the testcase which will contain the Steps detail. Please refer the screenshot:

Success Factors Status history of a Job Application

I'm extracting data from SAP Success Factors via OData API.
And I need the status history of a JobApplication entity, i.e. how and when the application's status had been changed.
Unfortunately I can not find any documentation about it and it looks like I can not extract this data.
Do you know if there is such information and how I can extract it?
My second option is to extract the data from the Integration Centre. Does it provide such information ?
you could use Entity AuditTrail.
In your case entity JobApplicationStatusAuditTrail

Ckan API, List more information on rest dataset

I am using ckan 2.6.0
According with the documentation:
I am trying to use the endpoint /rest/dataset and works (only for public data but works), it only returns an array of datasets names, and nothing else, an example can be found here
Is there a way to get a complete listing for datasets ? I also tried the search endpoint and returns the same array.
For example I would like to get the title, description, tags, file types, etc, like in the image below:
The REST api is deprecated/unmaintained and has been for a long time. Follow the up-to-date API documentation here.
package_search is your best bet:
That gives you a batch of datasets. Get more by paging through using the 'start' and 'rows' parameters.
If you simply want them all, then it's much better still to use a bulk download that some sites offer, such as, which supplies it complete as a simple JSONL download: Meta-data for datasets.

Points of interest for zip code

I"m looking for way to get list of points of interests like airports, parks, etc. per zip code using Bing maps. Believe me, I search google but it looks like my google is broken since I can't find anything useful. I just need a way to get that info. If there is like a list that would be even better. Any help is appreciated fellows. Is there a simple URL where I can pass in my bing map key, a category and longitude/latitude and get a list of point of interests?
You could use the NAVTEQ point of interest data sources that are in the Bing spatial Data Services here:
You can use the Query API to filter on the PostalCode property:
Here is an example that gets points of interests that are in zip code 98004 and returns the results as XML:$filter=PostalCode%20eq%20'98004'&$top=250&o=xml&key=YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY
That said, make sure that your use case does not go against this restriction in the Bing Maps terms of use:
(h)Use Content that consists of points of interest data to generate
sales leads information in the form of ASCII or other text-formatted
lists of category-specific business listings which (i) include
complete mailing address for each business; and (ii) contain a
substantial portion of such listings for a particular country, city,
state or zip code region.

how to get food product data from barcode

I am able to read the barocode but i am confused about how to get the food product value from the barcode value .
Do we need to call a webservice or create a database locally ...
help me out
thanks in advance
Have a look at OpenFoodFacts. It's a database that does just that, with ingredients, calories, etc. It's based on the barcode.
Product bar-codes contain almost no product related information - they are mere unique identifiers. The system used in Europe - EAN13 - consists of a country code, a manufacturer code, a product code, and a check digit. To translate any of this data into usable information you need a database or web-service.
I know this was asked a long time ago but I figured I would give an update for anyone looking now... We use an API called upcFood ( They offer a simple API that allows lookup of food products directly from the barcode. upcFood includes nutrition data, Products Data, allergy data, ingredients etc. from a single search.
In case anyone else is looking for this info in 2021, you can get this data directly from the USDA's Food Data Central API, which is public domain. One of their endpoints has a query param, which supports keywords and, as a little tinkering revealed, UPCs! For instance, here's a query for a snack I had laying around:
API keys can be had with an email address. Hope this is useful to someone!
Free database here:
and here:
Otherwise just Google for "upc database" and you'll find people offering to sell you one.
I doubt that the databases will include prices since those are for the individual retailers to set.
I am not sure if you still need the information since it is dated a year..
A french startup has created an application that can find most of the correspondant of ean-code to food product. It provides as well an API for developper to integrate in their application.
You can check it at :
Since it is based in France, it is in French language .. if it is useful, I hope it can help