Netsted Grouping in Freemarker Netsuite Advance PDF - filtering

I have read this article
How to properly group records when executing a <#list>
about Grouping. I do not understand the last word that we can use the grouping at 2 or 3 levels.
How can I achieve 2 or 3 level grouping in Advance PDF in netsuite using Freemarker?
Here is example
Project A
Project Task 1 Total Qty Total Hrs
Project Task 2 Total Qty Total Hrs
Project B
Project Task 1
Project C
Project Task 2
Project Task 3
A project has task and same task can be part of the parent project. Can someone help me grouping and then printing respective details
Or how to filter by one group, print its detail then go to next group etc.

There is no direct approach to do this, you can first form your data in json format the result you want to show, save that json on a custom field and then you can read that json in adv pdf template.


Azure Devops Dashboard Functions using work item fields

I have custome fields that use dates as a data type for my work items in Azure Devops Project? I would like to on a dashboard calculate the difference in number of days between two fields? Anyone have a step by step to accomplish this?
I have created a query to capture all the work items that are relevant and set the column options to include the fields needed for the equation but dont know how to add a widget that will perform the function on these fields and display the number of days between the two fields on my dashboard. (Audit finish date - Audit Start Date)

Google Analytics Dashboard - Filter out specific data ON specific date

Scratching my head on this one, I have a set of 6 projects sending data to one dashboard. On September 1 only ONE of those projects sent out a bunch of errors, spiking the data on that date. My goal is to filter out just that one project on just september 1 but I'm not seeing how to combine those two filters, it's either filtering out that one project for all dates or filtering out that date for all projects. Anyone got any ideas on how to remove specific data on only 1 date?
Go under:
Widget Settings > Filter this data > Don't show > Date > Containing > YYYYMMDD

Report IDs with linked table field not containing known text

I'm attempting to create a Crystal Report which will report on "jobs" which don't have a "document" with a given phrase in the title.
The relevant tables have the following structure:
Job Doc_Job Doc_VO
l_job_id -> l_job_id s_name
l_doc_job_id -> l_doc_job_id
Where "Job" is a unique file (one per client), but there are multiple documents for each job (each contained within a "Doc_VO" table). For instance, we may have a documents for a client named:
Variation 1
Variation 2
Outstanding Variation 3
Variation 4
Outstanding Variation 5
Other Variation 6
I'd like to list all jobs which have a document without "Outstanding" in the title.
I know how to include/exclude all unique documents with "Outstanding" in their title (variations of the below), but can't figure out how to make it so that only unique "Jobs" which have linked documents meeting my criteria are shown.
not({Doc_VO.s_name} like "*Outstanding*")
Using the above line can be used to produce a report like:
Job 1 Variation 2 .....
Job 1 Other Variation 4 .....
Job 2 Variation 1 .....
Job 2 Misc Variation 2 .....
Job 2 Variation 6 .....
Job 3 Other Variation 3 .....
Whereas I'm after:
Job 1 .....
Job 2 .....
Job 3 .....
Sorry if the above is unclear, I've only been working with Crystal & SQL for a few months. Please let me know if anything needs clarification or further explanation. Cheers.
Looks like you are getting multiple rows based on the Document column. If you do not need that in your results try removing the column.

Jaspersoft studio multiple chart with single query

My database query fetches list of data like:
id key noc date
1 abc 4 1-10-2016
2 abc 12 2-10-2016
3 abc 23 3-10-2016
4 abc 2 4-10-2016
5 def 23 1-10-2016
6 def 44 2-10-2016
7 def 12 3-10-2016
9 def 43 4-10-2016
10 def 43 5-10-2016
abc and def made those no of calls on those dates.
I want to display these data in chart.
But I am fetching this data with a single query, and I want to create 2 charts , one for abc and another for def.
How can I create multiple charts in jaspersoft with single query and making a single chart? As the number of persons making the call can be different , and I will have to create a chart for every person.
When creating or modifying each chart you just need to link them back to the relevant dataset. This can be either the main report dataset or a sub-dataset created just to run the charts.
You only need to follow the instructions on the relevant jaspersoft wiki page and link each new chart back to the required dataset.
For getting multiple charts from a single query you need to do :
First create a jasper report, and add a subreport to it. ( Make sure to make the layout growable and the width of the main group should be larger than the subgroup)
Create the dataset
Create Group on right clicking the report from outline panel.
Provide a group name by selecting a column.
Add a expression pointing the column which is grouping the data.
And select reset on group .
Don't forget to set the evaluation time and the evaluation group
For example :
<chart evaluationTime="Group" evaluationGroup="KeywordGroup">

Crystal Reports Section Arrangement

I am currently working on a Crystal Report wherein I use three different commands.
I use the first command to display the details on the header of the report while the other two commands contain two sets of data for the report body itself.
My problem is that the report's format should be grouped into two wherein the first group will appear after the header and the second group will appear after the first group. To give you a better view of it, please refer to the sample below:
TEACHER : Ms. Teacher 1
Student 1 19 12-01-1990
Student 2 22 08-04-1987
Student 3 20 07-07-1989
10-11 AM MWF HISTORY 101
12-01 PM MWF BIOLOGY 202
Please note that I am using TextTools for GROUP 1 and SECTION Labels. I have tried adding a new Header and placing the 'GROUP 1' in it then the preceeding Details Section contains the data for Group 1. However, I cannot add another Header below the Details Section so that I can start working with the SCHEDULE.
Are there any workarounds for this problem? Thank you very much!
I did some other research and this is what I got:
Apparently, I had to use SUBREPORTS.
Thanks for the help! :)