Azure Devops Dashboard Functions using work item fields - azure-devops

I have custome fields that use dates as a data type for my work items in Azure Devops Project? I would like to on a dashboard calculate the difference in number of days between two fields? Anyone have a step by step to accomplish this?
I have created a query to capture all the work items that are relevant and set the column options to include the fields needed for the equation but dont know how to add a widget that will perform the function on these fields and display the number of days between the two fields on my dashboard. (Audit finish date - Audit Start Date)


Group Dates in Google Sheet Filter

is there any way I can group dates of a report in Google Sheets?
The difficulty that comes along is that this is a report that updates automatically every 4 hours (Salesforce connector).
When I add a slicer/filter option it shows me all the individual dates, but it would be great if I could somehow group them in the filter/slicer option only - without making changes to the live report from Salesforce.
Here is an example (Tab: Meetings):
In the example I do not have a live report (obviously), but I am afraid creating a new column for date or even pivot table will be difficult as there will be new record lines added to the sheet through the salesforce connector as it updates automatically..

Azure Devops Dashboards - How to chart the trend of query results over time based on work item history?

I want to be able to generate a stacked bar chart based on the results of a query, for example the number of open bugs and open features. I would like to see the resulting number of open bugs vs features from that query over a time period, for example the last 30 days. Specifically the number of bugs vs features that were open on that particular day, regardless of their current status. Is there a way to do this using an existing out of the box widget? I believe it should be possible to figure out this information using the history. Alternatively, is it possible to simply store the totals from the query somewhere in devops and then chart it? Or would I need to write a script to export the query results via the api and then use something like the power bi widget to chart it?
Sure, you can set up a chart of the query about the bugs and features opened in the last 30 days.
To meet this demand, you can do like as the steps below:
Set up a query with the following filter clauses. Save this query to the Shared Queries folder.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
State = [Any]
Created Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
On the Charts tab of the new query, create a new chart for the query like as below.
After saving the chart, add this chart to a specified dashboard in the project.
After above steps, navigate to the specified dashboard in the project, you can see the chart on the dashboard.
According to your latest reply, you want to get the Bug and Feature that were open state in the last 30 days. For these work items, we can think they satisfy one of the following conditions:
The work items were closed in the last 30 days, no matter what date they were created.
The work items are still open state currently. They do not have the closed date yet.
So, set up the query like as below should be able to match these work items.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
And State = [Any]
And Closed Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
Or Closed Date =
Group the last two clauses.
Then create the chart for the query.
Maybe the stacked chart would go some way to answering your problem.
That produces charts with date as the x axis which, I think, is what you're looking for.

SharePoint List calculated value

I am using SP lists to maintain users PTO and a Master list to forecast utilization hours based on their goals as follows. I am on SharePoint 2013, what calculated formulas can I use to get the Forecast hours in the Master list? Thanks much!
Included are sample PTO & Master List
I’m afraid that we can not achieve this with calculated column. We can not get look up value in calculated column formula. It is even more impossible for us to get the sum of all hours based on time and a specific person.
I recommend you to create an event receiver on PTO_List(item added) to achieve this.

Tableau comparison calculation between integer dates

I'm currently struggling with a calculation I'm trying to create in Tableau so any help you can provide would be great.
Basically I have a calculated field within Tableau called [ExampleCount] which is a count distinct based on a simple Yes/No condition.
I have this information displayed on two separate sheets in a dashboard, one filtered for the current activity month and one for the previous.
What I now need to do is have another sheet with the same calculation of [ExampleCount] but showing the difference between the current/previous months.
So: [ExampleCount (This Activity Month)] - [ExampleCount (Previous Activity Month)]
The Activity month is an integer value, currently ranging from 1 - 9.
I feel like this should be a simple calculation but I've tried several different methods and have been unable to come up with anything conclusive.
It would also be good if this could change periodically.
Kind Regards,

How to write the queries in power bi

I am using Power BI in my current project for making charts. My data source is Azure SQL database.
I would like a table chart to display today and yesterday data only, for which i used advanced filtering by setting the filter to today and yesterday dates. However, I want to be able to open my report tomorrow and see charts use data from tomorrow and today respectively.
With advanced filtering the charts appear static, not dynamic.
It would be good if someone could explain how to write queries in Power BI on my tables.
You could either
1) modify your sql query to only return today and yesterday data
2) add a calculated boolean column, something along the lines of
"IsCurrent = IF(AND(DATEVALUE(Table1[Date])<=TODAY() , 1.0*(DATEVALUE(Table1[Date])-TODAY())<=2),True,False)"
Then filter by IsCurrent.
Using the SDK you can apply filter(s) dynamically to the report. This allows you to simulate the user filtering the report data to the current day and yesterday.
Your client app would compute the correct filter data values and apply it to the report. Using something like report.setFilters(filters)
See this related question for more information about filters:
Power BI Embed URL-multiple filters