How to figure out optimal max_worker_processes? - postgresql

Yet I can not find any reliable recommendation regarding the optimal value for max_worker_processes.
Some sources suppose that the value should not be higher than the number of available cores, but is that correct taking that server threads do a lot of IO?
Say I have 8 cores for PG container and plan to handle about 100 clients in parallel. Is that feasible, especially with the default max_worker_processes=8 ?
Any trusted reference would be much appreciated.

The reasonable limit dies not depend on the number of client connections, but on the actual upper limit on concurrent queries.
If it is guaranteed that only one of these clients will ever be active at the same time, you could set max_worker_processes, max_parallel_workers and max_parallel_workers_per_gather one less than the number of cores or parallel I/O operations that your storage can handle, whatever of the two is smaller. In essence, one query can then consume all the available resources.
On the other hand, if many of these clients are likely to run queries concurrently, you should disable parallel query by setting max_parallel_workers_per_gather to 0 to avoid overloading your database.
Concerning your comments to my answer: if your goal is to limit the number of active queries, use a connection pool.


mongodb max number of parallel find() requests from single instance

What is the maximum theoretical number of parallel requests that we can squize from single mongodb instance before deciding to shard?
Considering the database and indexes fit in memory and all requests are find() queries fetching single document based on indexed field. The hosting OS is Ubuntu , the data partition is SSD. ulimits are set to max.
In my laptop with simple test on single instance I reach near 40k/sec , after that the avg execution times start to increase significantly, but wondering what can be the upper theoretical limit?
It depends. If your active dataset can fit in the memory - if most of the requests don't need to perform any disk I/O - then you can achieve 24k+ requests pretty easily. If not on a (bigger) single machine, then at least use a replica set cluster with multiple secondaries.
If an active dataset is much larger than the available RAM then you have the same problem as with any other database. The advantage of MongoDB's new engine WiredTiger (since v3.0) is a transparent compression - it can reduce the amount of data and I/O and thus improve performance - even despite the fact that compression adds CPU load.
For more performance it really helps:
if the most accessed documents are small so it takes less time to
load them, transfer them, and less time to deserialize in your app List item
If you use projections in find(), for the same reasons
if you use bulk operations to reduce networking I/O and context switches
Even MongoDB itself has an option to limit the maximum number of incoming connections. It defaults to 64k.
for more information you can refer link

Maximising concurrent request handling with PostgreSQL / Npgsql client

I have a db and client app that does reads and writes, I need to handle a lot of concurrent reads but be sure that writes get priority, while also respecting my db’s connection limit.
Long version:
I have a single instance pgSQL database which allows 100 connections.
My .net microservice uses Npgsql to connect to the db. It has to do read queries that can take 20-2000ms and writes that can take about 500-2000ms. Right now there are 2 instances of the app, connecting with the same user credentials. I am trusting Npgsql to manage my connection pooling, and am preparing my read queries as there are basically just 2 or 3 variants with different parameter values.
As user requests increased, I started having problems with the database’s connection limit. Errors like ‘Too many connections’ from the db.
To deal with this I introduced a simple gate system in my repo class:
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim _writeGate = new(20, 20);
private static readonly SemaphoreSlim _readGate = new(25, 25);
public async Task<IEnumerable<SomeDataItem>> ReadData(string query, CancellationToken ct)
await _readGate.WaitAsync(ct);
// try to get data, finally release the gate
public async Task WriteData(IEnumerable<SomeDataItem>, CancellationToken ct)
await _writeGate.WaitAsync(ct);
// try to write data, finally release the gate
I chose to have separate gates for read and write because I wanted to be confident that reads would not get completely blocked by concurrent writes.
The limits are hardcoded as above, a total of limit of 45 on each of the 2 app instances, connecting to 1 db server instance.
It is more important that attempts to write data do not fail than attempts to read. I have some further safety here with a Polly retry pattern.
This was alright for a while, but as the concurrent read requests increase, I see that the response times start to degrade, as a backlog of read requests begins to accumulate.
So, for this question, assume my sql queries and db schema are optimized to the max, what can I do to improve my throughput?
I know that there are times when my _readGate is maxed out, but there is free capacity in the _writeGate. However I don’t dare reduce the hardcoded limits because at other times I need to support concurrent writes. So I need some kind of QoS solution that can allow more concurrent reads when possible, but will give priority to writes when needed.
Queue management is pretty complicated to me but is also quite well known to many, so is there a good nuget package that can help me out? (I’m not even sure what to google)
Is there a simple change to my code to improve on what I have above?
Would it help to have different conn strings / users for reads vs writes?
Anything else I can do with npgsql / connection string that can improve things?
I think that postgresql recommends limiting connections to 100, there's a SO thread on this here: How to increase the max connections in postgres?
There's always a limit to how many simultaneous queries that you can run before the perf would stop improving and eventually drop off.
However I can see in my azure telemetry that my db server is not coming close to fully using cpu, ram or disk IO (cpu doesn't exceed 70% and is often less, memory the same, and IOPS under 30% of its capacity) so I believe there is more to be squeezed out somewhere :)
Maybe there are other places to investigate, but for the sake of this question I'd just like to focus on how to better manage connections.
First, if you're getting "Too many connections" on the PostgreSQL side, that means that the total number of physical connections being opened by Npgsql exceeds the max_connection setting in PG. You need to make sure that the aggregate total of Npgsql's Max Pool Size across all app instances doesn't exceed that, so if your max_connection is 100 and you have two Npgsql instances, each needs to run with Max Pool Size=50.
Second, you can indeed have different connection pools for reads vs. writes, by having different connection strings (a good trick for that is to set the Application Name to different values). However, you may want to set up one or more read replicas (primary/secondary setup); this would allow all read workload to be directed to the read replica(s), while keeping the primary for write operation only. This is a good load balancing technique, and Npgsql 6.0 has introduced great support for it (
Apart from that, you can definitely experiment with increasing max_connection on the PG side - and accordingly Max Pool Size on the clients' side - and load-test what this do to resource utilization.

What is the ideal number of max connections for a postgres database?

I'm currently using the default connection pool in sequelize, which is as follows:
const defaultPoolingConfig = {
max: 5,
min: 0,
idle: 10000,
acquire: 10000,
evict: 10000,
handleDisconnects: true
Of late, I'm getting these errors ResourceRequest timed out which are due to the above DB configuration. According to some answers the max pool should be set to 5, but those who have faced the above, Resource timeout, error have suggested to increase the pool size to 30, along with increasing the acquire time.
I need to know what must be the optimum value of max pool size for a web-app.
Edit: 1.Lets say I have 200 concurrent users, and I have 20 concurrent queries. Then what should be the values?
2.My database is provided by GCP, with the following configuration:
3.75 GB
SSD storage
10 GB
I'm adding some graphs for CPU utilization, Read / write operations per second and transactions per second.
My workload resources are as follows:
cpu: 500m
memory: 600Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 500Mi
The number of concurrent connections should be large enough for the number of concurrent running queries or transactions you may have.
If you have a lower limit, then new queries/transactions will have to wait for an available connection.
You may want to monitor currently running queries (see pg_stat_activity for instance) to detect such issues.
However, your database server must be able to handle the number of connections. If you are using a server provided by a third party, it may have set limits. If you are using your own server, then it needs to be configured properly.
Note that to handle more connections, your database server will need more processes and more RAM. Also, if they are long running queries (as opposed to transactions), then you are most probably resource-constrained on the server (often I/O-bound), and adding more queries running at the same time usually won't help with overall performance. You may want to look at configuration of your DB server (buffers etc.), and of course, if you haven't already done so, optimise your queries (make sure they all use indexes). The other pg_stat_* views and EXPLAIN are your friends here.
If you have long-running transactions with lots of idle time, then more concurrent connections may help, though you may have to wonder why you have such long-running transactions.
To summarise, your next steps should be to:
Check the immediate state of your database server using pg_stat_activity and friends.
If you don't already have that, set up monitoring of I/O, CPU, memory, swap, postgresql statistics over time. This will give you a clearer picture of what is going on on your server. If you don't have that, you're just running blind.
If you have long-running transactions, check that you always correctly release transactions/connections, including when errors occur. This is a pretty common issue with node.js-based web servers. Make sure you use try .. catch blocks wherever needed.
If there are any long-running queries, check that they are properly optimised (using indexes). If not, do your utmost to optimise them. This will be the single most useful step you can take if that's were the issue is.
If they are properly optimised and you have enough spare resources (RAM, I/O...), then you can consider raising the number of connections. Otherwise it's just pointless.
Since you are not operating the database yourself, you won't necessarily have all the visibility you could have on resource usage.
However, you can still:
Check pg_stat_activity. This alone will tell you a lot of things.
Check for connections/transactions that are kept around when they shouldn't
Check queries are properly optimised
GCP has a default maximum concurrent connections limit set to 100 for instances with 3.75 GiB of RAM. So you could indeed increase the size of your pool. But if any of the above issues are present, you are just delaying or moving the issue a bit further, so start by checking those and fixing them if relevant.

How configure mongodb for support 1100 threads?

How can i configure mongodb's pool connection for support 1100 threads per seconds?
I tried some configurations like bellow without sucess.
connectionsPerHost = 200
threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = 5
Can someone help me?
It won't.
That number of threads may be prejudicial, there's a lot of techniques to calculate some ideal number, and none of them get even close to 1100. If you're looking to attend a large number of users you should work with server redundancy. You won't get speed because 99.9% (really) of your threads will be locked waiting for a resource become available.
I've worked with java in fast processing, using distributed systems and threads, we used 0mq(tcp alternative) to acelerate communication and get more use of the threads, but we found that moderate number of threads was the ideal (if I remember correctly, 12).
Instead of letting hundreds of threads do the job, try to keep a limited number of workers threads, you won't have more resources anyway. The ideal for this kind of application would be have many servers attending your users.

How many requests can mongodb handle before sharding is necessary?

Does anybody know (from personal experience or official documentation) how many concurrent requests can a single MongoDb server handle before sharding is advised?
If your working set exceeds the RAM you can afford for a single server, or your disk I/O requirements exceed what you can provide on a single server, or (less likely) your CPU requirements exceed what you can get on one server, then you'll need to shard. All these depend tremendously on your specific workload. See
One factor is hardware. Although for this you have replica sets. They reduce the load from the master server by answering read-only queries with replicated data. Another option would be memcaching for very frequent and repetitive queries, which would be even faster.
A factor for whether sharding is necessary is the data size & variation. When you have a wide range of varying data you need to access, which would render a server's cache uneffective by distributing the access to the data to the wide range, then you would consider using sharding. Off-loading work is merely a side-effect of this.