How does cadence handle fault in various failure condition? - cadence-workflow

Cadence is a fault tolerant stateful code platform. How does cadence handle fault in various failure condition?

There are al kinds of failures in distributed systems and Cadence provides various options to them.
Here is the list from myself. It may not be complete. But I will try add more if I can think of.
Activity failure and retry. See
Also note that long running activity can recover from checkpoints via “heartbeat “
By design of event sourcing models, a workflow can recover from any point left when a worker crashed. See
Workflow can also have retry policy like activity to retry on failure automatically
On certain scenarios the failure is caused by bad code change which leads to wrong states. Cadence provides “reset” tool to reset workflow to any point of time.
On top of reset, Cadence also allows you to reset by deployment. This is useful to reset a big number of workflow(eg millions of).
Cadence server cluster
Both activity and workflow workers are stateless.
Cadence server is a highly available and scalable service provides the durability.
The durability is from underlying design and persistence storage ( by either Cassandra, MySQL or Postgres)
In a single cluster setup, Cadence service is running with different independent shards. The whole cluster consists of different hosts. Any failed host can be replaced by another.
Cadence provides Cross data center replication to provide much higher availability


Getting Beyond 50 Replica Set Members in Mongodb

I’m looking to build a distributed Access Control system for a microservice platform. I’m considering using Mongodb as my database technology. My system design objectives are as follows:
Policy Enforcement should be distributed - If any given Policy
Enforcement Point (PEP) experiences downtime, only the application
that the PEP serves should be affected.
Policy Decisions should be
distributed - We don’t want the whole platform to experience downtime
because a central Policy Decision Point (PDP) is experiencing
downtime. We only want it to affect the application that it serves.
Policy Administration should be centralized - Creating a centralized
policy administration interface provides the ability for any system
(including a UI) to understand what rights an individual has, and by
establishing a common interface it allows us to more easily audit
changes to access across a whole platform.
Policy Information (context) is distributed - We don’t get to choose this if we are
building a distributed microservice platform. We can centralize the
retrieval of additional context by aggregating data that is needed to
make access control decisions into a single place, but the data
sources are still distributed.
I’m considering building a system like the one shown below. The idea is that Access Policies are administered by a central Policy Admin API. This API manages Policies that are persisted to a mongodb cluster with a 3 member replica set backing it. I would like other APIs in the platform to have a dedicated policy-query-api (Policy Decision Point) that is deployed along side it to make Access Control decisions pertinent to the API. The idea is that if any one of the policy-query-apis goes down, only the API that it serves will be affected.
I want changes to Policies to be governed by the Policy Admin API and I would like the changes to be replicated across each mongo instance that is used by each of the policy-query-apis.I don’t want the mongo replicas for each policy-query-api to affect a write to the primaries.
I also don’t need immediate data consistency (less than 5 sec latency), but I would like the data replication to be handled at the database layer if possible. The technology is already built to handle this and I don’t want to reinvent the wheel at the application layer if possible.
I’ve looked at the documentation on Replica Set Members and I’ve pretty thoroughly reviewed the documentation on Replica Sets in Mongo. It seems like having a Hidden Member or Delayed Member would be a good fit for my use case. Do you agree? Also, I’m concerned about the 50 member replica set limit 1. Since each one of these replicas would serve an API in my platform, if there exceeded more than 50 microservices (which is quite likely) how would I manage replication like this?
Just so that I understand, you are asking about:
one standalone (?? your picture suggests standalone but you are asking about 50 node RS limit) node per application, data mirrored to standalone from the master RS
the application only queries its local standalone
MongoDB provides read preference nearest for the use case of reading data from local nodes. Importantly the nearest read preference still provides availability if your local node is unavailable - the next closest (roughly) node will be used in this case. Your proposed architecture would take the application down every time its local database node needs to be restarted for version upgrades.
You may also look into tag sets.
Additionally, MongoDB allows specifying priorities on nodes for election purposes. If you put all of your MongoDB nodes into the same RS, you can use priorities to have one of the 3 designated "main" servers be primaries if any of them are available.

Distributed systems with large number of different types of jobs

I want to create a distributed system that can support around 10,000 different types of jobs. One single machine can host only 500 such jobs, as each job needs some data to be pre-loaded into memory, which can't be kept in a cache. Each job must have redundancy for availability.
I had explored open-source libraries like zookeeper, hadoop, but none solves my problem.
The easiest solution that I can think of, is to maintain a map of job type, with its hosted machine. But how can I support dynamic allocation of job type on my fleet? How to handle machine failures, to make sure that each job type must be available on atleast 1 machine, at any point of time.
Based on the answers that you mentioned in the comments, I propose you to go for a MQ-based (Message Queue) architecture. What I propose in this answer is to:
Get the input from users and push them into a distributed message queue. It means that you should set up a message queue (Such as ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ) on several servers. This MQ technology, helps you to replicate the input requests for fault tolerance issues. It also provides a full end-to-end asynchronous system.
After preparing this MQ layer, you can setup you computing servers layers. This means that some computing servers (~20 servers in your case) will read the requests from the message queue and start a job based on the request. Because this MQ is distributed, you can make sure that a good level of load balancing can happen in your computing servers. In addition, each server is capable of running as much as jobs that you want (~500 in your case) based on the requests that it reads from the MQ.
Regarding the failures, the computing servers may only pop from the MQ, if and only if the job is completed. If one server is crashing, the job is still in the MQ and another server can work on it. If the job is saving some state somewhere or updates something, you should manage its duplicate run then.
The good point about this approach is that it is very salable. It means that if in future you have more jobs to handle, by adding a computing server and connecting it to the MQ, you can process more requests on the servers without any change to the system. In addition, some nice features in the MQ like priority-based queuing, helps you to prioritize the requests and process them based on the job type.
p.s. Your Q does not provide any details about the type and parameters of the system. This is a draft solution that I can propose. If you provide more details, maybe the community can help you more.

Does this make sense for Orleans or SF and if so guidance please

We’re working to take our software to Azure cloud and looking at Orleans and Service Fabric (SF) as potential frameworks. We need to:
Populate our analysis engines with lots of data (e.g., 100MB to 2GB) per engine instance.
Maintain that state, and if an engine instance goes idle for say 20 minutes or more, we’d like to unload it (i.e., and not pay for the engine instance resource).
Each engine instance will support one to several end users with a specific data set.
Each engine instance can be highly interactive generating lots of plot data near realtime. We’re maintaining state as we don’t want to pay the price to populate engine instance for each engine interaction.
An engine instance action can take a few seconds, a few minutes, to even tens of minutes. We’ll want some feedback.
Users may access an engine instance every few seconds (e.g., to steer the engine towards a result based on feedback) and will want live plot data.
Each user will want to talk to a specific engine instance.
As a user expresses interest in running a simulation (i.e., standing up an engine instance), ideally we want him to choose small/medium/large computing resource to run his engine instance (i.e., based on the problem he’s trying to solve he may want more or less computing/memory power).
We’re considering Orleans and SF but we’re having difficulty specifying architecture based on above requirements. We’ve considered:
Trying to think about an SF partition, or an Orleans silo as an ‘engine instance’ described above.
Leveraging both Orleans and SF notion of fault tolerance through replication.
Leveraging local (i.e., to partition or silo) storage to store results and maintain state (i.e., for long periods or until idle for 20 minutes).
We’ve not understood how to:
Limit a silo or a partition to a single engine instance so that we can control resourcing of the engine instance.
Keep a user’s engine instance data separate from another users engine instance data.
Direct a request from a user (e.g., through a web API) to a particular engine instance.
Does this make sense for Orleans, does it make more sense for SF? Any pointers on how to implement the above would be helpful.
When you say SF I assume you mean SF Actors right?
You can use them the way you want, but in both cases does not look as the right solution for your problem, because:
Actors are single threaded, if you plan to share the same instance with multiple clients, each one would have to wait for the previous one to finish before it start processing anything. If you need to monitor the status of a running actor, you would have to make the actor publish the updates to external subscribers.
Actor state is isolated, so you can't access the state of other actors, the way to do it is provide a method to return it, but if the actor is running a command you have to wait the completion, unless you make a separate state service to hold the processed data.
You can't limit the resources required for a actor, in service fabric you specify the resources needed for a service, but you can't do it for actors, and you can't limit the resources they use, when they hit the limit, service fabric will try to balance the resources for your, but nothing prevent the process to consume more memory than requested.
Both actor services communicates using the ask approach, so they will "block" the caller waiting for an answer, it is asynchronous but you still have to keep the caller 'waiting'. (block and wait is because there is not an idea of fire and forget like Akka that uses the Tell approach, where it delivery the message and forget.)
Based on some of your requirements, I think a containers would be a better approach. Because:
You can limit the resource consumption for each container
The data is isolated inside the container and not visible to others
But on containers you have to manage the replication and partitioning by yourself, so in this case I would recommend the best of both worlds:
Create SF services to host the shared data sets between the the users
SF Service+Actor to only store the results of users simulations.
Containers to run the simulations and send updates to actors
This is just an example, it all will depend on your requirements, architecture and how data will be isolated from each other.

Postgres 9.0 and pgpool replication : single point of failure?

My application uses Postgresql 9.0 and is composed by one or more stations that interacts with a global database: it is like a common client server application but to avoid any additional hardware, all stations include both client and server: a main station is promoted to act also as server, and any other act as a client to it. This solution permits me to be scalable: a user may initially need a single station but it can decide to expand to more in future without a useless separate server in the initial phase.
I'm trying to avoid that if main station goes down all others stop working; to do it the best solution could be to continuously replicate the main database to unused database on one or more stations.
Searching I've found that pgpool can be used for my needs but from all examples and tutorial it seems that point of failure moves from main database to server that runs pgpool.
I read something about multiple pgpool and heartbeat tool but it isn't clear how to do it.
Considering my architecture, where doesn't exist separated and specialized servers, can someone give me some hints ? In case of failover it seems that pgpool do everything in automatic, can I consider that failover situation can be handled by a standard user without the intervention of an administrator ?
For these kind of applications I really like Amazon's Dynamo design. The document by the link is quite big, but it is worth reading. In fact, there're applications that already implement this approach:
Project Voldemort
Maybe others, but I'm not aware. Cassandra started within Facebook, Voldemort is the one used by LinkedIn. Making things distributed and adding redundancy into your data distribution you will step away from traditional Master-Slave replication approaches.
If you'd like to stay with PostgreSQL, it shouldn't be a big deal to implement such approach. You will need to implement an extra layer (a proxy), that will decide based on pre-configured options how to retrieve/save the data.
The proxying layer can be implemented in:
application (requires lot's of work IMHO);
as a middleware.
You can use PL/Proxy on the middleware layer, project originated in Skype. It is deeply integrated into the PostgreSQL, so I'd say it is a combination of options 2 and 3. PL/Proxy will require you to use functions for all kind of queries against the database.
In case you will hit performance issues, PgBouncer can be used.
Last note: any way you decide to go, a known amount of development will be required.
It all depends on what you call “failure” and what you consider system being in an interrupted state.
Let's look on the pgpool features.
Connection Pooling PostgreSQL is using a single process (fork) per session. Obviously, if you have a very busy site, you'll hit the OS limit. To overcome this, connection poolers are used. They also allow you to use your resources evenly, so generally it's a good idea to have pooler before your database.In case of pgpool outage you'll face a big number of clients unable to reach your database. If you'll point them directly to the database, avoiding pooler, you'll face performance issues.
Replication All your queries will be auto-replicated to slave instances. This has meaning for the DML and DDL queries.In case of pgpool outage your replication will stop and slaves will not be able to catchup with master, as there's no change tracking done outside pgpool (as far as I know).
Load Balance Your read-only queries will be spread across several instances, achieving nice response times, allowing you to put more bandwidth on the system.In case of pgpool outage your queries will suddenly run much slower, if the system is capable of handling such a load. And this is in the case that master database will catchup instead of failed pgpool.
Limiting Exceeding Connections pgpool will queue connections in case they're not being able to process immediately.In case of pgpool outage all such connections will be aborted, which might brake the DB/Application protocol, i.e. Application was designed to never get connection aborts.
Parallel Query A single query is executed on several nodes to reduce response time.In case of pgpool outage such queries will not be possible, resulting in a longer processing.
If you're fine to face such conditions and you don't treat them as a failure, then pgpool can serve you well. And if 5 minutes of outage will cost your company several thousands $, then you should seek for a more solid solution.
The higher is the cost of the outage, the more fine tuned failover system should be.
Typically, it is not just single tool used to achieve failover automation.
In each failure you will have to tweak:
DNS, unless you want all clients' reconfiguration;
re-initialize backups and failover procedures;
make sure old master will not try to fight for it's role in case it comes back (STONITH);
in my experience we're people from DBA, SysAdmin, Architects and Operations departments who decide proper strategies.
Finally, in my view, pgpool is a good tool, I do use it. But it is not designed as a complete failover solution, not without extra thinking, measures taken, scripts written. Thus I've provided links to the distributed databases, they provide a much higher level of availability.
And PostgreSQL can be made distributed with a little effort due to it's great extensibility.
First of all, I'd recommend checking out pgBouncer rather than pgpool. Next, what level of scaling are you attempting to reach? You might just choose to run your connection pooler on all your client systems (bouncer is light enough for this to work).
That said, vyegorov's answer is probably the direction you should really be looking at in this day and age. Are you sure you really need a database?
So, the rather obvious answer is that pgPool creates a single point of failure if you only have one box running it. The obvious solution is to run multiple poolers across multiple boxes. You then need to engineer your application code to handle database disconnections. This is not as easy at it sounds, but basically you need to use 2-phase commit for non-idempotent changes. So to the greatest extent possible you should make your changes idempotent.
Based on your comments, I'd guess that maybe you have limited experience dealing with database replication? pgPool does statement based replication. There are tradeoffs here. The benefit is that it's very easy to set up. The downside is that there is no guarantee that data on the replicated databases will be identical. It is also (I believe but haven't checked lately) not compatible with 2pc.
My prior comment asking if you really need a database was driven by my perception that you have designed a system without going into much detail around this part of it. I have about 2 decades experience working on "this part" of similar systems. I expect you will find that there are no out of the box solutions and that the issues involved get very complicated. In other words, I'm suggesting you re-consider your design.
Try reading this blog (with lots of information about PostgreSQL and PgPool-II):
Search for "WATCHDOG" on that same blog. With that you can configure a PgPool-II cluster. Two machines on the same subnet are required, though, and a virtual IP on the same subnet.
Hope that this is useful for anyone trying the same thing (even if this answer is a lot late).
PGPool certainly becomes a single point of failure, but it is a much smaller one than a Postgres instance.
Though I have not attempted it yet, it should be possible to have two machines with PGPool installed, but only running on one. You can then use Linux-HA to restart PGPool on the standby host if the primary becomes unavailable, and to optionally fail it back again when the primary comes back. You can at the same time use Linux-HA to move a single virtual IP over as well, so that your clients can connect to a single IP for their Postgres services.
Death of the postgres server will make PGPool send queries to the backup Postgres (promoting it to master if necessary).
Death of the PGPool server will cause a brief outage (configurable, but likely in the region of <1min) until PGPool starts up on the standby, the IP address is claimed, and a gratuitous ARP sent out. Of course, the client will have to be intelligent enough to reconnect without dying.

Interprocess messaging - MSMQ, Service Broker,?

I'm in the planning stages of a .NET service which continually processes incoming messages, which involves various transformations, database inserts and updates, etc. As a whole, the service is huge and complicated, but the individual tasks it performs are small, simple, and well-defined.
For this reason, and in order to allow for easy expansion in future, I want to split the service into several smaller services which basically perform part of the processing before passing it onto the next service in the chain.
In order to achieve this, I need some kind of intermediary messaging system that will pass messages from one service to another. I want this to happen in such a way that if a link in the chain crashing or is taken offline briefly, the messages will begin to queue up and get processed once the destination comes back online.
I've always used message queuing for this type of thing, but have recently been made aware of SQL Service Broker which appears to do something similar. Is SQLSB a viable alternative for this scenario and, if so, would I see any performance benefits by using that instead of standard Message Queuing?
It sounds to me like you may be after a service bus architecture. This would provide you with the coordination and fault tolerance you are looking for. I'm most familiar and partial to NServiceBus, but there are others including Mass Transit and Rhino Service Bus.
If most of these steps initiate from a database state and end up in a database update, then merging your message storage with your data storage makes a lot of sense:
a single product to backup/restore
consistent state backups
a single high-availability/disaster recoverability solution (DB mirroring, clustering, log shipping etc)
database scale storage (IO capabilities, size and capacity limitations etc as per the database product characteristics, not the limits of message store products).
a single product to tune, troubleshoot, administer
In addition there are also serious performance considerations, as having your message store be the same as the data store means you are not required to do two-phase commit on every message interaction. Using a separate message store requires you to enroll the message store and the data store in a distributed transaction (even if is on the same machine) which requires two-phase commit and is much slower than the single-phase commit of database alone transactions.
In addition using a message store in the database as opposed to an external one has advantages like queryability (run SELECT over the message queues).
Now if we translate the abstract terms 'message store in the database as being Service Broker and 'non-database message store' as being MSMQ, you can see my point why SSB will run circles any time around MSMQ.
My recent experiences with both approaches (starting with Sql Server Service Broker) led me to the situation in which I cry for getting my messages out of SQL server. The problem is quasi-political but you might want to consider it: SQL server in my organisation is managed by a specialized DBA while application servers (i.e. messaging like NServiceBus) by developers and network team. Any change to database servers requires painful performance analysis from DBA and is immersed in fear that we might get standard SQL responsibilities down by our queuing engine living in the same space.
SSSB is pretty difficult to manage (not unlike messaging middleware) but the difference is that I am more allowed to screw something up in the messaging world (the worst that may happen is some pile of messages building up somewhere and logs filling up) and I can't afford for any mistakes in SQL world, where customer transactional data live and is vital for business (including data from legacy systems). I really don't want to get those 'unexpected database growth' or 'wait time alert' or 'why is my temp db growing without end' emails anymore.
I've learned that application servers are cheap. Just add message handlers, add machines... easy. Virtually no license costs. With SQL server it is exactly opposite. It now appears to me that using Service Broker for messaging is like using an expensive car to plow potato field. It is much better for other things.