Can not communicate sparkun OBDII UART with Raspberry pi 4 over (minicom) - raspberry-pi

I'm trying to use Sparkfun's OBD-II-UART board to interface with a CAN network using a Raspberry pi 4. Upon connecting to sudo screen /dev/ttyAMA0 and when I send the commands, I'm not able to get any response from the OBD-II-UART board. Can anyone suggest why it is not communicating?


How could I make the raspberry pi as a WIFI and ssh module

For a digital design course, we have to use a microcontroller as the CPU of the system. The chip we plan to use is STM32L0C8T6. We want to integrate the SSH function into a keyboard. The way we plan to do it is to connect the STM32 with a Raspberry pi zero or 2 through UART or SPI. The Pi will connect to the WIFI and connect to other hosts through SSH. An LCD display is also connected to the STM32 which will work like the monitor, displaying all things you will see when ssh, like whatever is shown in the terminal when ssh.
My question is how to build the connection between the terminal and STM32. One possible way is to dump everything in the terminal into a file and send the file back to STM32 for display. I think this will be really slow. Are there any better ideas?
The question sounds wired, and I know we could connect LCD directly to the Pi, but this is the project requirement to have to follow. The LCD has to connect to the microcontroller.
Thank you so much!!!!

Unable to recieve data from Raspberry Pi Pico to Windows host over USB (virtual serial port)?

I have designed a program in Raspberry Pi Pico to read a 4x4 matrix-keypad and inform the Raspberry Pi 4 for the key detected.
I am using to send data from Raspberry Pi Pico to Raspberry Pi 4 over USB (virtual serial port). On raspberry Pi 4 I am receiving the data successfully on /dev/ACM0
I am using print command to send data.
print(f'Key Detected : {key_pressed})
While executing on Windows, I get strange behavior. As I run the program in Thonny, I get the message in shell but when I connect hyper terminal or CoolTerm I am unable to any messages.
Why is this happening?

How to use window as a Raspberry Pi

ı'm working on a project which is about two raspberry pies' communication.I created a server and a client,ı want one raspberry pi to be server to send a input and another raspberry pi to be client to take the output but ı don't have second raspberry pi,How can ı use windows/my laptop as second raspberry pi. Could you please help me about that?
What language are you using?
How are you two terminals supposed to communicate?
You need to make your question more clear.
If your server and your client are supposed to communicate over HTTP, you don't need to have two raspis; as long as your app can get your app to run on a machine, you can use it as a server/client

Catching Probe Requests using monitor mode in Raspberry pi 3

I wanna catch probe requests of mobile devices that are not connected to a network using monitor mode on Raspberry pi 3. I am using Raspbian OS. I used "Wifite" command but it only shows the mac addresses of access points and not of the non connected mobile device. I am a beginner in networking and Raspberry pi. Kindly guide me which commands should I use for this purpose?
You might try looking into sniff-probes.
It switches WiFi channels every two seconds and captures incoming packets using tcpdump.

Set up MATLAB and Simulink support package for Raspberry Pi

I want to install MATLAB and Simulink support package for Raspberry Pi. I follow this link to do . I directly connect my laptop with Raspberry Pi using Ethernat cable.
But i didn't get output.
while installing i got error - "Could not detect a Raspberry Pi board on "Local Area Connection". Check your Ethernet connection to Raspberry Pi.
The FDX/LNK/100 LEDs on the Raspberry Pi board should be illuminated.
For network trouble-shooting instructions see">The MathWorks Web Site"
Can anyone help to solve this problem?
I have also experienced your same issue but after proceeding in this way I solved it.
Before you put the SD card on the Raspberry Pi you need:
power off the Pi
connect the Ethernet cable to the host computer
finally power on the Pi
In addition you may take a look at this troubleshooting guide.
Try the following steps.
1. Open cmd and execute 'ipconfig'
check for a network interface with '169.x.x.x' ip address
If there is one, you could access your Pi via IP
If there is none, check if your Ethernet port is enabled and no static IP is configured.
The above steps make sure that your Ethernet port is in proper state.
Repeat the hardware setup with direct connection in the network settings.