Wait N seconds for actor to return in Scala - scala

I am working on a project that uses Akka actors to handle some backend processes. I have created a method that calls the Actor, however it does not return instantly. Therefore, I want a timeout of 5 seconds, so if the Actor returns within the 5 seconds, my method will return this, if not, then a default value will be returned.
Just to be clear, the method calling the Actor's method is not itself within another actor, it is just a regular class. Secondly, I have tried using Timeout and Await, and even when importing them, it says they are not found.
Example code:
override def foo(): MyType = {
var toReturn = MyType(fale, None, None)
implicit val timeout: Timeout = 5.seconds
val result = Await.result(myActor ? fetchData, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[MyType]
if(result.healthy == true){
toReturn = result
override def receive: Receive = {
case fetchData =>
case _ =>
private def actorFoo(): MyType = {
val num1 = list1.size
val num2 = list2.size
val data = MyType(true, Some(num1), Some(num2))
When I run this code, the data is printed within the actorFoo method, but then nothing happens after. I even tried printing "SUCCESS" after the Await to ensure it has not broken, but even that is not printed.

The ask pattern requires a reply to be sent, and your actor doesn't send a reply:
override def receive: Receive = {
case fetchData =>
case _ =>
private def actorFoo(): MyType = {
val num1 = list1.size
val num2 = list2.size
val data = MyType(true, Some(num1), Some(num2))
actorFoo() has a result type of MyType, but the result gets thrown away via a silent conversion to Unit (it's a Scala wart... enabling -Ywarn-value-discard will show the warning).
To explicitly send the result of actorFoo() to the requestor, try something like:
override def receive: Receive = {
case fetchData =>
sender ! actorFoo()


Synchronously go through Flink DataStream[String], but asynchronously do multiple updates to each message

val updatedDataStream = dataStream.map(new MyMapFunction)
I use map() instead of Flink's native AsyncDataStream because I want to go through the messages synchronously. AsyncDataStream.unorderedWait or orderedWait will go through the message asynchronously.
Below code, updates each message in the dataStream with 2 updates, but the 2 updates are done asynchronously so the total time of both updates together is equal to the time taken by the slowest update.
class MyMapFunction extends RichMapFunction[String, String]{
private var client: AsyncClient = _
override def open(parameters: Configuration): Unit = {
client = new AsyncClient
override def map(value: String): String = {
if (value.nonEmpty) {
// below line de-serializes json message to an parsable object
val a = objectMapper.readValue(value, classOf[Test])
// below function calls (firstUpdate and secondUpdate) return back Future[String]
val firstFieldValue = client.firstUpdate()
val secondFieldValue = client.secondUpdate()
def updateRecord(r1: String, r2: String): String = {
a.firstField = r1
a.secondField = r2
// below line serializes object back to a json String
val enrichment = for {
r1 <- firstFieldValue
r2 <- secondFieldValue
} yield (updateRecord(r1, r2))
val f = enrichment.onComplete {
case Success(result) => result
case Failure(exception) => exception
} else ""
This won't work as onComplete returns Unit. But I want it to return result (String) so I can send it back to updatedDataStream.
Since map has a synchronous signature, you'll have to block. Await.result blocks until the future completes.
// instead of val f = enrichment.onComplete ...
Await.result(enrichment, Duration.Inf)
Note that blocking like this may limit throughput, though if r1 and r2 are able to execute in parallel, this period of blocking will likely be shorter than the time the thread invoking map would be blocked if done synchronously.

Ask Akka actor for a result only when all the messages are processed

I am trying to split a big chunk of text into multiple paragraphs and process it concurrently by calling an external API.
An immutable list is updated each time the response comes from the API for the paragraph.
Once the paragraphs are processed and the list is updated, I would like to ask the Actor for the final status to be used in the next steps.
The problem with the below approach is that I would never know when all the paragraphs are processed.
I need to get back the targetStore once all the paragraphs are processed and the list is final.
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val source = Source.fromFile("input.txt")
val extDelegator = new ExtractionDelegator()
source.getLines().foreach(line => extDelegator.processParagraph(line))
case class Extract(uuid: UUID, text: String)
case class UpdateList(text: String)
case class DelegateLambda(text: String)
case class FinalResult()
class ExtractionDelegator {
val system = ActorSystem("ExtractionDelegator")
val extActor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ExtractorDelegateActor]).withDispatcher("fixed-thread-pool"))
implicit val executionContext = system.dispatchers.lookup("fixed-thread-pool")
def processParagraph(text: String) = {
extActor ! Extract(uuid, text)
def getFinalResult(): java.util.List[String] = {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val askActor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ExtractorDelegateActor]))
val future = askActor ? FinalResult()
val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[java.util.List[String]]
def shutdown(): Unit = {
/* Extractor Delegator actor*/
class ExtractorDelegateActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
var targetStore:scala.collection.immutable.List[String] = scala.collection.immutable.List.empty
def receive = {
case Extract(uuid, text) => {
context.actorOf(Props[ExtractProcessor].withDispatcher("fixed-thread-pool")) ! DelegateLambda(text)
case UpdateList(res) => {
targetStore = targetStore :+ res
case FinalResult() => {
val senderActor=sender()
senderActor ! targetStore
/* Aggregator actor*/
class ExtractProcessor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
def receive = {
case DelegateLambda(text) => {
val res =callLamdaService(text)
sender ! UpdateList(res)
def callLamdaService(text: String): String = {
//THis is where external API is called.
Not sure why you want to use actors here, most simple would be to
// because you call external service, you have back async response most probably
def callLamdaService(text: String): Future[String]
and to process your text you do
implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global // use you execution context here
Future.sequence(source.getLines().map(callLamdaService)).map {results =>
// do what you want with results
If you still want to use actors, you can do it replacing callLamdaService to processParagraph which internally will do ask to worker actor, who returns result (so, signature for processParagraph will be def processParagraph(text: String): Future[String])
If you still want to start multiple tasks and then ask for result, then you just need to use context.become with receive(worker: Int), when you increase amount of workers for each Extract message and decrease amount of workers on each UpdateList message. You will also need to implement then delayed processing of FinalResult for the case of non-zero amount of processing workers.

Mutable collections in akka Actor return NullPointerException

I have an actor which is calling a websocket and updating a map everytime it receives an update form the web socket. the same map is being used by the actor at another point in the command.
class MyActor(broker: InMemoryBroker) extends Actor {
val myMap: TrieMap[String, String] = new TrieMap[String, String]()
//Gets a response every 1 second
webSocket.get(onReponse= r=> myMap(r.key) = r.value)
def receive()={
case MyCommand(key)=>
if(myMap.get(key).isDefined){ //Null pointer exception is thrown here
//Do stuff
I was expecting TrieMap to be thread safe and not have such issues. Any suggestions?
You should do as much processing as possible in the receive method. So rather than updating the map directly in onResponse, send yourself a message and update the map when you receive it:
class MyActor(broker: InMemoryBroker) extends Actor {
val myMap: TrieMap[String, String] = new TrieMap[String, String]()
private case class UpdateMap(r: ???)
//Gets a response every 1 second
webSocket.get(onReponse = r => self ! UpdateMap(r))
def receive() = {
case UpdateMap(r) =>
myMap(r.key) = r.value
case MyCommand(key) =>
if (myMap.get(key).isDefined) { //Null pointer exception is thrown here
//Do stuff
With the method the TrieMap is only accessed from a single thread at a time.
Also, that test is better done as:
myMap.get(key).foreach{ value =>

MVar tryPut returns true and isEmpty also returns true

I wrote simple callback(handler) function which i pass to async api and i want to wait for result:
object Handlers {
val logger: Logger = Logger("Handlers")
implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] =
class DefaultHandler[A] {
val response: IO[MVar[IO, A]] = MVar.empty[IO, A]
def onResult(obj: Any): Unit = {
obj match {
case obj: A =>
case _ => logger.error("Wrong expected type")
def getResponse: A = {
But for some reason both tryPut and isEmpty(when i'd manually call onResult method) returns true, therefore when i calling getResponse it sleeps forever.
This is the my test:
class HandlersTest extends FunSuite {
test("DefaultHandler.test") {
val handler = new DefaultHandler[Int]
val response = handler.getResponse
assert(response != 0)
Can somebody explain why tryPut returns true, but nothing puts. And what is the right way to use Mvar/channels in scala?
IO[X] means that you have the recipe to create some X. So on your example, yuo are putting in one MVar and then asking in another.
Here is how I would do it.
object Handlers {
trait DefaultHandler[A] {
def onResult(obj: Any): IO[Unit]
def getResponse: IO[A]
object DefaultHandler {
def apply[A : ClassTag]: IO[DefaultHandler[A]] =
MVar.empty[IO, A].map { response =>
new DefaultHandler[A] {
override def onResult(obj: Any): IO[Unit] = obj match {
case obj: A =>
for {
r1 <- response.tryPut(obj)
_ <- IO(println(r1))
r2 <- response.isEmpty
_ <- IO(println(r2))
} yield ()
case _ =>
IO(logger.error("Wrong expected type"))
override def getResponse: IO[A] =
The "unsafe" is sort of a hint, but every time you call unsafeRunSync, you should basically think of it as an entire new universe. Before you make the call, you can only describe instructions for what will happen, you can't actually change anything. During the call is when all the changes occur. Once the call completes, that universe is destroyed, and you can read the result but no longer change anything. What happens in one unsafeRunSync universe doesn't affect another.
You need to call it exactly once in your test code. That means your test code needs to look something like:
val test = for {
handler <- TestHandler.DefaultHandler[Int]
_ <- handler.onResult(3)
response <- handler.getResponse
} yield response
assert test.unsafeRunSync() == 3
Note this doesn't really buy you much over just using the MVar directly. I think you're trying to mix side effects inside IO and outside it, but that doesn't work. All the side effects need to be inside.

How to simplify future result handling in Akka/Futures?

I want to simplify my for comprehension code to make it as simple as possible.
Here is the code
case object Message
class SimpleActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case Message => sender ! Future { "Hello" }
object SimpleActor extends App {
val test = ActorSystem("Test")
val sa = test.actorOf(Props[SimpleActor])
implicit val timeout = Timeout(2.seconds)
val fRes = for {
f <- (sa ? Message).asInstanceOf[Future[Future[String]]]
r <- f
} yield r
println {
Await.result(fRes, 5.seconds)
Is it possible to get rid of this part
Look at the pipeTo function which is all about passing a Future between Actors. See here on ask patterns.
myFuture pipeTo sender
The return type of your ask will be Future[String] in your case, which as your comment below asks will need the mapTo[String] to actually get the result type to be a String. Thus your for-comp could be ditched and directly called:
val fRes = (sa ? Message).mapTo[String]