Why the view does not fit on the parent view? - swift

I can't understand that the view does not fit on the parent view ? This screenshot shows problem with green button that button doesn't fit parent view. Red background color it is containerView.
I'm using SnapKit for constraints. Please help me. Thanks!
Screenshot of the result
private lazy var scrollView = UIScrollView()
private lazy var containerView = UIView()
// etc
// viewDidLoad
containerView.addSubviews([boxView, addButton])
boxView.addSubviews([titleLabelView, vStackView])
// viewWillLayoutSubviews
scrollView.snp.makeConstraints {
containerView.snp.makeConstraints {
addButton.snp.makeConstraints {

Without the makeConstraints() method can't be certain, but if it's just applying normal autolayout constraints you will need to use a negative value for the bottom constant.
In AL a positive value means move down from the anchor, whereas you need to move the edge of the button up from the anchor (the box's bottomAnchor).
If you've come from Interface BUilder this isn't obvious as in IB the negative values are applied by tool.


How I can show/hide view inside another view with height changing of root swift?

I have two views one inside another, it looks like picture below:
when I press on orange arrow I would like to show/hide view above grey line and grey line too. I did it by such way:
#objc func showHide(tapGestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer)
let tappedImage = tapGestureRecognizer.view as! UIImageView
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, animations: { () -> Void in
self.jobDataView.isHidden = !self.jobDataView.isHidden
tappedImage.image = self.jobDataView.isHidden ? UIImage(systemName: "arrow.down"):UIImage(systemName: "arrow.up")
and my view above gray line can be hidden and shown. But root view doesn't change its' height and it has similar sizes before and after btn click. I tried to add constraint of height, but I it didn't solve my problem. Maybe someone knows how to solve my problem?
You need to use UIStackView either through Storyboard or from code. when you hide subview inside stackview it will automatically change stackview height. what you need to do is to make stackView distribution = fill and use vertical stack...
Hide view on button tap and when you need to show it .. add it in stack at. 0th index ..

NSScrollView not scrolling

I have a form in a Mac app that needs to scroll. I have a scrollView embedded in a ViewController. I have the scrollView assigned with an identifier that links it to its own NSScrollView file. The constraints are set to the top, right, and left of the view controller, it also has the hight constraint set to the full height of the ViewController.
Here is my code:
import Cocoa
class ScrollView: NSScrollView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
// Drawing code here.
NSRect documentView.NSMakeSize(0, 0, 1058.width, 1232.height)
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
switch event.phase {
case NSEvent.Phase.began:
// case NSEvent.Phase.changed:
// Swift.print("Changed")
case NSEvent.Phase.ended:
switch event.momentumPhase {
case NSEvent.Phase.began:
Swift.print("Momentum Began")
// case NSEvent.Phase.changed:
// Swift.print("Momentum Changed")
case NSEvent.Phase.ended:
Swift.print("Momentum Ended")
super.scrollWheel(with: event)
I cant seem to get my app to scroll at all. I think I am not setting the frame correctly. What is the best way to do set the frame correctly? Am I coding the NSScrollView correctly?
I think you are making your life very hard because you are doing things that are not exactly recommended by Apple. First of all, you should not subclass NSScrollView. Rather you should read first Introduction to Scroll View Programming Guide for Cocoa by Apple to understand how you should create the correct hierarchy of views for an NSScrollView to work correctly.
A second recommendation is for you to check this nice article about how you should set up an NSScrollView in a playground, so that you can play with the code you want to implement.
Third, using Autolayout and NSScrollView has caused a lot of grief to a lot of people. You need to set up the AutoLayout just right, so that everything is going to work as expected. I recommend that you check this answer by Ken Thomases, which clearly explains how you need to set up auto layout constraints for an NSScrollView to work properly.
I just got over the "hump" with a NSScrollView inside a NSWindow. In order for scrolling to occur the view inside the NSScrollview needs to be larger than the content window. That's hard to set with dynamic constraints. Statically setting the inner view to a larger width/height than the window "works" but the static sizes usually are not what you want.
Here is my interface builder view hierarchy and constraints, not including the programmatically added boxes
In my app the user is adding "boxes" (custom draggable views) inside the mainView, which is inside a scrollview in a NSwindow.
Here's the functionality I wanted:
If I expanded the NSWindow, I wanted the mainView inside the scrollview to expand to fill the whole window. No scrolling needed in this case if all the boxes are visible.
If I shrank the NSWindow, I wanted the mainView inside the scrollview to shrink just enough to include all my mainView subviews ("boxes"), but not any further (i added a minBorder of 20). This results in scrolling if a box's position is further right/up than the nswindow's width/height.
I found the trick is to calculate the size of the mainView I want based on the max corner of each draggable boxview, or the height/width of the content frame of the nswindow, whichever is larger.
Below is my code, including some debugging prints.
Be careful of which subviews you use to calculate the max size. If you include a subview that's dynamically attached to the right/top of the window, then your window will never shrink. If you add +20 border to that, you might infinite loop. Not a problem in my case.
extension MapWindowController: NSWindowDelegate {
func windowDidEndLiveResize(_ notification: Notification) {
if let frame = window?.frame, let content = window?.contentRect(forFrameRect: frame) {
print("window did resize \(frame)")
var maxX: CGFloat = content.width
var maxY: CGFloat = content.height
for view in mainView?.subviews ?? [] {
let frameMaxX = view.frame.maxX + minBorder
let frameMaxY = view.frame.maxY + minBorder
if frameMaxX > maxX {
maxX = frameMaxX
if frameMaxY > maxY {
maxY = frameMaxY
print("view maxX \(maxX) maxY \(maxY)")
print("window width \(content.width) height \(content.height)")
mainView?.setFrameSize(NSSize(width: maxX, height: maxY))

Dragging NSSplitView divider does not resize views

I'm working with Cocoa and I create my views in code (no IB) and I'm hitting an issue with NSSplitView.
I have a NSSplitView that I configure in the following way in my view controller, in Swift:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let splitView = NSSplitView()
splitView.isVertical = true
The resulting view shows the two subviews and the divider for the NSSplitView, and one view is wider than the other. When I drag the diver to change the width, as soon as I release the mouse, the divider goes back to its original position, as if pulled back by a "spring".
I can't resize the two subviews; the right one always keeps a fixed size. However, nowhere in the code I fix the width of that subview, or any of its content, to a constant.
What I would like to achieve instead is that the right view size is not fixed, and that if I drag the divider at halfway through, the subviews will resize accordingly and end up with the same width.
This is a screen recording of the problem:
Edit: here is how I set the constraints. I'm using Carthography, because otherwise setting constraints in code is extremely verbose beyond the most simple cases.
private func createLeftPanel() -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
let table = self.createTable()
constrain(view, table) { view, table in // Cartography magic.
table.edges == view.edges // this just constraints table.trailing to
// view.trailing, table.top to view.top, etc.
return view
private func createRightPanel() -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
let label = NSTextField(labelWithString: "Name of item")
constrain(view, label) { view, label in
label.edges == view.edges
return view

unable to scroll the textview in Swift

I have a TextView as shown below
I am not able to scroll the text view , I have added UITextViewDelegate in UIViewController class as well as set isUserInteractionEnabled property in textViewDidBeginEditing
func textViewDidBeginEditing(_ textView: UITextView) {
textView.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray
textView.isEditable = false
textView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
textView.isScrollEnabled = true
What did I need to do?
Also, the scrolling is enabled in attribute inspector
This issue has occurred because the actual UITextView's size was more than screen size as shown below
The real answer is that the UITextView needs its content frame height inferior to its content size height to be able to scroll.
In your case, the content frame height is equal to the content size, so it doesn't scroll.
You just have to set the leading left, trailing, top space and bottom space to the View, but first make sure the Text View is smaller than the actual View (parent).
It starts to get complicated when you have a UITextView on a UIView which is either a view on a UIScrollView or directly on a UIScrollview.
The best thing to do, is to give each of them their own actions when scrolling.
Firstly, make sure you have all of your delegates for EVERYTHING set.
Make sure your UITextViews are not user restricted for what they don't need to be.
What I have to do in one of my published apps is this👇
func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
if scrollView == textView1
// Do something if you actually want to, or just let textView1 scroll as intended
else if scrollView == textView2
// Do something if you actually want to, or just let textView2 scroll as intended
else if scrollView == zoomingScroll
// Do something if you need to or leave it
// Do something with all the other scrollable views if you need to

NSScrollView with unclipped content view?

Is there a way I can set my scrollview not to clip its contents? (Which is a NSTextView)
I have a subclass of NSScrollView and want its content not to be clipped to its bounds.
I have tried overriding:
- (BOOL) wantsDefaultClipping{
return NO;
in MyScrollView and in MytextView without any effect.
In the iOS I would simply would do: myuitextView.clipsToBounds=NO; how can I do this in Cocoa?
This is an example of what I want to achieve but in the mac
The scrollview is white, the scroller will never go outside its bounds but the text does since I did myuitextView.clipsToBounds=NO
See picture here
I wouldn't mind clip my view like #Josh suggested. But the real behaviour I would like to have can be explained with this picture:
Do you see the word *****EDIT***** that has being cut in the very first line?
I want the text not to be cut this way, rather I want it to completely appear and I will put a semitransparent image so it looks like it fades off when it's outside the frame.
Q: Why don't I simply put a semitransparent NSImageView on it so it looks like what I want?
A: Because 1.Scroller will be faded as well. Even if I correctly place the semitransparent NSImageView so the scroller looks fine, the cursor/caret will be able to go underneath the semitransparent NSImageView again it does not look good.
I would like to be able to control the area is clipped by NSClipView. I think that would solve my problem. Is there any alternative I have? maybe I can control the caret position or scrolling position through NSTextView so caret will never go near the top/bottom frame limits? or any work-around?
Any advice is appreciated.
Now that it's 2016 and we're using vibrant titlebars with full size content views, I'll add my thoughts to how someone might accomplish this. Hopefully, this will help anyone who came here looking for help on this, as it helped me.
This answers the question in regards to scrolling under the titlebar, but you could easily modify this technique to scroll under other things using the insets and caret position.
To get a scroll view (with or without an NSTextView inside of it) to scroll behind a titlebar, you can use:
// For transparent title.
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
window.styleMask = window.styleMask | NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask
window.appearance = NSAppearance(named: NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight)
This effectively overlays the titlebar of the NSWindow onto the window's contentView.
To constrain something to the top of the window without knowing the height of the titlebar:
// Make a constraint for SOMEVIEW to the top layout guide of the window:
let topEdgeConstraint = NSLayoutConstraint(
item: SOMEVIEW, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Top,
relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation.Equal,
toItem: window.contentLayoutGuide,
attribute: NSLayoutAttribute.Top, multiplier: 1.0, constant: 0.0)
// Turn the constraint on automatically:
topEdgeConstraint.active = true
This allows you to constrain the top of an element to the bottom of the titlebar (and or toolbar + any accessory views it may have). This was shown at WWDC in 2015: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2014/220/
To get the scrollview to scroll under the titlebar but show its scrollbars inside the unobscured part of the window, pin it to the top of the content view in IB or via code, which will cause it to be under the titlebar. Then, tell it to automatically update it's insets:
scrollView.automaticallyAdjustsContentInsets = true
Finally, you can subclass your window and handle the cursor/caret position. There is a presumed bug (or developer error on my part) that doesn't make the scrollview always scroll to the cursor/caret when it goes above or below the content insets of the scrollview.
To fix this, you must manually find the caret position and scroll to see it when the selection changes. Forgive my awful code, but it seems to get the job done. This code belongs in an NSWindow subclass, so self is referring to the window.
// MARK: NSTextViewDelegate
func textViewDidChangeSelection(notification: NSNotification) {
textView.needsDisplay = true // Prevents a selection rendering glitch from sticking around
// MARK: My Scrolling Functions
func scrollIfCaretIsObscured() {
let rect = caretRectInWindow()
let y: CGFloat = caretYPositionInWindow() - rect.height
// Todo: Make this consider the text view's ruler height, if present:
let tbHeight: CGFloat
if textView.rulerVisible {
// Ruler is shown:
tbHeight = (try! titlebarHeight()) + textViewRulerHeight
} else {
// Ruler is hidden
tbHeight = try! titlebarHeight()
if y <= tbHeight {
func caretYPositionInWindow() -> CGFloat {
let caretRectInWin: NSRect = caretRectInWindow()
let caretYPosInWin: CGFloat = self.contentView!.frame.height - caretRectInWin.origin.y
return caretYPosInWin
func caretRectInWindow() -> CGRect {
// My own version of something based off of an old, outdated
// answer on stack overflow.
// Credit: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6948914/nspopover-below-caret-in-nstextview
let caretRect: NSRect = textView.firstRectForCharacterRange(textView.selectedRange(), actualRange: nil)
let caretRectInWin: NSRect = self.convertRectFromScreen(caretRect)
return caretRectInWin
/// Scrolls to the current caret position inside the text view.
/// - Parameter textView: The specified text view to work with.
func scrollToCursor() {
let caretRectInScreenCoords = textView.firstRectForCharacterRange(textView.selectedRange(), actualRange: nil)
let caretRectInWindowCoords = self.convertRectFromScreen(caretRectInScreenCoords)
let caretRectInTextView = textView.convertRect(caretRectInWindowCoords, fromView: nil)
enum WindowErrors: ErrorType {
case CannotFindTitlebarHeight
/// Calculates the combined height of the titlebar and toolbar.
/// Don't try this at home.
func titlebarHeight() throws -> CGFloat {
// Try the official way first:
if self.titlebarAccessoryViewControllers.count > 0 {
let textViewInspectorBar = self.titlebarAccessoryViewControllers[0].view
if let titlebarAccessoryClipView = textViewInspectorBar.superview {
if let view = titlebarAccessoryClipView.superview {
if let titleBarView = view.superview {
let titleBarHeight: CGFloat = titleBarView.frame.height
return titleBarHeight
throw WindowErrors.CannotFindTitlebarHeight
Hope this helps!
I would simply try to observe the document view's frame and match the scroll view's frame when the document resizes.
This is a little hairy. AFAIK, NSViews can't draw outside their own frame. At any rate I've never seen it done, and I was somewhat surprised when I realized that UIView allows it by default. But what you probably want to do here is not manipulate clipping rectangles (doing any such thing inside NSScrollView will probably not do what you want or expect), but instead try to cover up the vertically-truncated text lines with either layers or views that are the same color as the background. Perhaps you could subclass NSClipView and override viewBoundsChanged: and/or viewFrameChanged: in order to notice when the text view is being shifted, and adjust your "shades" accordingly.
You might consider using a translucent layer to achieve this appearance, without actually drawing outside your view. I'm not certain of the rules on iOS, but on the Mac, a view drawing outside its bounds can cause interference with surrounding drawing.
However, you can set the clipping region to be whatever you like inside your scroll view subclass's drawRect: using -[NSBezierPath setClip:]:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:[[self documentView] frame]] setClip];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
It might be possible (since you asked) to use this code in an NSClipView subclass, but there's not much info about that, and I think you may have a hard time making it interact properly with its scroll view. If it were me, I'd try subclassing NSScrollView first.