how not to display requests to devtools by domain - google-chrome-devtools

How not to display requests to devtools by domain?
For example, I don’t want to display requests by domain in chrome.


run web flutter don't see network image

When I use flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer=canvaskit in flutter web I do not see image (network image)
flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer=canvaskit
This is what i see: Error Message
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
CORS is a mechanism that browsers use to control how one site accesses the resources of another site. It is designed such that, by default, one web-site is not allowed to make HTTP requests to another site using XHR or fetch. This prevents scripts on another site from acting on behalf of the user and from gaining access to another site’s resources without permission.
When using , , or , the browser automatically blocks access to pixels when it knows that an image is coming from another site and the CORS policy disallows access to data.
WebGL requires access to the image data in order to be able to render the image. Therefore, images to be rendered using WebGL must only come from servers that have a CORS policy configured to work with the domain that serves your application.
So if you want to still use canvaskit import them to assets folder and use it as a local asset

Chrome DevTools Protocol - Network Events after page load

I'm trying to use the chrome-remote-interface package to register URL's requested by a page, through the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
It works fine until the page loads. After the page loads, I can't get the requests. For example: Ajax, Google Analytics Requests, ...
Is it possible to have the requested URLs after page load with Chrome DevTools Protocol?
Some of the requests are not done with classic HTTP requests (which are the ones handled by the Network domain. However, youtube's Ajax "navigation" for example, could be tracked by the Page.frameRequestedNavigation event, so it might also work for Google Analytics.

Why do preflight requests sometimes appear after the main request in Chrome DevTools network tab?

My understanding of preflight requests is that they are just that - a request before the main request.
Often in the Chrome DevTools Network tab I see the preflight OPTIONS request appear after the main one.
Why is that?

Send to Messenger Button on Safari does not send webhook event

I have a 'Send to Messenger' button on my app. It use to work just fine earlier. But now it does not work on Safari on Mac & iOS.
It works on Chrome perfectly, but when clicked from Safari, Facebook is not sending event on my Webhook.
Screenshot below: On Safari I also get a specific page after user clicks on authentication " Tap to go back to URL".
Image where users click on send to messenger button
User is asked to Authenticate
Tap to go back to URL screenshot - Likely Culprit
Button Status shown approved, but in reality its not
The error message given to you is stating the issue:
The frame requesting access has a protocol of "https", the frame being accessed has a protocol of "http". Protocols must match.
When you use the Send To Messenger plugin there are some requirements for your own domain. See the documentation here. One if these is that you must whitelist your domain. It states:
Use a fully qualified domain name, such as IP addresses and localhost are not supported for whitelisting.
You are serving your application using HTTP from but you must serve it using HTTPS. It's also not clear from their requirements if you can use a port number or not but I think you'd be better looking at ngrok or localtunnel for local development.
[Edit] I think it's probably an issue with the content security policy (CSP) on Safari. Some reading about it here.

Determine the bandwidth of a webpage

I am trying to find the bandwidth of a webpage.
I have tried, but I only get about server or for an application.
The webpage has chat server, flash player.
Simply go to the dev console (F12) and network tab or request
Also, you have a summary with bandwidth in real time
On Firefox:
On Chorme: