If I declare 2 replicas of PostgreSQL StatefulSet pods in k8s, are they the same database or they just share the volume? - postgresql

After making 2 replicas of PostgreSQL StatefulSet pods in k8s, are the the same database?
If they do, why I created DB and user in one pod, and can not find the value in the other.
If they not, is there no point of creating replicas?

There isn't one simple answer here, it depends on how you configured things. Postgres doesn't support multiple instances sharing the same underlying volume without massive corruption so if you did set things up that way, it's definitely a mistake. More common would be to use the volumeClaimTemplate system so each pod gets its own distinct storage. Then you set up Postgres streaming replication yourself.
Or look at using an operator which handles that setup (and probably more) for you.

To add the answer in coderanger, as he said it's not easy to say how Postgres will work with the multi replicas, and data replication across the cluster unless checking more in-depth. Setting the multiple replicas directly without reading the document of replication of data might lead to big issue.
Here is one nice example from google for ref : https://cloud.google.com/architecture/deploying-highly-available-postgresql-with-gke
For the example of Postgres database replication example and clustering config files : https://github.com/CrunchyData/crunchy-containers/tree/master/examples/kube


How Databases synchronize data between persistent volumens in Kubernetes

I`ve just read Deploying Cassandra with Stateful Sets topic in the Kubernetes documentation.
The deployment process:
1. Creation of StorageClass
2. Creation of PersistentVolume (in my case 4 PersistentVolume). Set created in 1) storageClassName
3. Creation of Cassandra Headless Service
4. Using a StatefulSet to Create a Cassandra Ring - setting created in 1) storageClassName in StatefulSet yml definition.
As a result, there are 4 pods: Cassandra-0, Cassandra-1, Cassandra-2, Cassandra-4, which are mounted to created in 2) volumes (pv-0, pv-1, pv-2, pv-3).
I wonder how / if these persistent volumes synchronize data with each other.
E.g. if I add some record, which will be written by pod cassandra-0 in persistent volume pv-0, then if someone who is going to retrieve data from the database a moment later - using the cassandra-1 pod/pv will see data that has been added to pv-0. Can anyone tell me how it works exactly?
This is not related to Kubernetes
The replication is done by database and is configurable
See the CAP theorem and Eventual Consistency for Cassandra
You can control the level of consistency in Cassandra, whether the record is immediately updated across or later , depends on the configuration you do in Cassandra.
See also: Synchronous Replication , Asynchronous Replication
Cassandra Consistency:
how to set cassandra read and write consistency
How is the consistency level configured?
The mechanism to spread data across the clusters is independent if it was deployed in kubernetes or bare-metal instances. Cassandra will try to spread randomly the data across the nodes depending on a hash value (known as token), and will use the same algorithm to retrieve the information.
There are other factors to take in consideration: The replication factor (amount of copies), and the consistency level used.
You would want to take a look to DS201: DataStax Enterprise Foundations of Apache Cassandra™ in Datastax academy, where they cover the basics of Cassandra.
Just to slightly extend Carlos' answer, Kubernetes is not involved and the volumes are completely isolated. The replication and distribution stuffs are entirely up to the database software to handle. As far as K8s sees, they are just separate processes and separate volumes.
Thanks for comments guys!
so, when I have my db with 3 PVs:
cassandra-pod0 cassandra-pod1 cassandra-pod2
| | |
cassandra-pv0 cassandra-pv0 cassandra-pv0
Data is divided into 3 pvs.When I kill cassandra-pod1 - it is possible that I will lose (temporarily) part of the data. Am I right?

Should I use EBS or EFS for database?

For database directories for MongoDB, Cassandra or Elasticsearch clusters with high availability, should I use EBS or EFS? MongoDB, Cassnadra and Elasticsearch clusters take care of replicating data across nodes if they are configured to have replication factor > 1, so EFS replication feature may not be needed I giuess.
EBS - for databases
EFS - for file sharing across applications, VMs etc
Here is a good article that differentiates between the storage types
EFS is for multiple servers having access to the same set of files. Cassandra has replication built in, so it has no use for that feature. You would not want multiple Cassandra nodes accessing the same files anyway as each node manages its own sstables.
Not to mention Cassandra is disk intensive and gets angry if there is latency. Cassandra connections time out really easily. So, using an NFS mount (EFS) instead of a “local” disk is just a bad idea.
Read this if you haven’t already: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/best-practices-for-running-apache-cassandra-on-amazon-ec2/
(Can’t speak for other databases like MongoDB.)

Clustering PostgreSQL clusters

This will be confusing for some due to poor terminology choices by the PostgreSQL folks, but please bear with me...
We have a need to be able to support multiple PostgreSQL (PG) clusters, and cluster them on multiple servers using, e.g. repmgr. For example, to support both server availability and also PITR for each PG cluster. A single PG cluster per server is too expensive in many cases, so we multi-tenant (small) customers on separate PG clusters, for data separation, recovery, etc., but also want to be able to support HA via replication/fail-over.
The closest analogy for a PG cluster is a SQL Server instance - each can host multiple DB's, has its own port, etc. Like SQL Server, you can run multiple instances (PG clusters) on the same server, and set up replication for each.
Basic repmgr setup is no problem - that seems fairly clear in the single PG cluster model. But, is there any recommended/supported approach to multiple PG clusters using repmgr? I can kind of imagine faking repmgr into thinking each PG cluster is in effect a separate repmgr cluster (with separate repmgr.conf, connection info/port). But, I'm not yet sure that will work.
I'd typically expect to fail-over all PG clusters on the same server - not one at a time.
I recognize this may not be the best idea in all cases, but am mostly exploring what's possible. I have some alternatives, but this is closest to our current single-node model.
To clarify, I need to support many thousands of customers across many server clusters. Ideally, each cluster uses the same repmgr DB (in the main PG cluster, e.g.), and essentially stands alone from the other server clusters.
Answering my own question, but I hope someone eventually posts a better answer, as I otherwise quite like repmgr. In the end, it appears repmgr just isn't suitable for multiple PG clusters (instances), as there is an implied relationship between the repmgr cluster connection strings and the PG cluster (port). Thus, you'd essentially have to create a separate repmgr environment (DB) for every clustered PG cluster/instance, losing a lot of the operational simplicity that repmgr brings to the table.
I will investigate a more generic solution using Corosync/Pacemaker/etc., as at least in that case, the virtual cluster IP handling is built-in to the solution, and doesn't require additional software/resources to pull off.
I'm sure I'm probably over-simplifying things, but it seems like repmgr was tantilizingly close to solving much of the problem, had it allowed the repmgr DB to be fully independent of the PG cluster and allow each repmgr cluster to specify its own connection info, not (only) the connection info for the repmgr DB itself.

MongoDB data replication in Kubernetes

I've been configuring pods in Kubernetes to hold a mongodb and golang image each with a service to load-balance. The major issue I am facing is data replication between databases. Replication controllers/replicasets do not seem to do what the name implies, but rather is a blank-slate copy instead of a replica of existing/currently running pods. I cannot seem to find any examples or clear answers on how Kubernetes addresses this, or does it even?
For example, data insertions being sent by the Go program are going to automatically load balance to one of X replicated instances of mongodb by the service. This poses problems since they will all be maintaining separate documents without any relation to one another once Kubernetes begins to balance the connections among other pods. Is there a way to address this in Kubernetes, or does it require a complete re-write of the Go code to expect data replication among numerous available databases?
Sorry, I'm relatively new to Kubernetes and couldn't seem to find much information regarding this.
You're right, a replica set is not a replica of another container, it's just a container with the same configuration spun up within the same logical unit.
A replica set (or deployment, which is the resource you should be using now) will have multiple pods, and it's up to you, the operator, to configure the mongodb part.
I would recommend reading this example of how to set up a replica set with multiple mongodb containers:

Autoscaling limited by RDS connection

I have some nightly jobs that are running on EC2 and the number of machines is scaled by the number of messages in SQS. My process requires reads from a Postgres RDS database. Now these are the issues I am facing.
Not able to scale beyond a certain number because of the unavailability of connections.
I tried creating a connection pool using pgbouncer, and tried with different settings as well, but it's missing a lot of data on the resultant set.
Make your postgresql RDS install multi AZ. Then you can make read replicas on demand and scale read performance with your load.
To answer the comments:
Some extra "plumbing" is required to make the connections to the read replica. Maybe route53 dynamically updated records as the scaling happens or something like haproxy
The reason I mention multi AZ is that this would help prevent downtime during an auto scaling event bringing up the read replica
It would be simpler (but more costly) to permanently bring up a read replica and use DNS round robin to share the load
See https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/amazon-rds-announcing-read-replicas/ for information on read replicas