Clustering PostgreSQL clusters - postgresql

This will be confusing for some due to poor terminology choices by the PostgreSQL folks, but please bear with me...
We have a need to be able to support multiple PostgreSQL (PG) clusters, and cluster them on multiple servers using, e.g. repmgr. For example, to support both server availability and also PITR for each PG cluster. A single PG cluster per server is too expensive in many cases, so we multi-tenant (small) customers on separate PG clusters, for data separation, recovery, etc., but also want to be able to support HA via replication/fail-over.
The closest analogy for a PG cluster is a SQL Server instance - each can host multiple DB's, has its own port, etc. Like SQL Server, you can run multiple instances (PG clusters) on the same server, and set up replication for each.
Basic repmgr setup is no problem - that seems fairly clear in the single PG cluster model. But, is there any recommended/supported approach to multiple PG clusters using repmgr? I can kind of imagine faking repmgr into thinking each PG cluster is in effect a separate repmgr cluster (with separate repmgr.conf, connection info/port). But, I'm not yet sure that will work.
I'd typically expect to fail-over all PG clusters on the same server - not one at a time.
I recognize this may not be the best idea in all cases, but am mostly exploring what's possible. I have some alternatives, but this is closest to our current single-node model.
To clarify, I need to support many thousands of customers across many server clusters. Ideally, each cluster uses the same repmgr DB (in the main PG cluster, e.g.), and essentially stands alone from the other server clusters.

Answering my own question, but I hope someone eventually posts a better answer, as I otherwise quite like repmgr. In the end, it appears repmgr just isn't suitable for multiple PG clusters (instances), as there is an implied relationship between the repmgr cluster connection strings and the PG cluster (port). Thus, you'd essentially have to create a separate repmgr environment (DB) for every clustered PG cluster/instance, losing a lot of the operational simplicity that repmgr brings to the table.
I will investigate a more generic solution using Corosync/Pacemaker/etc., as at least in that case, the virtual cluster IP handling is built-in to the solution, and doesn't require additional software/resources to pull off.
I'm sure I'm probably over-simplifying things, but it seems like repmgr was tantilizingly close to solving much of the problem, had it allowed the repmgr DB to be fully independent of the PG cluster and allow each repmgr cluster to specify its own connection info, not (only) the connection info for the repmgr DB itself.


Do I need multiple db instances in Aurora cluster for write?

I have a Aurora postgresql cluster in AWS and have one DB instance in this cluster. The postgresql DB is only used for write not for read. I use it as a backup database. I know Aurora has read scaling policy and I can create multiple DB instances in this cluster to improve read performance. But it doesn't benefit my case (write only). My question is that is there any benefits for me to spin up multiple db instances in the cluster. Aurura postgresql is a single master mode which means only one instance can take write. If I deploy multiple instances/replicas, they are basically useless. Do I understand it correctly?
Yes, you are correct. In your case there is no reason to launch additional instances in the cluster.
In the future, you may be able to use Aurora multi-master to give you more performance for writes. This is only available for MySQL 5.6 at the moment. See

Check postgresql replication

I have created a replicated Postgresql database (Master - Slave). I did this with an already existing Ansible Playbook (Role) , which I don't fully understand yet. The cluster currently consists of only 2 databases on different VMs.
So I want to test this replication now.
Unfortunately I have little experience with Postgresql.
How can I control whether they connect stable?
If the slave really takes over the task if the master should fail?
Many thanks for any information, tips & tricks.
Postgresql v. 9.6
Official PostgreSQL does not yet support automatic failover (Although there are multiple third-party projects which support this feature). Therefore if the deployment you have mentioned is only official PostgreSQL, after master failure, none of replicas take over the write task. But they can answer read queries if they are configured as hot_standby.
If you want to check the state of replication, in master you can check out pg_stat_replication in master.
Also these official docs would help you understand Postgres streaming replication & failover better:

In a containerized cluster, should mongodb servers be running on a worker or a core service?

I'm trying to implement an architecture that's similar to the coreos's production architecture (shown below)
Should I run the database as a central service or one or more of the workers?
I figured the database needs some kind of replication, which makes me think that putting it in the worker cluster makes more sense, but I'm just not sure.
This should be run as a worker. The central services are the basic things that come with CoreOS (mainly etcd). The workers host your applications, the database being one of them. You do have a persistence issue because your database will have state to remember between restarts. So, there is a bigger issue of how do you make that persistence? One was to do it is use a host file and give the database an affinity to that host and mount the host file. Another thing you might consider is running more than one database (if your db technology supports that) and replicate that database so you have two (or more) copies in different workers. (non-affinity). If your database creates transaction logs that can be applied to a backup, you can manage those transaction logs in a worker.
Another thing to consider is not using a container for your database. The database is a weird animal, its care and feeding is not like the rest of the applications. So it is reasonable (in my opinion) to have your database managed and maintained outside the scope of your cluster (but still reachable by the cluster).

What's the difference between pgpool II replication and postgresql replication?

I'm not exactly a DBA, so I would appreciate easy to understand responses. I have to provide replication to our DB and pgpool seems more convenient because if one postgresql instance fails, the clients are not required to change anything to keep on working, right? So, in this case, makes more sense to use pgpool, but the configuration part seems (to me) a lot more complicated and confusing. For instance, do I need to set up WAL on both postgresql servers? Or this is only needed if I want to set up postgresql replication? The more I try to get an answer to these questions, the less clear it becomes. Maybe I forgot how to google...
The built-in replication, provided by PostgreSQL itself, includes streaming replication, warm standby, and hot standby. These options are based on shipping Write-Ahead Logs (WAL) to all the standby servers. Write statements (e.g., INSERT, UPDATE) will go to the master, and the master will send logs (WALs) to the standby servers (or other masters, in the case of master-master replication).
pgpool, on the other hand, is a type of statement-based replication middleware (like a database proxy). All the statements actually go to pgpool, and pgpool forwards everything to all the servers to be replicated.
One big disadvantage with pgpool is that you have a single point of failure; if the server running pgpool crashes, your whole cluster fails.
The PostgreSQL documentation has some basic info on the various types of replication that are possible:

Load Balancing and Failover for Read-Only PostgreSQL Database

Multiple application servers host web services written in Java, running in SpringSource dm Server. To implement a new requirement, they will need to query a read-only PostgreSQL database.
To support redundancy, at least two PostgreSQL instances will be running. Access to PostgreSQL must be load balanced and must auto-fail over to currently running instances if an instance should go down. Auto-discovery of newly running instances is desirable but not required.
I have reviewed the official PostgreSQL documentation on this issue. However, that focuses on the more general case of read/write access to the database. Top google results tend to lead to older newsgroup messages or dead projects such as Sequoia or DB Balancer, as well as one active project PG Pool II
What are your real-world experiences with PG Pool II? What other simple and reliable alternatives are available?
PostgreSQL's wiki also lists clustering solutions, and the page on Replication, Clustering, and Connection Pooling has a table showing which solutions are suitable for load balancing.
I'm looking forward to PostgreSQL 9.0's combination of Hot Standby and Streaming Replication.
Have you looked at SQL Relay?
The standard solution for something like this is to look at Slony, Londiste or Bucardo. They all provide async replication to many slaves, where the slaves are read-only.
You then implement the load-balancing independent of this - on the TCP layer with something like HAProxy. Such a solution will be able to do failover of the read connections (though you'll still loose transaction visibility on a failover, and have to start new transaction on the new slave - but that's fine for most people)
Then all you have left is failover of the master role. There are supported ways of doing it on all these systems. None of them are automatic by default (because automatic failover of a database master role is really dangerous - consider the situation you are in once you've got split brain), but they can be automated easily if the requirement needs this for the master as well.