Make Start-Process respect Verbose preference of parent script - powershell

Here are my scripts
Write-Verbose 'Triggering Child Process...'
Start-Process PowerShell.exe '.\Child.ps1'
Write-Verbose 'Child Process Triggered.' # I want output from this line to be displayed
Write-Output 'Child Process Triggered.'
Start-Sleep 10
I'm calling the parent script as below
powershell Parent.ps1 -Verbose
Actual outpt:
VERBOSE: Triggering Child Process...
Child Process Triggered.
Desired Output:
VERBOSE: Triggering Child Process...
VERBOSE: Child Process Triggered.
Child Process Triggered.

If you really want to run .\Child.ps1 via another PowerShell instance, in a new window, asynchronously:
Start-Process PowerShell.exe "-c .\Child.ps1 -Verbose:`$$($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue')"
Note the use of -c (-Command) to signal what PowerShell CLI parameter the command string is passed to, to distinguish it from -f (-File). While not strictly necessary, because -c is the default in Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe), it helps to clarify, especially given that PowerShell (Core) 7+ (pwsh) now defaults to -f.
When you invoke your Parent.ps1 script with -Verbose (-vb), PowerShell translates this switch to a script-scoped $VerbosePreference variable with value Continue.
To propagate a switch value - on or off - programmatically, you can follow the switch name with : and a Boolean, e.g. -Verbose:$true.
Caveat: While something like -Verbose:$false is typically the same as not passing the switch at all, there are exceptions, and this is one of them: -Verbose:$false explicitly overrides a caller's $VerbosePreference preference variable to deactivate verbose output - see this answer.
That said, this isn't a concern in your case, given that you're launching a new PowerShell instance, and there's no session-internal caller.
The above uses an expandable string to translate the value of $VerbosePreference into the appropriate Boolean; note that the subexpression ($(...)) is prefixed with `$, i.e. an escaped $ character to be retained verbatim, because stringifying a Boolean results in either True or False, so the $ prefix is needed to turn it back into a Boolean the way it needs to be represented as a literal in source code.
Note that if you were to invoke .\Child.ps1 directly from your parent script, it would automatically "inherit" the parent's $VerbosePreference value (it would see the same value by default, due to PowerShell's dynamic scoping).
A note on -c (-Command) vs. -f (-File) and PowerShell (Core) 7+:
For invoking a PowerShell script file (.ps1) via the CLI, it is generally sufficient and preferable for robust passing of verbatim arguments to use the -f (-File) parameter; -c (-Command) is only needed if you need the command string to be evaluated as PowerShell code.
In Windows PowerShell (powershell.exe), the -f parameter doesn't recognize Boolean argument values, unfortunately, which is why -c is used in the solution above. This limitation has been fixed in PowerShell (Core) 7+ (pwsh.exe).
See also:
Guidance on when to use -c (-Command) vs. -f (-File)
An overview of PowerShell's CLI; covers both editions.


How to get the PID of my Powershell Script?

I would like to get the PID of my powershell script. I'am able to do that in bash like that :
echo "This is a test"
The output is :
And if I execute the script again, the PID change every time.
In powershell, if I try that :
Write-Output "THIS IS A TEST"
The output is :
PS C:\Windows\system32> $PID
Write-Output "THIS IS A TEST"
PS C:\Windows\system32> $PID
Write-Output "THIS IS A TEST"
PS C:\Windows\system32> $PID
Write-Output "THIS IS A TEST"
I think that $$ and $PID don't work in the same way.
There is someone to show me how to do that ?
Unlike shell scripts written for POSIX-compatible shells such as bash, PowerShell scripts (*.ps1 files) run in-process.
Therefore, all invocations of a given script (more generallly, all scripts) in a given PowerShell session (process) report the same value in the automatic $PID variable, namely the current process' ID.
To run a .ps1 script out-of-process, you'll have to call the PowerShell CLI (powershell.exe for Windows PowerShell, pwsh for PowerShell (Core) 7+), which creates a PowerShell child process; e.g.:
# Note: Passing a command via { ... } only works from *inside* PowerShell.
pwsh -NoProfile { ./some.ps1 }
# With arguments
pwsh -NoProfile { ./some.ps1 #args } -args foo, $PID
PowerShell's startup cost is significant, so you pay a noticeable performance penalty.
Behind the scenes, XML-based serialization and deserialization is involved for communicating data types, and the type fidelity has limits, just as in PowerShell remoting. That is, if complex objects are passed to or received from the child process, you may only get emulations of these objects - see this answer for background information.
Note that if you're calling from outside PowerShell, use the CLI's -File parameter to invoke a script (in which case only text in- and output is supported); e.g.:
pwsh -NoProfile -File ./some.ps1 foo $PID
For a comprehensive description of the PowerShell CLI, see this answer.
I think that $$ [in bash] and $PID [in PowerShell] don't work in the same way.
They do: both report the current process' ID; the difference in observed behavior is solely due to the difference between execution in a child process vs. in-process execution.
As an aside: PowerShell too has an automatic $$ variable, but it serves an entirely different purpose than in bash (where it is the equivalent of PowerShell's $PID): It contains the last token of the most recently submitted command line and is intended for interactive editing convenience (e.g., after submitting Get-ChildItem someReallyLongDirectoryName, you can refer to someReallyLongDirectoryName with $$ at the next prompt).
As such, it is the equivalent of bash's built-in $_ variable.

Start-Process, Invoke-Command or?

Using the program got your back or GYB. I run the following command
Start-Process -FilePath 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' -ArgumentList #("--email <Email Address>", "--action backup", "--local-folder $GYBfolder", "--service-account", "--batch-size 4") -Wait
The issue is that when the process is done my script does not complete.
$GYBfolder = $GYBfolder.Replace('"', "")
$output = [PSCustomObject]#{
Name = $SourceGYB
Folder = $GYBfolder
$filename = "C:\reports\" + $SourceGYB.Split("#")[0] + "_Backup.csv"
$output | Export-Csv $filename -NoTypeInformation | Format-Table text-align=left -AutoSize
Return $filename
For some reason the script stops right before the return.
I am curious to know if I should be using a different command to run GYB?
Any thoughts on why the script does not process the return?
There's great information in the comments, but let me attempt a systematic overview:
To synchronously execute external console applications and capture their output, call them directly (C:\Gyb\gyb.exe ... or & 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' ...), do not use Start-Process - see this answer.
Only if gyb.exe were a GUI application would you need **Start-Process -Wait in order to execute it synchronously**.
A simple, but non-obvious shortcut is to pipe the invocation to another command, such as Out-Null, which also forces PowerShell to wait (e.g. gyb.exe | Out-Null) - see below.
When Start-Process is appropriate, the most robust way to pass all arguments is as a single string encoding all arguments, with appropriate embedded "..." quoting, as needed; this is unfortunate, but required as a workaround for a long-standing bug: see this answer.
Invoke-Command's primary purpose is to invoke commands remotely; while it can be used locally, there's rarely a good reason to do so, as &, the call operator is both more concise and more efficient - see this answer.
When you use an array to pass arguments to an external application, each element must contain just one argument, where parameter names and their values are considered distinct arguments; e.g., you must use #(--'action', 'backup', ...) rather than
#('--action backup', ...)
Therefore, use the following to run your command synchronously:
If gyb.exe is a console application:
# Note: Enclosing #(...) is optional
$argList = '--email', $emailAddress, '--action', 'backup', '--local-folder', $GYBfolder, '--service-account', '--batch-size', 4
# Note: Stdout and stderr output will print to the current console, unless captured.
& 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' $argList
If gyb.exe is a GUI application, which necessitates use of Start-Process -Wait (a here-string is used, because it makes embedded quoting easier):
# Note: A GUI application typically has no stdout or stderr output, and
# Start-Process never returns the application's *output*, though
# you can ask to have a *process object* returned with -PassThru.
Start-Process -Wait 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' #"
--email $emailAddress --action backup --local-folder "$GYBfolder" --service-account --batch-size 4
The shortcut mentioned above - piping to another command in order to force waiting for a GUI application to exit - despite being obscure, has two advantages:
Normal argument-passing syntax can be used.
The automatic $LASTEXITCODE variable is set to the external program's process exit code, which does not happen with Start-Process. While GUI applications rarely report meaningful exit codes, some do, notably msiexec.
# Pipe to | Out-Null to force waiting (argument list shortened).
# $LASTEXITCODE will reflect gyb.exe's exit code.
# Note: In the rare event that the target GUI application explicitly
# attaches to the caller's console and produces output there,
# pipe to `Write-Output` instead, and possibly apply 2>&1 to
# the application call so as to also capture std*err* output.
& 'C:\Gyb\gyb.exe' --email $emailAddress --action backup | Out-Null
Note: If the above unexpectedly does not run synchronously, the implication is that gyb.exe itself launches another, asynchronous operation. There is no generic solution for that, and an application-specific one would require you to know the internals of the application and would be nontrivial.
A note re argument passing with direct / &-based invocation:
Passing an array as-is to an external program essentially performs splatting implicitly, without the need to use #argList[1]. That is, it passes each array element as its own argument.
By contrast, if you were to pass $argList to a PowerShell command, it would be passed as a single, array-valued argument, so #argList would indeed be necessary in order to pass the elements as separate, positional arguments. However, the more typical form of splatting used with PowerShell commands is to use a hashtable, which allows named arguments to be passed (parameter name-value pairs; e.g., to pass a value to a PowerShell command's
-LiteralPath parameter:
$argHash = #{ LiteralPath = $somePath; ... }; Set-Content #argHash
[1] $args and #args are largely identical in this context, but, strangely, #argList, honors use of --%, the stop-parsing symbol operator, even though it only makes sense in a literally specified argument list.

Why PowerShell.exe There is no way to dot source a script?

The help document says that the script will be executed in 'dot-sourced' mode, but it doesn't. why?
I read the full text of the help document and couldn't find the reason, so I came for help.
PS> PowerShell.exe -File '.\dot-source-test.ps1'
PS> $theValue
PS> . '.\dot-source-test.ps1'
PS> $theValue
The content of 'dot-source-test.ps1' is $theValue = 'theValue'.
If the value of File is a file path, the script runs in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the functions and variables that the script creates are available in the current session.
about_PowerShell_exe - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
To prevent conceptual confusion:
In order to dot-source a script, i.e. execute it directly in the caller's scope (as opposed to a child scope, which is the default), so that the script's variables, function definitions, ... are seen by the caller:
In the current PowerShell session, just use ., the dot-sourcing operator, directly:
# Dot-source in the caller's scope.
# When executed at the prompt in an interactive PowerShell session,
# the script's definitions become globally available.
. '.\dot-source-test.ps1'
Via powershell.exe, the Windows PowerShell CLI[1]:
Note: Whatever dot-sourcing you perform this way is limited to the child process in which powershell.exe runs and its PowerShell session; it has no impact on the caller's session.
Dot-sourcing via the CLI makes sense only in two scenarios:
Scenario A: You're passing commands via the (possibly positionally implied) -Command (-c) parameter that relies on definitions that must first be dot-sourced from a script file, and you want the session to exit automatically when the commands have finished executing.
Scenario B: You're entering a (possibly nested) interactive PowerShell session into which you want to dot-source (pre-load) definitions from a script file; as any interactive session, you will need to exit it manually, typically with exit.
Scenario A: Pre-load definitions, execute commands that rely on them, then exit:
The following starts a (new) PowerShell session as follows:
Script file .\dot-source-test.ps1 is dot-sourced, which defines variable $theValue in the caller's (here: the global) scope.
The value of $theValue is output.
The new session is automatically exited on completing the commands.
PS> powershell -c '. .\dot-source-test.ps1; $theValue'
Scenario B: Enter a (new) interactive session with pre-loaded definitions:
Simply add the -noexit switch in order to enter an interactive session in which script file .\dot-source-test.ps1 has been dot-sourced:
powershell -noexit -c '. .\dot-source-test.ps1'
# You're now in a (new) interactive session in which $theValue is defined,
# and which you must eventually exit manually.
If neither -File nor a command (via explicit or implied -Command / -c) are specified, -noexit is implied.
Because -c is needed here for dot-sourcing, -noexit must be specified to keep the session open.
While using -File for dot-sourcing instead - powershell -noexit -File '.\dot-source-test.ps1' - works too, I suggest avoiding it for conceptual reasons:
While it is technically true that a script passed to -File is dot-sourced in the new session, that is (a) unexpected, given that scripts executed from inside a session are not (they run in a child scope) and (b) by far the most typical use case for -File is to execute a given script and then exit - in which case the aspect of dot-sourcing is irrelevant.
As such, it is better to think of this behavior as an implementation detail, and it is unfortunate that the CLI help mentions it so prominently - causing the confusion that prompted this question.
[1] The same applies analogously to the PowerShell [Core] 7+ CLI, pwsh, except that it defaults to -File rather than -Command.
It's about the way the path to the file is passed through the command line. See the below example when used in Command Prompt. (test.ps1 contains the line $theValue = 'theValue')
Without using the "-File" toggle, it's treated differently, as an argument to be passed to the PowerShell process being triggered.
Seeing the same thing when calling in PowerShell.
The specific part you reference is under the " -File" toggle, which needs to be used.
If the value of File is "-", the command text is read from standard input. Running powershell -File - without redirected standard input starts a regular session. This is the same as not specifying the File parameter at all.
If the value of File is a file path, the script runs in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the functions and variables that the script creates are available in the current session.
(source: Microsoft Docs > About PowerShell.exe)

Get arguments passed to powershell.exe

Is there a way to determine, in a Profile script, what arguments were passed to the powershell executable?
I'd like to check whether the WorkingDirectory parameter was set, before overriding it with my own cd in my user profile.
I've made a few helpless attempts to get variable values from within the profile script, with no luck. None of them seem to give me any information about whether pwsh.exe was invoked with a -wd parameter or not:
echo $PSBoundParameters
echo $ArgumentList
echo (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value;
To inspect PowerShell's own invocation command line, you can use:
[Environment]::CommandLine (single string)
or [Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() (array of arguments, including the executable as the first argument).
These techniques also work on Unix-like platforms.
Caveat: As of PowerShell Core 7 (.NET Core 3.1), it is pwsh.dll, not pwsh[.exe] that is reported as the executable.
To check in your $PROFILE file if a working directory was specified on startup could look like this, though do note that the solution is not foolproof:
$workingDirSpecified =
($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Desktop' -and
[Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() -match '^-(WorkingDirectory|wd|wo|wor|work|worki|workin|working|workingd|workingdi|workingdir|workingdire|workingdirec|workingdirect|workingdirecto|workingdirector)') -or
[Environment]::CommandLine -match
In PowerShell Core, a working directory may have been specified with the -WorkingDirectory / -wd parameter (which isn't supported in Windows PowerShell); e.g.,
pwsh -WorkingDirectory /
Note: Given that it is sufficient to specify only a prefix of a parameter's name, as long as that prefix uniquely identifies the parameter, it is necessary to also test for wo, wor, work, ...
In both PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell, the working directory may have been set with a cmdlet call (possibly via a built-in alias) as part of a -c / -Command argument (e.g.,
pwsh -NoExit -c "Set-Location /")
Note: In this scenario, unlike with -WorkingDirectory, the working directory has not yet been changed at the time the $PROFILE file is loaded.
It is possible, but unlikely for the above to yield false positives; to use a contrived example:
pwsh -NoExit -c "'Set-Location inside a string literal'"
How about (powershell.exe or pwsh.exe?):
get-ciminstance win32_process | where name -match 'powershell.exe|pwsh.exe' |
select name,commandline

Command line arguments for msiexec break on PowerShell if they contain space

I'm trying to set a public property in an InstallShield installer with a value containing space. While running the MSI installer, I'm using below command on PowerShell prompt. Since the value contains a space so I used double quotes to pass the value
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
It breaks the command as the argument value C:\new folder\data.txt has a space in the string new folder. It results in showing up below error prompt of msiexec:
It suggests that arguments passed to the msiexec command has some problem.
But if I execute the same command on Windows default command prompt then it runs fine:
Few other options that I've tried to make things work on PowerShell prompt are as below:
Using single quote in place of double quotes
Using a back tick (`) character before space in the argument as per this answer.
Try with this
msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH=`"C:\new folder\data.txt`"
The escape character in PowerShell is the grave-accent(`).
This answer addresses direct, but asynchronous invocation of msiexec from PowerShell, as in the question. If you want synchronous invocation, use Start-Process with the -Wait switch, as shown in Kyle 74's helpful answer, which also avoids the quoting problems by passing the arguments as a single string with embedded quoting.
Additionally, if you add the -PassThru switch, you can obtain a process-information object that allows you to query msiexec's exit code later:
# Invoke msiexec and wait for its completion, then
# return a process-info object that contains msiexec's exit code.
$process = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru msiexec '-i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"'
Note: There's a simple trick that can make even direct invocation of msiexec synchronous: pipe the call to a cmdlet, such as Wait-Process
(msiexec ... | Wait-Process) - see this answer for more information.
To complement Marko Tica's helpful answer:
Calling external programs in PowerShell is notoriously difficult, because PowerShell, after having done its own parsing first, of necessity rebuilds the command line that is actually invoked behind the scenes in terms of quoting, and it's far from obvious what rules are applied.
While the re-quoting PowerShell performs behind the scenes in this particular case is defensible (see bottom section), it isn't what msiexec.exe requires.
Up to at least PowerShell 7.1, some of the re-quoting is downright broken, and the problems, along with a potential upcoming (partial) fix, are summarized in this answer.
Marko Tica's workaround relies on this broken behavior, and with the for now experimental feature that attempts to fix the broken behavior (PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing, available since Core 7.2.0-preview.5), the workaround would break. Sadly, it looks like then simply omitting the workaround won't work either, because it was decided not to include accommodations for the special quoting requirements of high-profile CLIs such as msiexec - see GitHub issue #15143.
To help with this problem, PSv3+ offers --%, the stop-parsing symbol, which is the perfect fit here, given that the command line contains no references to PowerShell variables or expressions: --% passes the rest of the command line as-is to the external utility, save for potential expansion of %...%-style environment variables:
# Everything after --% is passed as-is.
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
If you do need to include the values of PowerShell variables or expressions in your msiexec call, the safest option is to call via cmd /c with a single argument containing the entire command line; for quoting convenience, the following example uses an expandable here-string (see the bottom section of this answer for an overview of PowerShell's string literals).
$myPath = 'C:\new folder\data.txt'
# Let cmd.exe invoke msiexec, with the quoting as specified.
cmd /c #"
msiexec --% -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="$myPath"
If you don't mind installing a third-party module, the ie function from the Native module (Install-Module Native) obviates the need for any workarounds: it fixes problems with arguments that have embedded " chars. as well as empty-string arguments and contains important accommodations for high-profile CLIs such as msiexec on Windows, and will continue to work as expected even with the PSNativeCommandArgumentPassing feature in effect:
# `ie` takes care of all necessary behind-the-scenes re-quoting.
ie msiexec -i "myinstaller.msi" MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt"
As for what you tried:
PowerShell translated
MYDIRPATH="C:\new folder\data.txt" into
"MYDIRPATH=C:\new folder\data.txt" behind the scenes - note how the entire token is now enclosed in "...".
Arguably, these two forms should be considered equivalent by msiexec, but all bets are off in the anarchic world of Windows command-line argument parsing.
This is the best way to install a program in general with Powershell.
Here's an example from my own script:
start-process "c:\temp\SQLClient\sqlncli (x64).msi" -argumentlist "/qn IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES" -wait
Use Start-Process "Path\to\file\file.msi or .exe" -argumentlist (Parameters) "-qn or whatever" -wait.
Now -wait is important, if you have a script with a slew of programs being installed, the wait command, like piping to Out-Null, will force Powershell to wait until the program finishes installing before continuing forward.