Making rowDrag conditional based on row data with dragging & row grouping - ag-grid

I am working with the ag-grid rowDrag capabilities and would like to enable and disable rowDrag based on the data in each row. It looks like rowDrag can contains a condition, but its unclear how to access the fields.
<AgGridColumn field="myOffer" rowDrag={fieldMyOffer === 'test' ? rowDrag : undefined} />

It is possible to dynamically control which rows are draggable by providing a callback function as shown below:
const athleteRowDrag = params => === "Michael Phelps";
<AgGridColumn field="athlete" rowDrag={athleteRowDrag} />
Documentation on Row Dragging

I would like to add to Shuheb's answer, since I ran into this:
If the cell you are checking is BLANK
rowDrag: params => === "",
will not work. You have to do:
rowDrag: params => > 1,
Ag-grid seems to insert a space in there somewhere so checking for an empty string or checking that length > 0 doesn't work. I spent several hours trying to get this to work.
Might file a git issue on this one, as my data clearly shows it's an empty string.


How can I add custom attribute to MUI DataGrid Column Header?

I need to add data-test attribute to column header for automated testing of different operations, such as sorting, filtering etc., so that scripts could find where to click.
How it can be done? I would like to keep all the functionality of default headers, just add the attribute.
You can use the renderHeader and pass the attributes you want like below:
field: "name",
renderHeader: (params) => (
<span data-testid="header-test-id"> // Here pass your data-testid
{"Header with attr "}

How to override Ag Grid QuickFilter to receive exact match results?

By default Ag Grid Quick Filter function return rows that contains search string. For example if I type "30 June" in the searchbox, quick filter will also return rows that contains "30 cars were sold by 2 June" text. How can I override default behavior to receive only rows that exactly match my search string?
What I did was the following:
In the search itself, I removed the spaces from the search criteria:
this.gridApi.setQuickFilter(event.toLowerCase().replace(" ", ""));
In each column that I wanted an exact match, I added this code in the column definition:
getQuickFilterText: (params) => { return params.value && params.value.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "");}
(That is the override method for search. See here for more details:
It seems to be working for me.
To achieve the exact match results column wise, You have to do these two things :
Remove cacheQuickFilter property from your default column definition object in gridOptions as caching convert all the columns data into a string separated by backward slash. That's the reason it will not be able to search column by column.
Add getQuickFilterText function in each column definition and add a condition for a exact match else return an empty string.
getQuickFilterText: params => {
return (params.value === <quick filter value>) ? params.value : ''
Now the tricky part here is how to access quick filter value inside getQuickFilterText function. You can achieve this in two ways :
Assign an id to quick filter search element and then access it's value using document.getElementById('quick-filter').value
Store the quick filter search value on change and put into a store state or service and then access that inside getQuickFilterText function.

Apply filtering with an array of value instead of one value for a filter in Algolia

I have in my index a list of object, each of them has an objectID value.
On some search, i want to filter OUT a certain number of them, using there objectID.
For the moment it works with one value as a string, i would like to know how to do for multiple value.
filters = 'NOT objectID:' + objectIDToFilter;
This work for one object, what can i do to apply this for an array of ObjectID. because :
filters = 'NOT objectID:' + arrayObjectID;
does not work.
I was thinking of generating a huge string with an with all my 'NOT objectID:1 AND NOT objectID: 2 ...' but i wanted to know if there is a cleaner way to do it.
I unfortunately misunderstood the line in algolia doc :
Array Attributes: Any attribute set up as an array will match the filter as soon as one of the values in the array match.
This apparently refers to the value itself in Algolia and not the filter
So i did not found a solution on algolia doc, i went for the long string, hope there is no limits on how much filter we can add on a query (found nothing about that).
Here is what i did if someone need it :
let filters = `NOT objectID:${userID}`; => {
filters = filters + ` AND NOT objectID:${blockedByUser}`;
If you need to add multiple but don't have a starting point like i do, you can't start the query with an AND , a solution i found to bypass that:
let filters = `NOT objectID:${blockedByUsers[0]}`;, i) => {
if (i > 0) filters = filters + ` AND NOT objectID:${blockedByUser}`;
There is probably a cleaner solution, but this work. If you have found other solution for that problems i'll be happy to see :)

gravity forms Form Entry - display label, not value for checkboxes, select

I've got checkboxes and selects where label is different to its value.
In the DB the value is saved ok, however, when viewing Form Entries (and pre-submit form data) for all the checkboxes and selects the values are displayed not labels. So I end up with not so informative IDs rather than names.
Is there a way to display labels instead of values in the Form Entries screen?
I came across your question while looking to do the same thing. I have a field called Account Type that stores the account type ID as the value. In the entries list I want to show the account type name, not the ID.
Here's the solution:
In your theme's functions.php file add the following filter:
add_filter( 'gform_entries_column_filter', 'modify_entry_view', 10, 5 );
You'll find the documentation for it here:
Then add the function code:
function modify_entry_view( $value, $form_id, $field_id, $entry, $query_string ){
//- Check the field ID to make sure you only change that one
if( $field_id == 14 ){
return 'modified value';
return $value;
In my case I'm using a custom field that I created called account_type that prepopulates a select menu with choices corresponding to each of the account types in our system. I used the following call to check the field type instead of checking based on field id since the id will change from form to form:
if( RGFormsModel::get_field( $form_id, $field_id )->type == 'account_type' ){
You could do the same thing but use the label property instead of type, like:
if( RGFormsModel::get_field( $form_id, $field_id )->label == 'Field Label' ){
In my case the value saved is a term id from a custom taxonomy I set up called account_type, so I simply use:
return get_term_by( 'id', $value, 'account_type' )->name;
to replace the account id with the account name.
FYI: The process is the same for the entry detail, use the filter documented here:

Zend Framework : Setting up default values for part of the multicheckbox element options not possible

I'm writing this question cause I have difficulties setting up default values for a _MultiCheckbox element of a Zend Framework 1.9.3.
I create Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox with multiple options like this:
$multiCheckbox = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox( 'elId',
array ( 'disableLoadDefaultDecorators' =>true ) );
$multiCheckbox ->setName( 'elId' )
->setRequired( false )
->setAttrib('class', 'inputtext')
->setDecorators( array( 'ViewHelper' ) )
->setMultiOptions( $options );
where the $options array is an associative array 'key' => 'value'. The field is displayed just fine and I can get all the checked values for that element.
When returning to that page I need to restore from the DB the whole list of options again and mark the checked ones. I have tried to do it like that:
$multiCheckbox ->setValue( $defaults );
where $default is array, containing elements of type 'checked_option_field_id' => true(eg. array( '1222' => true, '1443' => true ) ). That action checks ALL the checkboxes and not only the once I need and I have passed to the setValue() method.
I have tried to pass just an array containing elements of type 'checked_option_field_id', (eg. array( '1222', '1443' ) )but that also doesn't work - NONE of the checkboxes is checked.
I have used the form setDefaults() method with those two kinds of arrays, but the results are same - as this method uses again setValue() for each element.
MultiCheckbox element is rendered like that ( result when try to set checked value for only one option ):
<label for="elId-1222"><input type="checkbox" name="elId[]" id="elId-1222" value="1222" checked="checked" class="inputtext">BoRoom </label><br />
<label for="elId-1443"><input type="checkbox" name="elId[]" id="elId-1443" value="1443" checked="checked" class="inputtext">BoRoom Eng2 </label><br/>
That element populates the checked option values in the elId[] array. That is the element name.
setDefaults() form method gets all form elements by name and commit their default values by calling setDefault() form method and after that setValue() element method. So my multicheckbox element has name elId ( it does not get all the element options one by one ) and set default values for all options instead of just the given in the array.
That is how I see it and I can't find solution how to set default values only for some of the options of a multicheckbox element.
Chris is correct that setValue() expects an array of values to be 'checked' (not an array of bool values keyed by your option IDs).
If you are looking for the logic behind the form generation, don't look at the Zend_Form_Element object (or the many extended elements from it), look at the Zend_View_Helper objects. Specifically the Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio object.
When generating the HTML the options array is looped, then the value is checked against the value array - the array passed to setValue(), using in_array().
From Zend_View_Helper_FormRadio line: 150
// is it checked?
$checked = '';
if (in_array($opt_value, $value)) {
$checked = ' checked="checked"';
Not sure what that's not working for you, but if you're passing:
$element->setMultiOptions(array('1111' => 'Some Label',
'2222' 'Some Other Label',
'3333', 'Not Selected Label'));
It should work. Maybe if you could include some code it would be easier to see what's going on?
The setValue() expects a array with those values that need to be checked, in this case for example you need to pass a array with values 1222, 1443 for them to be marked as checked.
You need to serialize the checkbox value before insert in database. To show the database value selected again you have to unserialize the data to show.
The details you can read from following link