Meaning of actions in seize block - anylogic

Would like to understand what is the difference between "On seize unit" and "On prepare unit"? I tried looking up the Anylogic help, but it does not explain anything there. Also, what does "On remove" mean?

You can link "Preparation" branches into your Seizeobject. See
onSeize is executed when a resource is being seized, i.e. before preparation (if you have a prep branch)
opPrerareUnit is executed when the seized resource finished its prep branch and is just about to start servicing the agent.
You can always test yourself by using some traceln texts in those code fields to see when and how they execute


AnyLogic - inheritance of properties in batch block

I want to store process times in my model for each agent of type Box. For this purpose I have created a Java class ProcessData.
My problem is that I always get NullPointerExceptions. I don't know if it's because of my code or the functionality of the batch block.
When the wait block reaches a certain size, all agents of type Box are routed to the batch block. The batch agent then waits in the seize block for staff member. If the agent is then seized, each agent of type Box contained in the batch agent should then get a start processing time. This is my code at enter of the delay block: box.getProcessData().add(new ProcessData(date(), duration()));. Using a constructor, I add the start time and duration as new variables to a new ProcessData entry.
To determine the end time of each Box agent I have the following code at unbatch block entry: box.getProcessData().getLast().setEnd(date());
Since I have a NullPointerException I can't tell exactly where it came from. My guess is that I have a bug with addressing the code: should I use agent. (from batch) or box. (name of original agent before batch)? Or is it not possible to give the batch agent properties that are inherited by the box agent?
First error is at unbatch, so the second code from above and second error is the following public void onExit( Box batch, Box agent ) { _unbatch_onExit_xjal( this, batch, agent ); }.
Following the screenshot of my error:
The problem you have with this model first,is that you are seizing a resource for the batch without releasing that resource... you need to release before unbatch
your error nevertheless is related to some code that you wrote in the on exit action of the unbatch block that you are unfortunately not telling us
But to discover what is null, check with a traceln() the value of the variables that are present in the on exit section of the unbatch in order to print on the screen what is null

Anylogic detect that agent stopped on conveyor

is there any easy way to detect that agent stopped on a roller conveyor because there are other agents ahead? I tried to use dynamic variable and conditional event but it is consuming too much performence. I donĀ“t want to go for dynamically checking condition (with cyclic event) because I have some bad experience with it.
Try this:
Create a LinkedList<YourAgentType> agentsOnConveyor.
Whenever an agent enters the conveyor, call agentsOnConveyor.addLast(agent). When it leaves, call agentsOnConveyor.removeFirst(agent).
Now you have a linked representation of the agents on the conveyor.
Last, you use the "on stopped" field in the conveyor and pass the message "upstream" through the linked list, i.e. use a for-loop from the first to the last entry and send them a msg "conveyor stopped".
You may still need to check if the individual agent is moving itself or has also stopped, but it might put you on a working path

How to make condition for queue?

I want to make agents to not enter the queue if it's full (if it's full then go to sink) at the moment of arrival in selectOutput5.
I tried to put "if-else" into "Actions" section
But I don't really know which parameter to use (tried to use queue.size and queue.capacity but I don't know how to code this properly), please help. Not sure if I doing the right thing at all by trying to put if-else into actions of selectOutput5
The model look like this:
You need to code the conditions under which they should enter which queue and then if the conditions are not met it will assess the next out option.
See example below
It will only go to queue 1 if the queue size is less than 5, else it will assess the queue size of queue 2 and if both are full then go to the exit.
The Actions section is only for code you want to execute if they do exit one of the out options.
Put a selectOutputOut block, select conditions there. And type below your condition: yourQueue.size()>=yourQueue.capacity(). Send the ones to Sink block when this condition is true.

How to configure workflow runtime (Informatica)?

I would like the workflow to run for 20 minutes....If the running process does not complete within 20 minutes, the workflow should be ended immediately..However, I can only find the timer, but it is used for starting the process after the indicated time which is not I'm looking for...Does anyone know how to specify the duration for the workflow?
[updated to cover complete scenario and cover issues raised by Koushik Sinharoy in comments]
You can achieve it using the timer:
Link one to the Start task and set it to run for 20 minutes in
parallel with your session.
Have a Decision task with Treat the input links as set to OR. This will trigger the decision whenever any of the preceeding task ends, so either your session will get completed or timer runs out (whatever happens first).
Set the Decision condition to $s_your_session.Status = SUCCEEDED.
Link the Decision task to Control Task.
Set Control task to Fail parent.
Add a condition $Decision.Condition = False to the link between Decision task and Control task.
This should be the result:
\ > Decision [OR] ---(False)---> Control Task [Fail parent]
Thanks Koushik Sinharoy for the remarks below!

How to figure out when Azure DevOps release pipeline is over using REST Api?

I have a script that triggers a Build. That build is followed by a Release pipeline. In my script I can figure out what is the url for the Release, but I do not understand how can the script decide when the release pipeline is done.
Suppose, there are no interactive approvals. Still:
The release status seems to be stuck on "active", does not matter if all the stages have already converged to some final status.
The stages can be "notStarted", "inProgress", "rejected", "cancelled" or "succeeded".
I suppose it is possible to figure things out by doing some analysis on the state of all the stages while taking into account the topology of the pipeline, but that seems to be too complicated.
Is it possible at all to wait in a script until some release gets into a final state, from which no change is possible?
I am OK writing a polling loop. This is what I do to figure out when a build is over. But for releases, I have a problem with the stop condition - I just do not know what it is.
Consider the following pipeline:
+---> A
/ \
Start + -[Promoted only if (*) is true]-> C ---> D
\ /
+---> B
(no manual approvals)
Now suppose the build does not satisfy the condition (*) and so the release effectively stops after running on A and B, but not C. The statuses on environments would be:
A = succeeded or rejected
B = succeeded or rejected
C = notStarted
D = notStarted
So, what is the stop condition for the waiting loop that would stop it in this situation? Is it possible to do it without discovering the topology of the release pipeline?
Unfortunately, there aren't any blocking API calls. You'll need to write a loop in (eg PowerShell) to check for changes in status.
There are two "status" fields in a Release.
The first is the overall status of a Release, for example, it was deployed into two environments before it was marked as "abandoned" and no longer a release candidate for production. You can set this status in the UI by selecting the Release and selecting "Abandon".
The second status is for each environment being deployed. Each ReleaseEnvironment has an EnvironmentStatus. Surprisingly, there isn't a "failed" state there, but you're interested in anything that isn't "notstarted" and is "succeeded". (Perhaps partiallySucceeded is an indicator that something failed without flagging the entire environment as failed?).
There is a third status that you might need to consider if you have pre-deployment or post-deployment approvals enabled. These are in the preDeployApprovals status (ApprovalStatus) and postDeployApprovals nodes.