Spring Batch Error Doesn't Have CSV Row Input - spring-batch

I'm unable to store the error getting registered in all the phases (parsing phase, business error, database error, invalid data error) in a csv file
Reason: The csv input row cannot be retrieved as the error method have only exception as parameter and not the actual csv row data. (Ex: parse exception alone has inputString method() and rest of the error handling phase doesn't have the input)
How to get the input row or the row being processed in all the stages of the spring batch job??
I need to create error csv with the following
CSV row columns + line number + error message + reason

If the error occurs during the read, then a FlatFileParseException will be passed to the SkipListener#onSkipInRead. This exception gives you the line number as well as the raw line read from the file.
If you want to intercept errors while processing, ie in SkipListener#onSkipInProcess, then it is up to you to write an exception class that has all details needed for error reporting. The item could be designed to carry the raw line it was read from.


azure data factory copy activity failing DUE TO COLUMN MISMATCH

I am performing copy activity in ADF with source as csv file in gen1. which's copied to sql server. i am getting the below error. i thoroughly checked each column .count is matching.
Error found when processing 'Csv/Tsv Format Text' source 'opportunity.csv' with row number 224: found more columns than expected column count 136

Error Code: 1261. Row 16696 doesn't contain data for all columns

Trying to load a csv file in mysql but throws a error like this
load data infile'C:\Users\Documents\UiPath\40310011598\Unwanted file\CA0003100198-05-Jul-22.csv' into table output fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by'\n' ignore 1 rows Error Code: 1261. Row 16696 doesn't contain data for all columns
Thanks in Advance.

Throw error on invalid lookup in Talend job that populates an output table

I have a tMap component in a Talend job. The objective is to get a row from an input table, perform a column lookup in another input table, and write an output table populating one of the columns with the retrieved value (see screenshot below).
If the lookup is unsuccessful, I generate a row in an "invalid rows" table. This works fine however is not the solution I'm looking for.
Instead, I want to stop the entire process and throw an error on the first unsuccessful lookup. Is this possible in Talend? The error that is thrown should contain the value that failed the lookup.
A tfileoutputdelimited componenent would do the staff .
So ,the flow would be as such tMap ->invalid_row->tfileoutputdelimited -> tdie
Note : that you have to go to advanced settings in the tfileoutputdelimited component aand tick split output into multiple files option and put 1 rather then 1000
For more flexibility , simply do two tmap order than one tMap

Is it possible to read static table data before batch job starts execution and use the data as metadata for the batch job

I am trying to read data using a simple select query and create a csv file with the resultset data.
As of now,I have the select query present in application.properties file and I am able to generate the csv file.
Now, I want to move the query to a static table and fetch it as an initialization step before the batch job starts(Something like a before job).
Could you please let me know what would be the best strategy to do so.i.e. reading from a database before the actual batch job of fetching the data and creating a CSV file starts.
I am able to read the data and write it to a CSV file
extract.sql.query=SELECT * FROM schema.table_name
I want it moved to database and fetched before actual job starts
1) I created a job with one step(Read and then write).
2) Implemented JobExecutionListener. In the beforeJob method, used JdbcTemplate to fetch the relevant details(A query in my case) from the DB.
3) Using jobExecution.getExecutionContext() , I set the query in the execution context.
4) Used a step scoped reader to retrieve the value using late binding. #Value("#{jobExecutionContext['Query']}") String myQuery.
5) The key to success here is to pass a placeholder value of null so that the compilation is successful.

Handling illegal character <0x1A> in database output

I am working on a data transformation pipeline which reads data from an Oracle SQL relational DB, writes it to an RDF triplestore, and then pulls it into JVM memory. The original database contains some cells which have string values starting with the Unicode character sometimes represented as <0x1a> or U+001A. This is probably in the database by mistake, but I have no control over this database and have to deal with it as is. I also can't modify the strings, as they are later used as primary keys to lookup information from other tables in the database (yes, I understand this is not ideal). I am working on Windows.
The cells containing this character are mapped to literal values in the triplestore. When attempting to pull and iterate through the data from the triplestore, I receive the following error due to the presence of the illegal character:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 1085; columnNumber: 14; An
invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1a) was found in the element content of
the document.
In case it's interesting, here's the code I'm using to iterate my results from the triplestore:
val cxn = getDatabaseConnection()
val query = getTriplestoreQuery()
val tupleQueryResult = cxn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query).evaluate()
// fails at this line when illegal XML character is discovered
while (tupleQueryResult.hasNext())
// do some stuff with the data
I'm struggling a bit because I have to find a way to pull this data into memory without modifying the strings as they currently exist in the database. I haven't been able to find an escape solution for this case yet. My last resort would be to catch the QueryEvaluationException and simply not process the damaged strings, but it would be preferable to be able to salvage this data.