Error Code: 1261. Row 16696 doesn't contain data for all columns - mysql-workbench

Trying to load a csv file in mysql but throws a error like this
load data infile'C:\Users\Documents\UiPath\40310011598\Unwanted file\CA0003100198-05-Jul-22.csv' into table output fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by'\n' ignore 1 rows Error Code: 1261. Row 16696 doesn't contain data for all columns
Thanks in Advance.


I have a file which have transaction Id and xml data which is separated by comma(,) .I want to have only the xml file by removing the tranction ID

I have a file which has transactionId and xml data in it and which is separated by comma(,) .
I want to have only the xml file by removing the tranction ID and process the xml data; but I am not able to do so in pyspark.
Method 1 - I followed:
I tried to read the file as csv then dropped the first column and concatenated rest others columns and writing the file as text format.
df_spike ='csv').option('delimiter',',').load(readLocation)
df_spike = df_spike.drop("\_c0")
columns = df_spike.columns
df_spike = df_spike.withColumn('fresh',concat_ws(",", \*\[col(x) for x in columns\]))
df_final ='fresh')
After writing this data in text format, when I am trying to read the data in XML, it is not reflecting all the rows.
Method 2 - I followed:
I read the data as text file and collected the element of the column one by one and removed the column one by one.
list_data = \[\]
for i in range(df_spike.count()):
df_collect = df_spike.collect()\[i\]\[0\]
df_list_data = df_collect\[12:\]
This method is working fine; but it is taking excessive time as it is traversing through one by one row of the data.
Is there any efficient method to achieve this?

Question/Resolved - "extra data after last expected column" Error when trying to import a csv file into postgresql

Just posting this question and the solution since it took forever for me to figure this out.
Using CSV file, I was trying to import data into PostgreSQL with pgAdmin. I kept running into the same issue of "extra data after last expected column."
Solution that worked for me (instead of using Import module): copy tablename (columns) FROM 'file location .csv' CSV HEADER
Since some of the data included multiple commas within the cell, it was counting as a new column each time.

Spring Batch Error Doesn't Have CSV Row Input

I'm unable to store the error getting registered in all the phases (parsing phase, business error, database error, invalid data error) in a csv file
Reason: The csv input row cannot be retrieved as the error method have only exception as parameter and not the actual csv row data. (Ex: parse exception alone has inputString method() and rest of the error handling phase doesn't have the input)
How to get the input row or the row being processed in all the stages of the spring batch job??
I need to create error csv with the following
CSV row columns + line number + error message + reason
If the error occurs during the read, then a FlatFileParseException will be passed to the SkipListener#onSkipInRead. This exception gives you the line number as well as the raw line read from the file.
If you want to intercept errors while processing, ie in SkipListener#onSkipInProcess, then it is up to you to write an exception class that has all details needed for error reporting. The item could be designed to carry the raw line it was read from.

Azure ADF Copy Activity with Trailing Column Delimiter

I have a strange source CSV file where it contains a trailing column delimiter at the end of each record just before the carriage return/new line.
When ADF is previewing this data, it displays only 2 columns without issue and all the data rows. However, when using the copy activity, it fails with the following exception.
name of column index 3 is empty. Make sure column name is properly
specified in the header
Now I understand why it's complaining about this due to trailing delimiter, but my question is whether or not there is a way to deal with this condition? I've tried including the trailing comma in the record delimiter (,\r\n), but then it just pivots the data where all the columns become rows.
Is there a way to address this condition in copy activity?
When preview the data in dataset, it seams correct:
But actually in copy actives, the data will derived to 3 columns by the column delimiter ",", the third column is empty or NULL value. This will cause the error.
If you use Data Flow import projection from source, you can see the third column:
Just for now, copy active doesn't support modify the data schema. You must use Data flow Derived Column to create a new schema for the source. For example:
Then mapping the new column/schema to sink will solve the problem.
Use a different encoding for your CSV. CSV utf-8 will do the trick.

Importing issue in postgresql using pgadmin 4

The file is not importing after having created a table. The first line of code is for the table (COPY), the second line of code is for the path of the file (FROM) and the WITH I am not entirely sure if there's a prior line of code that needs to be entered for its success as its not being highlighted in pink. The importing should be going through in either the built-in tool of pgAdmin or the syntax but neither of them generates the needed output. Here are some screenshots:
So I did another table, this time focusing on a single column and ensuring that the name of the column matched on both the table and the file and it worked. The prior example had several columns that had difference in spellings of the column content in table and the file:
You can try this sequentially...
1. First create csv file. .csv file column sequence is most important.
2. Consider the below employee_info.csv file
And consider your database table employee_info table which contain (emp_id [numeric],emp_name[character],emp_sal[numeric],emp_loc [character])
Then Execute the below query
a. copy employee_info(emp_id,emp_name,emp_sal,emp_loc) from 'C:\Users\Zbook\Desktop\employee_info.csv' DELIMITERS ',' CSV;
Note: Ensure that each .csv file row value has not null. Like below...